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Buck’s Rock Performing and Creative Arts Camp

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About Us

Buck’s Rock Camp is a freedom-of-choice creative and performing arts camp for teenagers ages 10 to 17. Every summer at Buck’s Rock is completely different. The campers who join us each year make the summer their own adventure, and the camp constantly evolves and changes to meet the needs of that year’s campers. So to answer the question “What is Buck’s Rock?” is simple: it is a safe space where young people can grow into whatever they want and need to be. 

The day at Buck’s Rock starts at 7:30am and ends at 10:15pm. What happens in between is as varied as our campers and as friendly as our beautiful campus. Every day at Buck’s Rock is different. What doesn’t change: our stunning pastoral setting, committed, professional counselors, and a camper-to-counselor ratio of 2:1.  


Every day at Buck’s Rock is a new opportunity for self-discovery and creative expression. From the professionally-equipped studios and exciting performance spaces, to the state-of-the-art recording facilities and pool, campers are free to try anything and everything! Over 30 world-class programs await our artists every day, including everything from glassblowing to dance to painting to sketch comedy to radio to weaving to gardening and so much more!


Many generations of Buck’s Rockers, including campers, their parents, and decades of dedicated staff make up our unique community. Just one summer at Buck’s Rock will make you a life-long member of our big, creative family. We can’t wait for you to join us!


Tiered Tuition System based on gross annual income and household size; $0-$12,000


Age: 10-17 years old





59 Bucks Rock Road, New Milford, Array 06776