Aaron School, aaronschool.org
The Abraham Joshua Heschel School, heschel.org
The Alexander Robertson School, alexanderrobertson.org
The Allen-Stevenson School, allen-stevenson.org
AltSchool, altschool.com
Ascension School, ascensionschoolnyc.org
Avenues: The World School, avenues.org
Bank Street School for Children, bankstreet.edu/school-children
BASIS Independent Brooklyn, brooklyn.basisindependent.com
BASIS Independent Manhattan, manhattan.basisindependent.com
Bay Ridge Preparatory School, bayridgeprep.org
The Beekman School, beekmanschool.org
The Berkeley Carroll School, berkeleycarroll.org
The Birch Wathen Lenox School, bwl.org
Blue School, blueschool.org
The Brearley School, brearley.org
The British International School of New York, bis-ny.org
Brooklyn Friends School, brooklynfriends.org
Brooklyn Heights Montessori School, bhmsny.org
The Browning School, browning.edu
The Buckley School, buckleyschool.org
The Caedmon School, caedmonschool.org
The Calhoun School, calhoun.org
Cathedral High School, cathedralhs.org
The Cathedral School, cathedralschoolny.org
The Cathedral School of St. John the Divine, cathedralnyc.org
The Chapin School, chapin.edu
The Child School/Legacy High School, thechildschool.org
Churchill School & Center for Learning Disabilities, churchillschool.com
City And Country School, cityandcountry.org
Collegiate School, collegiateschool.org
Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School, cgps.org
Convent of the Sacred Heart, cshnyc.org
The Cooke Center for Learning and Development, cookecenter.org
Corlears School, corlearsschool.org
The Dalton School, dalton.org
Dwight School, dwight.edu
Dwight-Englewood School, d-e.org
École Internationale de New York, einy.org
Elisabeth Morrow School, elisabethmorrow.org
Ethical Culture Fieldston School, ecfs.org
French-American School of New York, fasny.org
French Institute Alliance Française, fiaf.org
Friends Seminary, friendsseminary.org
Fusion Academy, fusionacademy.com
Garden School, gardenschool.org
The Gateway School, gatewayschool.org
The Geneva School of Manhattan, genevaschool.net
The Gillen Brewer School (GBS), gillenbrewer.com
Golda Och Academy, goldaochacademy.org
Good Shepherd School, gsschoolnyc.org
Grace Church School, gcschool.org
Greene Hill School, greenehillschool.org
Green Meadow Waldorf School, gmws.org
Hannah Senesh Community Day School, hannahsenesh.org
The Hewitt School, hewittschool.org
Horace Mann School, horacemann.org
The Ideal School and Academy, theidealschool.org
International School of Brooklyn, isbrooklyn.org
The Kew-Forest School, kewforest.org
Kinneret Day School, kinneretdayschool.org
La Scuola d’Italia Guglielmo Marconi, lascuoladitalia.org
Lawrence Woodmere Academy, lawrencewoodmere.org
LearningSpring School, learningspring.org
Léman Manhattan Preparatory School, lemanmanhattan.org
Leport Schools, leportschools.com/brooklyn
Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School, lrei.org
Loyola School, loyolanyc.org
Lucy Moses School at Kaufman Music Center, kaufmanmusiccenter.org/lms
Lycée Francais De New York, lfny.org
Lyceum Kennedy, lyceumkennedy.org
The Mandell School, mandellschool.org
Manhattan Country School, manhattancountryschool.org
Manhattan Day School, mdsweb.org
Marymount School of New York, marymountnyc.org
Masters School, mastersny.org
Metropolitan Montessori School, mmsny.org
The Montessori Family School of Manhattan, 212-688-5950
New Amsterdam School, newamsterdamschool.org
The New York International School, nyis.org
The Nightingale-Bamford School, nightingale.org
Nord Anglia International School New York, nordangliaeducation.com
The Packer Collegiate Institute, packer.edu
Park East Day School, parkeastdayschool.org
The Parkside School, parksideschool.org
Pine Street School, pinestreetschool.com
Poly Prep Country Day School, polyprep.org
Portfolio School, portfolio-school.com
Professional Children’s School, pcs-nyc.org
The Ramaz School, ramaz.org
The Reece School, reeceschool.org
Regis High School, regis.org
Riverdale Country School, riverdale.edu
Robert Louis Stevenson School, stevenson-school.org
Rodeph Sholom School, rodephsholomschool.org
Ross School, ross.org
The Rudolf Steiner School, steiner.edu
Saint Albans School, saintalbansnyc.com
Saint Ann’s School, saintannsny.org
Saint David’s School, saintdavids.org
Saint Thomas Choir School, choirschool.org
The School at Columbia University, theschool.columbia.edu
The Smith School, smithschool.org
Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan, sssm.org
Solomon Schechter School of Westchester, schechterwestchester.org
The Spence School, spenceschool.org
The Speyer Legacy School, speyerlegacyschool.org
St. Bernard’s School, stbernards.org
St. Hilda’s and St. Hugh’s School, sthildas.org
St. Ignatius Loyola School, saintignatiusloyolaschool.com
St. John’s Prep, stjohnsprepschool.org
St. Luke’s School, stlukeschool.org
Staten Island Academy, statenislandacademy.org
Stephen Gaynor School, stephengaynor.org
Stevens Cooperative School, stevenscoop.org
The Studio School, studioschoolnyc.org
The Town School, thetownschool.org
