The only thing missing from “Babar: The Movie,” Alan Bunce’s animated, feature-length film that was re-released last month on DVD after nine long years, is the popcorn.
The G-rated film portrays the grand adventure of young King Babar, who has been enlisted by his friend Celeste to rescue her family from the terrible rhino, Rataxes, and his army.
The riveting tale is often hilarious, and boasts a rich vocabulary and fantastic music, including the “Committee Song” written by Phil Balsam of “Fraggle Rock” fame and the “Elephantland March,” written by Maribeth Solomon.
The DVD’s bonus feature is the classic “Babar” television episode, “Monkey Business,” which is a Simian take on the-boy-who-cried-wolf parable.
“Babar” is truly a must-see film, and the whole family will want to “join in the celebration!”
“Babar: The Movie” DVD, $14.98,