5 Tips to Set Yourself up for Success This School Year, 7th Grader Gives Kid to Kid Advice
The beginning of a new school year provides you with a fresh slate. New grade, new teachers, and an older and wiser you! If you take some time to plan things out you’ll make things easier on yourself while setting yourself up for success. Here are 5 things that you can do to get yourself ready for the school year.
Make a schedule or a list
Whether you are online or in person you have to be ready either way. Make a schedule for yourself before school starts so you can ensure you have time for everything that you need (and want!) to do. Make sure to include homework, any after-school activities and even time to relax before bedtime. If you’re feeling good, you can even search for more advanced templates online. No matter which format you choose, a list or schedule will only help if you pay attention to it and use it. Be sure to keep it where you can refer to it regularly.
Set up an area where you can focus and study
Remember when I said set yourself up for success? Well, the environment that you study in makes a big difference. Your study area can be in your room, in the kitchen or even the dining room table. Before you set up, make sure that the area you select allows you to focus without getting distracted. After you find your spot, remove anything that might take you off task. That includes electronics you are not using and toys. Make sure you have a desk or a table that you can make your own (at least for the time you’re studying). Feel free to add school supplies, a fluffy chair, or even a diffuser with your favorite scent. One more thing, make sure there is a clock that you can use to help you use your time wisely.
Map out your plan for the coming year
Whether you are going into 4th grade or 8th grade it’s important to make a plan. When you set goals for yourself, it helps you to see where you are going and work hard to achieve them. You can make your plan mentally, on paper or online – the important part is spending time thinking through your year and listing the items you want to accomplish. Some things on your plan may be studying for standardized tests, reading a certain number of books, achieving something specific in an extracurricular activity (getting a karate belt or mastering a song on the violin), or even spending extra time learning about different careers or high schools. Whatever it is, make sure it’s in your plan.
Keep safety in mind
Every new school year begins with buying school supplies. This year because of the pandemic there are special school supplies just for safety, including hand sanitizer and masks. Test out your mask in advance to ensure it fits properly, is safe, and that you can wear it for the length of a school day. Then, buy enough so that you can switch them without having to do laundry every day. Regular hand washing is important, but sanitizer also helps for the times in between.
Make time to read
After you’re completely ready for the school year make sure you leave time in your schedule to read for a little while each day. Reading has been proven to… Improve your memory and increase your vocabulary and comprehension. It also helps you to relax and unwind. Reading lets you escape from reality and makes you feel like you are in a different world. You can find any type or genre of books in the library. Ask your teacher or local librarian for a reading list for your grade level, and ask friends for recommendations too. Once you find a book or series you like you can always look for similar books or authors, and don’t be afraid to try other genres too!
With just a bit of planning, you can set yourself up for a great year. Remember, you don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to make an honest effort to put thought into the school year before it starts! Happy planning!
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