Trevor Day School, trevor.org
Trinity School, trinityschoolnyc.org
United Nations International School, unis.org
Villa Maria Academy, vma-ny.org
Village Community School (VCS), vcsnyc.org
West End Day School, westenddayschool.org
The Windsor School, thewindsorschool.com
Winston Preparatory School, winstonprep.edu
Williamsburg Northside Schools, willnorth.org
Windward School, thewindwardschool.org
West End Day School, westenddayschool.org
Xavier High School, xavierhs.org
York Preparatory School, yorkprep.org
Relevant Directory Listings
See MorePusteblume International Preschool
<p>Pusteblume is a licensed, non-profit, independent preschool for children ages 2-5 with German and Spanish language immersion. Our school also offers after-school and enrichment programs for school-age children that are open to students from other schools. The Pusteblume curriculum is built around inquiry and exploration in the classroom, the school community and the vibrant city that surrounds us. Our native -speaking faculty teaches language, visual arts, music, movement, literacy, science and mathematical concepts in a fun and warm learning environment that cultivates the growth and development of your child.</p> <p>Visit&nbsp;<a href="https://click.mlsend2.com/link/c/YT0yMjAxMDM4Nzc2NTk4MjY5NTAwJmM9bjF5MSZlPTUzODc5MDY0JmI9MTEyNzI4MTY4MSZkPXc2djZjMXA=.6rAm8l9Frk9fzx3Z7i9E4v0syAMI5uWZYYFfbgyOgpA" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://click.mlsend2.com/link/c/YT0yMjAxMDM4Nzc2NTk4MjY5NTAwJmM9bjF5MSZlPTUzODc5MDY0JmI9MTEyNzI4MTY4MSZkPXc2djZjMXA%3D.6rAm8l9Frk9fzx3Z7i9E4v0syAMI5uWZYYFfbgyOgpA&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1686317377113000&amp;usg=AOvVaw1aULaapal3O96ad-WNvphj">www.pusteblumenyc.org</a>&nbsp;to learn more and schedule your personal tour.</p>
Paché Montessori
<p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Located in a newly renovated landmark building amidst the beautiful brownstones of Cobble Hill. Carefully crafted with the developmental needs of children in mind, classrooms offer children calm, peaceful environments to explore the rich Montessori learning materials.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Pach&eacute; Montessori is a community-oriented, value-driven Montessori school with highly trained educators located on Court Street in Cobble Hill. The name, Pach&eacute;, comes from the Italian word for peace (&ldquo;pace&rdquo;), and this guiding principle is at the heart of everything we do. The school serves children from birth (3 months) through 6 years old (Kindergarten) and offer a Spanish Immersion option for their Toddler and Primary students.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Their beautiful 25,000 square foot school contains a large rooftop playground, an indoor gross motor space with a climbing wall, and a second-floor terrace for outdoor gardening and learning.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Mott Hall Charter School
<p>Located in the Morrisania neighborhood of the South Bronx, the Mott Hall Charter School is a middle school for grades 6, 7 and 8. In its 12 th year, Mott Hall continues to live by its motto &ldquo;RISE to the Challenge&rdquo;; and through these RISE core values - Responsibility, Integrity, Scholarship, and Excellence - scholars are taught the character skills to overcome obstacles and are introduced to these attributes from the moment they walk through the door and reinforced throughout their time at Mott Hall.</p> <p>The Mott Hall Charter School teaches for the 21st Century through its unique approach to learning, providing a holistic educational experience grounded in evidence-based research on how students learn best. Mott Hall accomplishes this through a whole child approach, not merely addressing content but focusing on the key elements of mind, body, character, and social emotional health. Its distinctive mission prepares scholars to succeed in top high schools, colleges, and careers, becoming inquisitive, open-minded, and compassionate citizens of the world.</p> <p>Mott Hall Charter School offers a rigorous academic program grounded in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. Scholars are required to take three years of foreign language, coursework in the arts, and have the opportunity for Regents level classes in mathematics and science in 8th grade. All classes integrate technology and utilize elements of the AVID College and Career Readiness program to provide scholars with the organizational, time management, and study skills they need to succeed.</p> <p>Mott Hall Charter School&rsquo;s programs include access to community-based organizations focused on mentoring, adult civics classes, adult ESL classes, computer science classes, engaging online platforms to increase student learning, after school and Saturday tutoring, art, music, softball, basketball, and much more! Mott Hall is now offering a 6/7 Bridge 12:1:1 self-contained classroom: 1 classroom, 12 scholars, 1 educational teacher, and 1 full-time Special Education teacher.</p>