Best Breast Buys

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! (Or Happy National Breastfeeding Month if you’re reading this after the first week of August.) What a year it has been for breastfeeding—from the contentious TIME magazine cover to news coverage across the nation, breastfeeding has been the center of parenting debates. Campaigns going on around the country this month encourage women to breastfeed for at least the first six months after birth, but we’re not here to tell you how to make a very personal parenting choice. That being said, for women who do choose to breastfeed, we’ve compiled a list of gear and other goods that will help you on your journey to master this motherly task.

Nursing Pillows


Nursing pillows are a must for breastfeeding moms—they help you and your baby stay comfortable during those all-important feedings. My Brest Friend snaps around your body to fully support the baby while feeding and comes with a pocket to keep anything you need within reach. And twin moms rejoice—they make a pillow for two. Alternatively, the Boppy pillow is perfect for lots of activities. It’s excellent for feeding and also makes a great lounging or tummy time pillow.,

Nursing Covers

For those who want to cover up when breastfeeding in public, a nursing cover can keep your private time with the baby concealed. Bebe Au Lait is the champion of covers; special technology keeps the cover open and away from the baby so airflow and eye contact are still possible. For those with less space in the diaper bag, MiniMe BabyGear created the Breastfeeding Buddy, a clip that will turn any blanket into a nursing cover, saving you money and space. Many babies, however, don’t like covers—and that’s where MoBoleez comes in. Its breastfeeding hats cover the baby’s head, protecting him or her from sun, while also shielding your body from the public.,,


Shopping for flattering and functional nursingwear can be daunting. Glamourmom has long been a favorite of nursing moms for style and convenience. We love their Nursing Bra Long Tank (available with tummy control). It’s quite stylish, so most people won’t even know you’re wearing a nursing top. The same can be said about BOOB nursing tops. The super cute short-sleeved shirt is a reliable pick. Purchasing Bravado’s Essential Nursing Tank is like getting two tops for the price of one; the stretchy material is perfect for a growing belly and the built-in nursing bra is perfect post-pregnancy. And don’t forget about PJs. Aimee Nursing Pajamas are braless, keep nursing pads in place (if you use them), and allow room for your shrinking tummy. Belabumbum’s Colette Ruffle Chemise is a comfortable sleepwear gem that will help moms feel beautiful. For the dreaded social event or regular workday when you know you’ll need to nurse or pump, look no further than the Milk Keyhole Dress (or any of the Milk brand’s threads). It’s comfortable, dressy, and easy to nurse in.,,,,, 


Bravado’s Allure Underwire Nursing Bra

A good nursing bra is invaluable. You want one that’s easy to use and doesn’t look like something your great-grandmother would wear. Cake Lingerie adds the sexy factor to easy feeding, while La Leche League International is known for its comfortable and affordable wire and no wire varieties. Bravado’s Allure Underwire Nursing Bra features spacing fabric, which is lightweight, breathable, and allows air to circulate while hiding breast pads. And if you’re pumping, make sure to check out the Medela Easy Expression Bustier and the PumpEase Hands Free Pumping Bra; both are created so you can pump sans hands.,,,,

Breast Care

Lansinoh HPA Lanolin

Any mother who has breastfed will tell you that doing so has side effects you might not expect. Lansinoh HPA Lanolin is the best of breast creams; mothers have been using it for years to help relieve the pain that comes with nursing. Bamboobies are economical and washable nursing pads that are fantastic for absorbing any leakage without showing through most clothes. For a night out on the town, try LilyPadz Nursing Pads. They put gentle pressure on the breast to keep it from leaking, are reusable, and are designed not to show through tops.,,


A pump gives Mom a break and Dad (or grandma/grandpa/baby nurse) a chance to bond with the baby. Medela’s Pump In Style Advanced is a terrific option. Though a bit pricy, it comes in a tote bag so you can take it anywhere, and it features Medela’s patented 2-Phase Expression technology that pumps just as your baby would feed. Ameda Purely Yours is another great choice, with a regular and a pricier ultra version that comes with tons of accessories. Both versions come with CustomControl to monitor suction and speed, a CustomFit Flange System, and a car adapter (for when you’re stuck in New York traffic). The First Years miPump Double Electric breast pump is an affordable, under $100 option for moms who don’t want the fancier versions, and it even includes bottles.,,


BARE Bottle

Picking the right bottle is important to avoid confusing your baby when switching back and forth between breastfeeding and bottles. The First Years Breastflow Bottle’s patented 2-in-1 nipple allows the baby to control the flow of breast milk. The Adiri NxGen Nurser not only feeds like a breast, it’s shaped like one too. The similar feel and flow is the ultimate in comfort. Another great option is the BARE Bottle—the only air-free bottle on the market with a nipple that extends and retracts when feeding.,,

