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Trail Blazers

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About Us

We believe that going outside is the best way for young people to grow within. That belief has been central for over 129 years of helping young people develop the values and skills essential for productive citizenship. Our summer camp programs take place on our beautiful 1000 acre estate in Sussex County, New Jersey, and in the Prospect Lefferts Gardens and Brooklyn Heights neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York.

Trail Blazers campers experience life in the outdoors in family-like small camps of 8 to 10 peers. Our decentralized program philosophy allows them to work together to plan days that follow their interests -- as such, no two sessions are ever the same.

Sleep Away campers bike our trails, canoe and fish in our lake, sleep in rustic canvas shelters, cook over a campfire, and take off on overnight adventure expeditions, all while learning about the environment and developing outdoor survival skills.

Day Camp campers discover the beauty of the environment in New York City through exciting activities in Prospect Park and Brooklyn Bridge Park, engaging day trips around Brooklyn, and bi-weekly trips to our 1000 acres of forest where our sleepaway program is held.

At Trail Blazers, campers have the opportunity to unplug, discover the world around them, and build values for life.

OVERNIGHT - $2200-3000 per 2-week session, $1000 one  week mini-camps, $3200 4 week leadership camps but programs also have tiered pricing based on family income

DAY CAMP - $500-700 per week, but programs also have tiered pricing based on family income


DAY CAMP - 3-10



394 Rogers Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225