Fall Festival Preview


September 10

Brooklyn Kite Festival
Brooklyn Bridge Park, 334 Furman Street
All ages
Grab your kites and your kids, and head to Brooklyn Bridge Park to enjoy some old-fashioned, kite-flying fun. The festival hosts food trucks and workshops, and children can even make their own kites! Enjoy the view, the festival and family time. Free, various prices to customize a kite, brooklynbridgepark.org

September 17

Brooklyn Book Festival- Children’s Day
Metro Tech Commons, 1 Metro Tech Center
All ages
Enjoy the largest free library event in New York City! Saturday, September 17 is the Children’s Day portion of the Brooklyn Book Festival, and it’s the perfect way show your little ones how fun reading can be. Almost 200 nationally acclaimed authors, as well as emerging authors, will be present at the festival. Free, brooklynbookfestival.org

Wave Hill Honey Weekend Family Art Project credit Joshua Bright
Wave Hill Honey Weekend. Photo by Joshua Bright

September 18

Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park
Fort Tryon Park, Riverside Drivet to Broadway
All Ages
Get into the spirit of the middle ages at the Medieval Festival. This year’s festival will feature performers dressed in medieval attire, as well as dancers, magicians, jugglers, jesters and even a joust between knights on horseback! Feel free to dress in your best medieval costume, and meander through a variety of vendors who will provide food and drink as well as craft demonstrations. Free, whidc.org

92Y Street Fest
Lexington Ave (79th – 94th Streets)
All ages
This family-friendly street festival spans 15 blocks along Lexington Avenue, and features performances andactivities for all ages. Sponsored by a number of local businesses, 92Y Street Fest hosted 225,000 people last year and is sure to host just as many this year. There will be live performances all day with appearances by David Parker and The Bang Group, the Chicago cast and more! There will even be chances to win Broadway show tickets, concert tickets and free art class passes. Free, 92y.org/StreetFest2016

 September 24

Museum Day Live!
Various times & locations (all participating museums)
All ages
Grab a friend and head out into the city for a day of free museum hopping, all thanks to Smithsonian’s Museum Day Live! Go online to download your ticket, which will grant you and a guest free admission to select museums across the city. Download your tickets, find the perfect museum, and hunker down for a day of pure educational bliss. Free, smithsonianmag.com

 September 24 & 25 

Carnegie Hall Fall Family Days
Carnegie Hall, 881 7th Avenue
All Ages
Swing into fall with some jazz music at Carnegie Hall. Bring your young musicians, and they’ll surely enjoy some interactive musical activities. Family Days even features performances in the Judith and Burton Resnick Education Wing. You may learn a thing or two yourself! Free, carnegiehall.org

Queens County Farm Museum Fall Fair
73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park, Queens
All ages
Fall Fair is Queens County Farm Museum’s most popular event of the year! With live music, dancers, crafts, a corn maize and local food vendors, what could be a better way to spend your weekend with the family? Take a hayride, ride the Ferris wheel and watch pig races. Your kids can even learn all about the environment (home composting, recycling, etc.). The festivities last until 6pm all weekend long. Tickets are $10 per day, children under 12 are $5/day, queensfarm.org

September 25

Atlantic Antic 
Atlantic Avenue from Hicks Street to Fourth Avenue
All ages
Browse goods and sample foods at the Atlantic Antic Street Fair, Brooklyn’s largest street fair! There will also be an entire block for kids, featuring pony rides, bounce houses, face painting, and more. Free, atlanticave.org

September 26- October 8

Fall for Dance Festival
Various times
New York City Center, 131 West 55th Street
All ages
New York City Center’s 12th annual Fall for Dance Festival features 190 companies and artists; it’s the perfect place to get in touch with your creative side! Arrive early to enjoy free dance lessons, or stop in to listen to choreographers and dancers talk about their craft. The five performances are put on by dancers from all over the world (Brazil, Israel, India). All tickets are $15, nycitycenter.org


October 1 & 2
Wave Hill Honey Weekend
Various times
Wave Hill Gardens, West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Riverdale, Bronx, NY
All ages
If your kids love honey, then Wave Hill’s Honey Weekend is the perfect event for your entire family! With five different activities over the course of two days, you’re sure to stay entertained. Watch honey extraction demonstrations, make a candle and learn about beekeeping. Various prices with admission to grounds,wavehill.org

