Best Of The Web: March 21-27

Contributors: Meghan

Here’s a weekly roundup of parenting articles that piqued
our interest. Enjoy! —

Did you know that March 21 is Single Parents’ Day? We offer a round of applause to those pulling double duty as parents without partners. (About)

When the going gets tough, the tough get blogging. See how
digital mom Audrey McClelland found
support and invaluable information
when her family was going through a very
difficult time. (She Knows)

The American soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers
last week has a wife who kept
a family blog
that we can probably all relate to. Although conclusions
can’t be drawn, it’s reason to reflect on troop deployment overseas. (New York Times)

Blogger Rhiana Maidenberg considers Mayim Bialik’s new book,
Beyond the Sling, while she ruminates
on why a one-size-fits-all
approach to parenting is unhelpful
. (The Huffington Post)

If you need science to convince you
that you’ll turn out just like your parents, read this article on 7 inevitable ways you’ll age like Ma and Pa.

A touching video message and a call to parents from Alec
Baldwin–on the cruelty towards elephants
in the circus
. Warning: some of the footage is heart-breaking and
disturbing. (Babble)

It’s no secret that teenagers hit the snooze button a few times before
rolling out of bed in the morning. One Harvard professor argues that a later
school start time is the solution
to sleep deprivation
. (Harvard
School of Public Health

One question posed by UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives of
Families that has a lot of moms and dads talking: “Why
do American children depend on their parents to do things for them that they
are capable of doing for themselves
?” Researchers at CELF are taking a hard
look at widespread parental behaviors in order to help change them, for the
benefit of the family. (Wall Street

Is your child heading to college in the fall? Make sure you
give them these
useful tips
on how to stay healthy during the best years of their life! (NY Metro)

The world’s most unconventional pop star is turning
domestic! Check out this
in which Lady Gaga tells Oprah she strives for a husband and a
“soccer team” of kids. (The Huffington

Sixteen years later, the JonBenet
case is still cold. Father John Ramsey has now released a book, The Other Side of Suffering, in which he
discusses the horrible nightmare his family has been through. (ABC News)

One New York City’s
soldier’s love for ballet takes him back to the front lines, this time to teach
young children the art of dance
! (The
Wall Street Journal

Is everyone getting a reality show these days? Next up on
this trend: The
Clint Eastwood Family
. (New York
Daily News

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The Language Workshop For Children

<p dir="ltr">After offering both group and private lessons for many years and analyzing the results over time, The Language Workshop for Children, founded in1973, has decided to emphasize private remote lessons at shorter intervals. Our skilled educators will focus their attention exclusively on the unique needs, learning style, and interests of your child. This allows a bond to develop between teacher and student, which has been shown to drastically improve retention. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>OUR METHOD </strong></p> <p dir="ltr">Developed by the pioneers of language education for children, our programs bring decades of experience to your living room with individualized, active language classes. Each lesson is based on proven methods and materials perfected to capture your child’s attention during the ages when he/she absorbs information the fastest.   </p> <p dir="ltr">While other online language classes rely on videos for passive learning, we deliver interactive, and engaging lessons with native-fluent teachers. In addition, all our teachers are certified in the Thibaut Technique which has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and many other well-respected publications.  </p> <p dir="ltr">Our short one-on-one lessons give kids the chance to focus, hear pronunciation clearly, and practice speaking in their target language. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>THE PROCESS</strong> </p> <p dir="ltr">First, students have a short meeting with our Director Francois Thibaut, in English, with their parent(s) present. Mr. Thibaut will determine the best course of study, including class length and frequency, the right teacher, lesson format and materials (or action games for younger students.) Then the learning begins! Mr. Thibaut will continually check in on your child’s learning to assure they are getting the most of their classes. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>OTHER OFFERINGS </strong></p> <p dir="ltr">We can also help your child prepare for: the French subject tests for SAT, AP & CLEP, the European DELF/DALF, the Canadian TEF and other standardized testing, college entry exams, studying or traveling abroad, cultural changes when moving abroad, and much more! </p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-a97d759c-7fff-6e4d-8e93-70e093aa10f1"> </span></p>

Adventuring Portal

<p><a name="m_-1473885667065203258__Hlk72147528"></a>Adventuring Portal runs Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) games for kids.   We have created a safe online space for tweens and teens to learn and play D&D.</p> <p>Our D&D Summer Camp session are a one-week experience.  Monday – Friday.  Each day will be 3 hours of gaming (with 2 breaks build in).  15 total gaming hours for $180.  If you have played with us before, you are entitled to 10% off.   </p> <p>Need your kids, nieces or nephews, grand kids or neighbor’s kids to be occupied for a bit so you can get work done & take care of your to-do list? Maybe your tween or teen is still a bit isolated and craves connection with their peers? Whether your teen/tween has played D&D before or is brand-new to the experience, this safe space brings players together to have fun and solve problems as a team in ways few other online opportunities do.</p> <p>All our games focus on experiential learning.   Our players leave knowing all the basic game play as well as experiencing: teamwork, bravery, compassion, generosity, negotiation, improvisation, gamer etiquette, strategy, critical thinking, problem solving, cartography and probability - all through online D&D adventuring!</p> <p>We are an inclusive organization and welcome gamers who are LGBTQIA+ and those on any spectrum. </p> <p>All girls’ groups available. </p> <p>I am a parent, a certified elementary school and middle school math teacher and last summer in the midst of the mess started Adventuring Portal, an online Dungeons & Dragons business for kids. There are so many benefits to playing D&D and I hope you will consider us as a great way for your child to safely socialize, grow as people and have a great time.</p>

The Ailey School – First Steps and Bounding Boys

<blockquote style="color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; background-color: #ffffff;"> <div dir="ltr"> <div class="m_-3740164643787738207m_4977048992707393770WordSection1"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0px;"><span style="color: #0070c0;">At The Ailey School, FIRST STEPS offers a structured creative movement curriculum that allows girls (ages 3-6) and boys (age 3), to develop body awareness and control and learn the basics of dance technique. BOUNDING BOYS (ages 4-6) provides a more athletic experience, and an energetic approach to teaching dance skills.</span></p> </div> </div> </blockquote>