This week’s round-up of classes (and other helpful or fun
experiences) for new and expecting parents include:—
1. The Mamas Network and New York Hall of Science present the Second Annual Mamas Expo
on Saturday, May 5. Open to all parents and families with children ages
0-5, the expo provides access to some of the best local services, specialists and products in Queens and throughout NYC. For info, click here.
2. Eastside Westside Music Together: Introducing music to kids a a very yong age lies at the core of Music Together’s mission. Their Babies Class (3-6 months) does just that, along with teaching parents about music development in infants. You also learn at-home musical activities to do with your baby.
3. If Mama needs a brand new (diaper) bag head to the Shop Lucky Finds’
Consignment Sale & Trunk Show at the Museum of Motherhood. It’s a great way
to stock up on designer gear for your tot, for less.