About the Author
Jenny Rosenstrach
I’m Jenny, the founding editor of DALS, author of the New York Times Bestselling Dinner: The Playbook (Ballantine); Dinner: A Love Story (Ecco/HarperCollins); and How to Celebrate Everything. I have never worked in a restaurant or gone to culinary school. Until I was 18, I thought Betty Crocker cakes qualified as “from scratch,” and that garlic was best purchased with a McCormick label on it. I have, however, spent much of my professional life attempting to redeem myself, editing food and features for various websites and magazines including (most recently) Cup of Jo, Bon Appetit, Martha Stewart Living, Cookie (R.I.P), and Real Simple. It was at Real Simple where my first daughter was born in 2002 (my next came along 20 months later) and where I made a deal with myself: I would only continue to work full time if I was able to put a meal on the table for my family more often than not. I did it — at the expense of many other things, namely, all those novels by Jonathans who lived in Brooklyn — but I did it, and through posts and features here at Dinner: A Love Story, I hope to show you how.