Calling all city parents with pre-K application questions! On Tuesday, March 31, the New School is offering a free parent workshop, called “The Low-Down on Pre-K,” on what to look for in pre-K (and launching their new pre-K search function on the Insideschools website)!
Part of the De Blasio Series, “The Low-Down on Pre-K” from Insideschools will take place at the New School’s Theresa Lang Community & Student Center in the Arnhold Hall Room (1202, 55 West 13th Street), from 6:30-9pm.
The event is a free workshop addressing the ins-and-outs of NYC’s Pre-K programming. Find out about how, when, and where to apply, as well as what to do when when challenges arise during the process.
To register and reserve your spot for this free event, click HERE!