An Ode To Motherhood

Before I was a mommy, my ideal evening was dinner at a new restaurant and catching up with good friends. Now with my baby weight clinging to me like slutty clothes to Lindsay Lohan, and an inability to stay awake past 8:30 p.m., nights out have lost their allure. I am now powerless to talk about anything other than kid-related topics.

Before I was a mommy, Sundays meant reading The New York Times and watching “60 Minutes” at night. Now my version of current affairs is keeping up with the Kardashians. I’ve traded “Dateline” for Barney and Kings of Leon for the Fresh Beat Band. Most of the time I find out about breaking world news from reading my friends’ Facebook updates on my phone while trying to sneak breakfast food into my toddler’s mouth.

Before I was a mommy, I would exercise five days a week religiously. Now my new uniform is those Lululemon workout pants that make everyone look 10 pounds thinner without actually needing to go to the gym. If I lived outside of Manhattan I’m sure I’d be sporting a terry cloth robe and a coffee mug that says something like “Sleep Is Overrated” or “Mommy Needs Coffee.”

Before I was a mommy, I used to be great at maintaining relationships with friends near and far. Now keeping in touch means I run into you on the street, in Planet Kids or I see your updates on Facebook. I no longer have a sympathetic ear for most non-parenting related issues. Sorry single friends, I know dating is really hard but so is potty training. Your boss is a poor communicator? Try working with a teething toddler seven days a week. But tell me your kid regularly gets up at 4 a.m. and I can commiserate with you for hours.

Before I was a mommy, I used to think multi-tasking was doing two things at once. Now I know that anything less than three actions at once is for the childless. Look at any Manhattan mom on the street. She, like me, is no doubt pushing a stroller while shopping, talking on the phone, and getting a snack for her kid. This is actually the test you have to take before they’ll sell you a Bugaboo. Bonus points for moms of twins or those who include texting in the mix.

Before I was a mommy, I used to be a typical Type A-get-things-done kind of girl. Now I have perma-“mommy brain,” and will almost assuredly forget something you may have just told me five minutes ago. You know what that’s all about? That’s your lips moving while my mind is thinking, “What am I going to make for dinner? Is Gabe’s next doctor’s appointment Thursday or Friday? Do I have time to go to the supermarket and also pick up that birthday gift before I have to be home for Max’s nap?”

Before I was a mommy, I had “me” time in abundance. Now with a baby and a toddler, what used to pass as free time with one kid is just about obliterated with two. When I text you back LMK for Let Me Know it’s not because I’m trying to be hip, it’s because that’s all I have time to type before my oldest wants to play First Words on my iPhone. I actually had to choose the other day between replacing a roll of toilet paper and brushing my teeth and I’m not going to say which one won.

Before I was a mommy I used to think multi-tasking was doing two things at once. Now I know that anything less than three actions at once is for the childless.

Before I was a mommy, I never realized how much better my life was going to be with my two boys. Now it’s as though the sheer force of love I have for my two boys has forced all the other stuff out of my brain. No room left for minutiae. Everything I used to care about no longer matters. I’m living in Happily Ever After. r

Robin Saks Frankel is the founder of Crib Notes, a free monthly e-newsletter for parents of kids ages 0 to 3, and Facebook’s “The Greatest Friday Playgroup Ever!,” a weekly playgroup for uptown moms.

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Camp Kulanu

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Early Childhood Camp at The Riverdale Y. Offers all the services and amenities of the school and the Community Center including on-site swim instruction, outdoor play and many enrichment opportunities.</span></p>

Rodeph Sholom School Day Camp

<p>Rodeph Sholom School Day Camp is devoted to celebrating the joys of childhood. Our enthusiastic and compassionate staff are dedicated to providing a memorable, safe, and fun summer experience where children pursue passions while gaining new experiences. Our thoughtful, age appropriate programming enables children to grow as individuals and make lifelong friendships.</p> <p>This Summer, we believe kids need camp more than ever!</p> <p>More friendships than ever!</p> <p>More community building than ever!</p> <p>More connection making than ever!</p> <p>More activities than ever!</p> <p>More joy than ever!</p> <p>More ruach (spirit) than ever!</p> <p>More camp magic than ever! </p> <p>More FUN THAN EVER! </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Who We Are</strong></p> <p>Rodeph Sholom School Day Camp engages children <strong>ages Three through 6th Grade</strong> through experiences that help build a positive sense of self, strong peer relationships, skill development in a range of areas, exposure to new and existing passions.</p> <p>We are a strong community that celebrates each individual. Our camp feels like home to all of our campers and staff.</p> <p><strong>Our Mission</strong></p> <p>Our strong culture and community allows each child to discover new passions, create life-long friendships, and find a strong sense of belonging</p> <p><strong>Pursuit of Passion Elective Program</strong></p> <p>All of our rising 1st through 6th graders will have a two-hour long elective period daily, which is a chance to pursue an old or new passion. At the beginning of each two week session, campers have a chance to sign up for their Pursuit of Passion elective, or if they’d like, they can sign up for a mix of two passions to explore. After their Pursuit of Passion period ends in the morning, campers will return to their bunk group for a day full of sports, arts, swim, and more.</p> <p><strong>Possible Pursuits of Passion programs include:</strong></p> <p>- Sports (Floor Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Skateboarding, Gymnastics, etc.)</p> <p>- Chess</p> <p>- Woodworking</p> <p>- Studio Arts</p> <p>- Hebrew</p> <p>- Performance Arts</p> <p>- Music (Rock band, DJing, Acapella)</p> <p>- Cooking</p> <p>- Business and Debate</p> <p>- Outdoor Adventure</p> <p>- Architecture</p> <p>- STEM Based Programming</p>

Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research

<h1><strong>Summer Science Camps for Tomorrow’s Medical Professionals</strong></h1> <p>We offer a variety of workshops on molecular medicine for high-achieving high school<br />and middle school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related<br />fields, such as biomedical research, drug development, pharmacy, bioengineering, or nursing.  Workshops are taught by PhD-level instructors with years of research and teaching experience. Camps are offered in summer and winter and there are online and in-person options available.  </p> <p>Through engaging lectures and hands-on laboratory classes, students learn normal molecular and cellular biology, and then learn how these normal processes are disrupted or distorted during the development of disease. There is a heavy emphasis on experimental design, modern drug development, and the emergence of the era of personalized medicine. To conclude the workshop, students use what they have learned to create an original research project. More broadly, workshop attendees strengthen their academic skills, build their college portfolio, and explore potential career options while making friends from around the world and experiencing college dorm life in a safe environment.</p> <p>Our university-based workshops are held at Columbia University, Imperial College London, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego, and both residential and commuter options are available.   University-based workshops include Molecular Neuroscience, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Astrobiology, AI-Enhanced Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology of Aging, Neurological Bioinformatics, Molecular Immunology, Bioinformatics of Aging, and Bioinformatics of Cancer.  Biomedical Research – a workshop focused on learning modern molecular biology laboratory techniques - is taught at our lab in the Bay Area, CA.</p> <p>Our online workshops include Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics.  Intro to Cellular and Molecular Medicine is our entry-level workshop that is only two hours/day.  Students in the Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics workshops learn how to use online tools to analyze biochemical data.</p>