Contributors: Meghan
Here’s a weekly roundup of parenting articles that piqued
our interest. Enjoy! —
Oscar style advice from a pair of sharp 4- and 6-year-old sisters. We wish these little ones had been doing red carpet coverage
live! (Mom-101)
In case you missed it, have you heard of the latest coffee
house trend? Babyccinos!
No, we’re not kidding. (The Brooklyn
Linsanity got ya? Join the Jeremy
Lin craze and learn about his upbringing and his tight-knit family. (New York Times)
Slow cookers have been making a comeback, especially as busy
working parents still crave real food for their families—in spite of shortened
after-work free time. For a list of great
slower cooker cook books, and some food for thought, check out this recent
post on the Public Library’s blog. (NYPL)
The iconic wrap dress is not just for moms anymore. Here is
a preview of Diane von Furstenberg’s upcoming
collection at GapKids. (The
Huffington Post Canada)
Meatballs, ever popular among little ones, are quickly
becoming the new trend in restaurants. Check out these meatball-themed
restaurants, including NYC’s very own Meatball
Shop! (CNN)
Douglas Kennedy, son of Robert Kennedy, was arrested at a New
York hospital for endangering the welfare of a child
when he took
his newborn son outside the hospital for a walk. Are these rules too harsh,
or were nurses simply looking after the baby’s wellbeing? (Fox News)
When superstition trumps science! Old wives tales seem to
reign among pregnancy
worries around the world. (Babble)
Brush up on your Mom-Ed with Alice Bradley and Eden
Kennedy’s Childbirth 101 series. The latest episode is on the end of the third
trimester and all of its symptoms. Warning: you may laugh a little. (Finslippy)
And before we go, Happy Leap Year! Find out what it’s like being
born on the most elusive day of the year. (Daily Mail)