Did you ever wonder what an historic art masterpiece would look like displayed on a super-grand scale, on the enormous digital billboards that light up NYC’s Times Square? Get ready to be amazed. Starting this week, with the push of a button, the “crossroads-of-the-world” began to display images of over 50 classic and contemporary works of American art, officially marking the start of Art Everywhere U.S. (August 4-31).
In addition to New York, as many as 50,000 digital and static displays in all 50 states—billboards on city streets and rural highways, bus shelters and subway platforms, airport displays, trailers in movies theaters and more—will present the largest outdoor art show ever conceived, as a nationwide celebration of America’s artistic heritage.
The images, which span over 200 years of American art, are drawn from the collections of five major museums across the country. The museums have collaborated with the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, and the choice of artwork was selected through a public, online vote at ArtEverywhereUS.org. The site now functions as an interactive art gallery where visitors may retrieve information about the selected works, read about art history in the U.S., check which works are in their vicinity, and find the location of specific works in all 50 states.
Art Everywhere launched in the U.K. last year, but is now the first of its kind here in the U.S. Kids love big things. Now families can experience art in a truly unique, exciting (and big!) way.