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Beth Sholom Day Camp

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About Us

Beth Sholom Day Camp, located in Roslyn Heights, NY is a Summer Camp for children aged 3-15 years old, serving Nassau & Queens. Their program encourages children to try new activities, build friendships and develop skills in a safe and nurturing environment. Activities include music, dance, drama, arts and crafts, karate, as well as outdoor sports, an adventure park, and pedal go-karts.  American Red Cross swim instruction is offered in their three heated pools. This summer, camp will be 8 weeks long with a scheduled start date of June 28th through August 22nd. A minimum of 4 weeks is required. For summer 2023, their program includes a hot Glatt Kosher lunch, an afternoon snack, door to door, air-conditioned bus transportation and New for 2023 – Towel Service!
BSDC offers full- and mini-day nursery programs. Fifth-eighth graders participate in a camp and trip program. They also have a C.I.T. program for 9th and 10th graders. Their camp staff implements an engaging curriculum, with intentional games as well as age-appropriate activities. Beth Sholom Day Camp pride themselves in their ability to know each child as an individual and facilitate positive relationships through team building and group activities. They are proud to offer a dynamic summer experience where children can play, learn, and grow.



401 Roslyn Rd, Roslyn Heights, Array 11577