World Maker Faire at NY Hall of Science
New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th Street, Corona, Queens
All Ages
Stop by the Maker Faire, a series of individual exhibitions by crafters, students, educators, engineers and science clubs. Browse through the exhibitions and see exactly what these inventors have created, and what they have learned from their experiences. The entire family will learn all about new technology, DIY crafts, science and other unimaginable projects. Maker Faire has been holding exhibitions around the world since 2006. Tickets prices vary based on package, makerfaire.com

October 6-9

New York Comic Con
Show Floor: 10am-7pm, Panel Hours: 11am-9pm
Javits Center, 655 West 34th Street
All ages
Come one, come all to the east coast’s biggest pop culture convention. Don your best comic character costume and grab your favorite comic books, because the annual Comic Con at Javits Center is sure to be packed. Enjoy book signings, film screenings, and the show room floor, which features the best comics, graphics and anime novels of all time! Fan verification required, ticket prices vary, newyorkcomiccon.com

October 15 & 16

Open House New York
Various times and locations
All ages
Open House New York weekend will give you and your family an inside look at the mysteries behind New York City’s architecture. Hundreds of sites across all boroughs are opened to the public for tours, talks and performances. The buildings to be opened are historical, residential and industrial, and will build your understanding about urban design and urban life! Free, purchase VIP pass for $150ohny.org


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The Language Workshop For Children

<p dir="ltr">After offering both group and private lessons for many years and analyzing the results over time, The Language Workshop for Children, founded in1973, has decided to emphasize private remote lessons at shorter intervals. Our skilled educators will focus their attention exclusively on the unique needs, learning style, and interests of your child. This allows a bond to develop between teacher and student, which has been shown to drastically improve retention. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>OUR METHOD </strong></p> <p dir="ltr">Developed by the pioneers of language education for children, our programs bring decades of experience to your living room with individualized, active language classes. Each lesson is based on proven methods and materials perfected to capture your child’s attention during the ages when he/she absorbs information the fastest.   </p> <p dir="ltr">While other online language classes rely on videos for passive learning, we deliver interactive, and engaging lessons with native-fluent teachers. In addition, all our teachers are certified in the Thibaut Technique which has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and many other well-respected publications.  </p> <p dir="ltr">Our short one-on-one lessons give kids the chance to focus, hear pronunciation clearly, and practice speaking in their target language. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>THE PROCESS</strong> </p> <p dir="ltr">First, students have a short meeting with our Director Francois Thibaut, in English, with their parent(s) present. Mr. Thibaut will determine the best course of study, including class length and frequency, the right teacher, lesson format and materials (or action games for younger students.) Then the learning begins! Mr. Thibaut will continually check in on your child’s learning to assure they are getting the most of their classes. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>OTHER OFFERINGS </strong></p> <p dir="ltr">We can also help your child prepare for: the French subject tests for SAT, AP & CLEP, the European DELF/DALF, the Canadian TEF and other standardized testing, college entry exams, studying or traveling abroad, cultural changes when moving abroad, and much more! </p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-a97d759c-7fff-6e4d-8e93-70e093aa10f1"> </span></p>

Adventuring Portal

<p><a name="m_-1473885667065203258__Hlk72147528"></a>Adventuring Portal runs Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) games for kids.   We have created a safe online space for tweens and teens to learn and play D&D.</p> <p>Our D&D Summer Camp session are a one-week experience.  Monday – Friday.  Each day will be 3 hours of gaming (with 2 breaks build in).  15 total gaming hours for $180.  If you have played with us before, you are entitled to 10% off.   </p> <p>Need your kids, nieces or nephews, grand kids or neighbor’s kids to be occupied for a bit so you can get work done & take care of your to-do list? Maybe your tween or teen is still a bit isolated and craves connection with their peers? Whether your teen/tween has played D&D before or is brand-new to the experience, this safe space brings players together to have fun and solve problems as a team in ways few other online opportunities do.</p> <p>All our games focus on experiential learning.   Our players leave knowing all the basic game play as well as experiencing: teamwork, bravery, compassion, generosity, negotiation, improvisation, gamer etiquette, strategy, critical thinking, problem solving, cartography and probability - all through online D&D adventuring!</p> <p>We are an inclusive organization and welcome gamers who are LGBTQIA+ and those on any spectrum. </p> <p>All girls’ groups available. </p> <p>I am a parent, a certified elementary school and middle school math teacher and last summer in the midst of the mess started Adventuring Portal, an online Dungeons & Dragons business for kids. There are so many benefits to playing D&D and I hope you will consider us as a great way for your child to safely socialize, grow as people and have a great time.</p>

WICKED Broadway

<p>There’s no place like Oz—and there’s no show like WICKED. Are you ready to experience the original Broadway blockbuster?</p>