If you’ve ever taken a trip to a craft store with a three year old, you know that very few things remain on the shelves and almost anything that sparkles is up for grabs.
Enter Citibox, an at-home solution to your arts and crafts needs. Citibabes, a family membership club located in Soho, is introducing a new monthly subscription service that caters to children 18 months to 6 years. With a range of themes and age appropriate crafts, each Citibox includes two main projects and a bonus one. The projects include painting and collage, both of which help to nurture your child’s language and motor skills.
Citibox recognizes that different ages require different challenges in their artistic growth and each age group has a customized experience. Citiboxes geared for 2-year-olds use an array of materials to encourage language and motor skill development. For 3-year-olds, the projects are geared towards self-expression and creativity. Four-year-olds enjoy challenging techniques that will keep their attention engaged. For ages 5-6, the projects are inspired by modern artists and cultures and use variety of materials.
Those that have a membership with Citibabes will notice that the themes of the Citibox will correspond to the Citischool classes, reinforcing those lessons and giving children a new perspective. Upcoming CitiBoxes will be themed around Fall Fun in October, Thanksgiving in November, and Preparing for Winter in December.
To learn more, visit citibabes.com!