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Long Island Game Farm Wildlife Park & Children’s Zoo

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About Us

Long Island Game Farm Wildlife Park & Children’s Zoo presents programming for children and families of all ages, animal encounters, zookeeper experiences, VIP tours, season memberships, and much more! Camp Zoo introduces and immerses children in nature through outdoor exploration, games, crafts, and other educational hands-on activities. 

In partnership with their nonprofit arm, the Foundation for Wildlife Sustainability, the game farm also offers culture, education, and wellness programs to connect people with wildlife and the natural environment. 

A critical aspect of the game farm is serving as a sanctuary to animals that have been rescued, rehabilitated, or re-homed, including Sicilian miniature donkeys, alpacas, African Sulcatta tortoises, peacocks, rabbits, goats, sheep, alligators, and our beloved Gomez, a Sulphur-crested cockatoo, and Nala, an African Serval cat! 



489 Chapman Boulevard, Manorville, Array 11949