5 Olympic Sports Kids Can Play In NYC

Photo via Manhattan Fencing

With the Summer Olympics just around the corner, what better way for sports-loving kids to spend the summer than learning how to play some less common Olympic sports! There are plenty of venues in NYC that offer sports like water polo, fencing, and more–we’ve rounded up five great ones with options for kids!

Shot Put / Track and Field
Become America’s next Track and Field star and learn the basics of the sport with CityParks! For boys and girls ages 5-16, this program is running in parks in all five boroughs this summer. Activities include hurdles, long jump, discus, shot put, javelin, and track. Need more incentive to join in on the fun? Participants will have a unique opportunity upon the conclusion of the program to display the skills they have learned over the summer at an organized track meet held at Icahn Stadium, Randall’s Island’s own world-class sports complex. Check out the CityParks website for locations, times, and additional information. cityparksfoundation.org

This international pastime, one of the many versions of football played in England since the 19th Century, has a large presence for kids in New York City thanks in part to the initiative Play Rugby USA. Take part in Play Rugby’s Sports Leadership Academies and Rugby Academy, where everyone can play–from beginners learning the basics to elite players honing their skills. Everyone can develop as young individuals through fitness, academic, and leadership training. Learn more on Play Rugby’s website, find your team, and hit the field this summer! playrugbyusa.com

Does your child aspire to having skills like The Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen or Hawkeye from “The Avengers?” Hidden Gems Archery will teach them all about the sport of archery. Ranging from individual lessons to schools, camps, and group events, Hidden Gems will teach students various ways of bow shooting, including Olympic-style shooting! For more details regarding lessons, services, and the team of expert instructors,take aim at their website. hiddengemsarchery.com

Train to be this country’s next premier fencer at Manhattan Fencing! They have qualified more fencers for US National teams and the Olympics than any other club in the country in the last four years! In other words, with a remarkable facility, world class coaches, and dynamic programs, Manhattan Fencing is ideal for kids of all ages and skill levels trying to learn the basics or aiming to become a future Olympian! manhattanfencing.com

Water Polo
What better place to play a new sport during this summer’s scorching months than the pool? Asphalt Green offers instructional water polo classes in its Olympic-sized pool for ages 7-18. Kids gain basic water polo skills along with hand eye coordination, teamwork skills, and much more! asphaltgreen.org





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