Let’s face it: The Internet does not always make our lives easier. This is especially true if you are a parent looking for quality information. One (fairly) new parenting website, Bundoo, aims to make your life easier by offering reliable content.

Bundoo, which was founded by a retired physician, is led by a team of doctors and healthcare professionals, all dedicated to bridging the gap between doctors and patients.
Here is a brief Q & A with CEO Stephanie Winans.
What was the motivation behind the development of Bundoo?
Many parents turn to the Internet for help, and there aren’t many trusted resources written for the parent. There are rogue sites whose information can’t be trusted. There are sites that mix trusted content and blogs written by the average mom, making it difficult to discern what’s accurate. And there are medical information websites that are accurate but often difficult to understand.
Bundoo.com is the space between: A safe place where everything is written for parents by doctors.
Who is Bundoo’s core audience?
We serve pregnancy planning through preschool, with a special focus on expecting moms and moms of 0-12 month-olds.
What is Bundoo’s key feature/core service for the new or expectant parent?
Our three features are a reference library full of articles, a private ask-the-doctor tele-health service, and an expert-moderated social forum. These three features on Bundoo all share one thing in common: expecting and new parents can connect with doctors and experts directly to discuss the issues that matter most.
We’re bridging the gap between doctors and parents.
Who are the physicians behind Bundoo?
Bundoo was founded by a retired physician, Dr. Lewis Warshauer, and is led by a team of doctors and healthcare professionals. Our physicians are Board Certified, fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) or American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (ACOG), and have a passion for patient education.
They are parents themselves, and believe that giving every parent access to accurate healthcare information can lead to smarter decisions, resulting in healthier babies and healthier families.
Is there anything new or coming up that Bundoo would like to highlight?
Sign up for our week-by-week emails at bundoo.com. Whether you’re pregnant or have a little one, our development articles are written and reviewed by doctors and full of the information providers think is key for your baby’s development.
What sets Bundoo apart in this field?
Our mission sets us apart: we aim to make the Internet reliable for parents.
To learn more, visit bundoo.com!