The Bay Terrace Shopping Center in Bayside, recently renovated the AMC Movie Theatre, and opened a new of HomeGoods store.
The Bay Terrace is owned and managed by Cord Meyer Development LLC. According to Mary K. Hughes, Vice President of Leasing, the AMC Movie Theatre now offers reclining seats, contemporary concession stands, among other modernized upgrades.
Joy Mangone, Cord Meyer’s Leasing Assistant, added that AMC decided to offer the community a more updated and appealing theater.
The new HomeGoods, which opened on Sunday, October 16th, is expected to be a major part of the shopping center.
“We are extremely excited to welcome HomeGoods to the center and have received positive feedback from the Bayside community and surrounding areas. We, at Cord Meyer, are confident that Home Goods will be a perfect fit for the center”, says Hughes.
The Bay Terrace Shopping Center has much to offer your friends and family, with a friendly community and dedicated merchants.
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