My kids have seen the commercials on television and have been begging for weeks to go to Disney On Ice. I took my 5-year-old twin daughters to Disney on Ice Rockin’ Ever After at Prudential Center for their very first Disney experience. We had the opportunity to attend a Meet-and-Greet with some of the skaters and even Merida from Disney’s “Brave,” who was making her ice-skating debut. During the show, my girls lit up when the show started and screamed with childhood joy each time they saw a new character. I loved seeing them watch the show with grins from ear to ear. It was a special night that they’ll remember.
If you’re thinking of heading to this show this year (and you can score free tickets through NYMetroParents for Brooklyn and NJ shows!), consider some of these tips to help make it a fun experience for your family.
1. Find out about parking. I had never been to the venue and didn’t want to be driving around looking for budget-friendly and close parking, especially at night with little ones. I pre-paid online for parking and printed out my pass. It was very easy to get in and out of the lot and gave me one less thing to be concerned with at the event. Tip: Look around the venue’s site, check out parking sites for the best deals, and ask friends for advice about parking in advance.

2. Leave extra time. It could take time to park, go through security and wait in the line for the bathroom. There are also stands lining the hallways featuring plenty of things to buy to commemorate the night like light up toys, various crowns and plush Disney characters. It’s very tempting for the kids and as many parents, it was challenging to say “no” to my kids as they were jumping up and down. There is also face painting and more for additional cost to enjoy. Tip: Have a conversation with your kids about what you will or will not purchase for them at the event before you get there.
3. Bring costumes. I wasn’t sure if they’d want to dress up and heard that some kids did and some didn’t at the show. I’m glad I brought the dresses, because the minute they saw others dressed up, they wanted to wear theirs gowns too. Tip: Bring an extra bag. My kids wanted to take their gowns off after the show and it was helpful to have a place to put them.
4. Prepare for the venue. This event is indoors, but is on ice. I found it chilly and was glad I brought an extra sweatshirt for the kids to wear. Also, for some, the music could be loud, which scared one of my kids. I probably should have brought ear plugs because she is so sensitive to noise. Tip: Bringing in outside food may be prohibited at the venue. Expect to buy snacks like hot dogs and chicken nuggets, for lunch/dinner. It is stadium fare and pricing. Oh, the shaved ice in Disney cups, cotton candy, and popcorn that are sold before the show and during intermission will also be tempting, make sure to have cash! Bring wipes and hand sanitizer too, they both came in handy.
5. Nighttime routine. We saw a show that started at 7:30 p.m., which is usually the time my kids are in bed. I saw lots of young kids wearing their gowns over their pajamas. We left a bit before the show ended to give us time to go the bathroom, change in the car and get out before the rush. Tip: Have a pair of pajamas in the car and anything they might need to sleep, like their favorite stuffed animal or lovie, if going to a night show. Thankfully, mine fell right asleep for the car ride home.
If you’ve gone, what are your favorite tips?
Arin lives in Westchester with her family. She works with Parent Groups for NYMetroParents. Are you a parent group leader? Contact Arin: