Best Of The Web: October 12-18

Contributors: Celene McDermott

Here’s a weekly roundup of parenting articles that piqued
our interest. Enjoy! —

Among the older middle-aged set, birth rates are booming. And it seems like everyone has an opinion on the matter. What do you think? Should we respect Mother Nature’s menopausal deadline, or follow where science and technology lead us? (New York Magazine)

Locker décor is being taken to a whole new level. Gone are
the days of a simple teen heartthrob mini poster or a few snapshots with
friends. Middle school girls across the country are putting their personal
touch on locker
interior design
. (NY Times)

Public or private? Blogger Robert Niles on the benefits
of a public school education
. What’s more, in his words education “ought to
be about lifting up, not weeding out.” (HuffPo)

A bedtime story for high-tech kiddies, Goodnight
is a quirky parody that pokes fun at the age of technology. (Babble)

Surprise! You’re
pregnant…again. There’s just one problem, though. You’ve gotten rid of many of
your baby stuff. How about hand-me-downs from other moms? We love these tips
for how to throw an eco-friendly,
second-hand baby shower. (Rookie Moms)

From the iPad to the
iPhone, one NYC mom and media producer/game designer reflects on the death of
Steve Jobs and
apple’s influence on children. (GeekMom)

And while we’re
talking about the positive effects of apple products, check out a new study
that found that
iPads may help kids with severe vision
. (TechNewsDaily)

It’s National School Lunch Week! With childhood obesity on the rise, is it
time for a visit to the cafeteria at your child’s school?
(NY Times)

Eden Kennedy breaks down Occupy
Wall Street
for us, with a bit o’ humor, at The Stir. (Cafe Mom)

Ever poked around your kids things, just for fun? One
blogging mom uncovers what
she finds in her kid’s declared “home office.”
Disclaimer: It’s all
hilarious and “fantastically weird.” (A
Little Pregnant

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Manhattan Mandarin

<p>Manhattan Mandarin runs the Mandarin after-school programs at over 40 schools</p> <p>nationwide, including St. Bernard's, Chapin, Allen-Stevenson, and Buckley. Whether</p> <p>in schools, students' homes, in the office, online, or on our beloved China trips, our</p> <p>teachers and tutors have helped hundreds of students of all ages master the Mandarin</p> <p>language on their own unique paths to fluency. Our philosophy has always been to</p> <p>make private lessons and classes perfectly tailored for each individual student. We</p> <p>look forward to working with you.</p> <p>- Jamie Keyte, Founder</p>


<p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">BAMkids presents adventurous art and ideas for young audiences, igniting the imaginations of creative kids ages 3—11 with a fun and engaging lineup of workshops, movie matinees, and live performances from around the world.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{"><span style="background-color: #ffffff;">BAM Education connects learning with creativity, engaging imagination by encouraging self-expression through programs for students, teachers, and audiences of all ages. Explore the programs on their website to learn more about their opportunities for creative online engagement!</span></span></p>

Aviator Sports Summer Day Camp

<p>Aviator Sports Summer Day Camp offers five daily rotating activities such as swimming, ice skating gymnastics, rock climbing, parkour, indoor/outdoor turf, and courts plus more in its ample 175,000 sq. ft. facility and 35-acre outdoor area. Aviator Summer Camp also offers off-site and on-site field trips such as a day at Green Meadows Farm, Launch Trampoline Park, and a Brooklyn Cyclones game. The summer camp runs from 9 am-5 pm with early drop off and late stay available. Bus transportation is also available throughout Brooklyn. Lunch and an afternoon snack are included. Sign up by February 28th to receive up to $300 off camp with early bird discounts.</p>