Breastfeeding Books

While reading may fall off your to-do list after having a child, you should take a few moments to check out If These Boobs Could Talk. The hilarious take on motherhood will make you feel a little less lonely and a little more sane. For practical advice, get Mama Knows Breast, which is full of handy tips on all things breastfeeding.,


After pumping, you need to make sure your milk is stored properly. Moms love the Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags; they’re strong, pre-sterilized, and BPA-free. For those who feel like they’re losing precious milk that gets stuck to the side of the bag, try the Sensible Lines Milk Tray. Milk is frozen in one-ounce serving trays, eliminating waste and taking up very little freezer space.,

Many moms will admit to “momnesia”—their uncanny habit of forgetting even the simplest things. Milk Bands Nursing Bracelets were created to help you remember the most important thing: your baby’s feedings. They’re designed so you can know which breast was used last and even track how long or what time your baby fed.

Nursery Works’ Cole Glider

The Nursery Works’ Cole Glider and Ottoman isn’t your average rocking chair. The ottoman has a storage shelf underneath, which is the perfect solution for any city apartment’s cramped quarters. The glider and ottoman combo can adapt to any living space after the baby stops nursing.

Our next Baby Show will take place the weekend of May 18-19, 2013 in NYC. See you at the show! And be sure to sign up for the New York Family Baby newsletter.

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Sports Academy at the Park Slope Day Camp

<p dir="ltr">Sports Academy is the perfect camp for athletes of any experience. Drills & skills are supplemented with team and individual sports. Traditional camp activities, theme days, sports on the beach, trips and the pool add spirit and variety.</p> <p dir="ltr">Each week is an action-packed experience. From soccer to volleyball, baseball, karate, fencing and more, Sports Academy’s coaching team will help your child develop their confidence, skills, and value effort over outcome.</p> <p dir="ltr">Options to mix and match with Take the Stage and Traditional Camp.</p> <p dir="ltr">Extended hours & transportation from most Brooklyn neighborhoods available.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span id="docs-internal-guid-2494f89e-7fff-d5f4-e66b-31c43dadf084">For campers entering grades 1 - 6.</span></p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-2494f89e-7fff-d5f4-e66b-31c43dadf084"><strong>Register while discounts are at their highest.</strong> </span></p>

Village Kids Day Camp

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0px; caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: LucidaGrande;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Great mix of outdoor fun and indoor activities led by experienced, creative team. Multiple sports and enrichment options including art, chess, parkour, dance, cooking, robotics, tennis, field trips, water parks, thematic parties, and more! Open during school breaks and select holidays. The 2024 Summer program will run from July 8 to Aug 16 and is open from 9am to 5pm. Families love our flexible enrollment. No minimum required. Select 1-6 Weeks or DropIn Summer Days. Early Bird and bundle discounts available. Located in Manhattan’s historic West Village (PS 3 building). Open to ages 4-12.</span></p> <p> </p>

Buck's Rock Performing and Creative Arts Camp

<p>Buck’s Rock Camp is a freedom-of-choice creative and performing arts camp for teenagers ages 10 to 17. Every summer at Buck’s Rock is completely different. The campers who join us each year make the summer their own adventure, and the camp constantly evolves and changes to meet the needs of that year’s campers. So to answer the question “What is Buck’s Rock?” is simple: it is a safe space where young people can grow into whatever they want and need to be. </p> <p>The day at Buck’s Rock starts at 7:30am and ends at 10:15pm. What happens in between is as varied as our campers and as friendly as our beautiful campus. Every day at Buck’s Rock is different. What doesn’t change: our stunning pastoral setting, committed, professional counselors, and a camper-to-counselor ratio of 2:1.  </p> <p> </p> <p>Every day at Buck’s Rock is a new opportunity for self-discovery and creative expression. From the professionally-equipped studios and exciting performance spaces, to the state-of-the-art recording facilities and pool, campers are free to try anything and everything! Over 30 world-class programs await our artists every day, including everything from glassblowing to dance to painting to sketch comedy to radio to weaving to gardening and so much more!</p> <p> </p> <p>Many generations of Buck’s Rockers, including campers, their parents, and decades of dedicated staff make up our unique community. Just one summer at Buck’s Rock will make you a life-long member of our big, creative family. We can’t wait for you to join us!</p> <p> </p> <p>Tiered Tuition System based on gross annual income and household size; $0-$12,000</p> <p> </p> <p>Age: 10-17 years old</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>