Infant Guitar Stars

guitarWhen I was a guitar-playing pre-K teacher, I was struck by how many kids came to school wearing guitar themed clothing: “I’m with the band;” “When I grow up I wanna rock like my Daddy;” “Rock star in training’” “Girls rock.” One year, we had a student that gave Bruce Springsteen a run for his money. Every day, in the block area, he’d build his own stage and enlist friends to sell tickets to his concert. So you could understand why his parents, and those of other kids this age, might reinforce a demonstrated interest through clothing selection. This student identified as a rocker, he loved my guitar, drew pictures of it, sat near it, stroked it, and was really proud of his latest tee-shirt.

But what about guitar-wear donned by infants? Is this just wishful thinking on the part of parents who were raised post Beatles and Rolling Stones? Or is there some genuine connection between the marketing of children’s clothing and a predilection of infants for music, real instruments, and specifically the guitar?

I’m teaching music in an infant toddler program and I see children dressed in guitar-wear all the time—babies! Currently, as we speak, the website Café Press offers 560 patterns of onesies and bibs sporting guitar themes (click HERE to check it out). Yes, 560. They include images of classical paintings by Vermeer and Mona Lisa playing the guitar, to sayings like: “Where’s my roadie?” “Lord of the strings;” “What Happens in the Garage Stays in the Garage;” and “’Scuse Me While I Kiss The Sky,” a reference to a Jimi Hendrix song. This song is surely a personal favorite of many babies.

On the one hand, the obsession with turning babies into little rockers seems rooted in a superficial drive to make money. On the other it has a basis in a compelling reality. Babies are attracted to guitars like moth to flame. In every class I teach, from 3- to 24-month-olds, the children need, in fact, demand time with the guitar. We give them time to explore alone and in groups, which offer different experiences. Remember, this is the first time they are introduced to the instrument and it is full of wonder and amazement. Through contact with the guitar, infants learn:

  • To build crawling skills as they make their way across the room to get to the guitar
  • To observe how I make a sound and imitate my motion
  • To use their hand to strum, pull strings, grip, and even lift their own body weight thus developing fine and gross motor skills
  • To pull themselves to standing using the upright neck
  • To bend knees and rock while standing

There are three big lessons that stand out particularly: Every child is a musical agent in the world. They use all their developed physical skills to make music—hitting a drum, shaking a bracelet of bells, dancing with egg shakers. They exude confidence. The joy and pride that arises from meeting goals in self-directed musical play is moving to see.

From the earliest ages, children will be motivated to solve problems and develop wonderful ideas in a musical context. For example, an infant who is mastering movement from back to tummy will find ways to snake around to reach the instrument. Just this week, a 15-month-old directed me to put bracelet bells on our rabbit puppet’s arms while we sang “John the Rabbit.” An adult wouldn’t have considered this use of materials. In another class, while we sang a song about a rooster, duck and pig, a child gave me plastic animals corresponding to the lyrics, revealing amazing listening skills.

But perhaps most impressive of all, is the way the children are influenced by each other’s passion for the guitar. A reserved child who so badly wants to approach the guitar will hang back until he observes friends strumming on several occasions. Watching and waiting, observing and learning, he will suddenly one day participate fully. Some children need to see a friend do something before they see themselves as capable. When I model hand motions to a song, one child will try them and soon everyone is moving their fingers. We hear a lot about children learning from each other, and these early musical experiences provide concrete examples of the power of social learning.

What’s key here is that teachers actually give children the time to process what they see and hear. We don’t assume an absence of learning just because the children haven’t participated with their bodies yet.

For hundreds of years visual artists have been painting and sculpting guitars, tapping into a fundamental human attraction to the instrument. Picasso depicted the guitar in over 70 well known works. Children are not immune to these deep seated aesthetic values. They know the difference between the adult guitar and the children’s model. As an educator, a mother, and a human being, I have questions about how children come into the world attracted to the guitar and with the capacity to move in rhythm, play soft or loud along with what they hear etc. Before they have words, they speak the language of music.

Many parents actively inculcate musical values in their children from birth. They do it by joining a music class, bringing instruments into the home, singing during bath time and even dressing the child in a guitar onesie. While I’m not endorsing this or that infant wear, I can understand why parents who feel passionately about music might want to dress their child in guitar-wear even before they can express preferences of style. As someone who celebrates and learns from children’s musical discoveries every day, I get it. Parents, keep singing. Rock on, sweet babies, reminding us of your inborn musical genius.

Renee Bock is a dedicated early childhood educator, who is currently the Chief Academic Officer at Explore+Discover, a social learning center in Manhattan that is committed to setting the standard for infant and toddler care and education. Renee has more than a decade of experience in the field and holds a Master’s in Early Childhood Education from Bank Street College in New York. She has three sons, Ariel (16), Raffi (14), and Shaya (13). She can be reached at

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Child's Play NY - Summer Camps

<div style="caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>Summer 2022</strong> (In-Person Only)</div> <div style="caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Child’s Play NY summer camps shine a spotlight on kids’ imagination and creativity. Budding thespians of all levels learn sophisticated theater techniques and are inspired to grow their bravery, imagination, and talents. This award-winning drama program is helmed by vibrant teaching artists using a games-based curriculum that supports collaboration and joy. Weekly themes tap into what kids love most with specific focuses like superheroes, mythology, Harry Potter, musicals, and more. Sessions culminate in a live or virtual showcase of scenes, songs, and original stories. In addition, the program prioritizes safety with plenty of outside activities, a 1:5 teacher to camper ratio, and small groups. <br /><br />Adventure Series | Ages 3-4 in Carroll Gardens | Half Day<br />Players Series | Ages 5-6 in Carroll Gardens and Fort Greene | Full Day<br />Showmakers Series | Ages 7-11 in Brooklyn Heights | Full Day<br />Plus programs at Berkeley Carroll School</div> <div style="caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> </div> <div style="caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Learn more & enroll at <a style="color: #1155cc;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.</div> <p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{"><span id="docs-internal-guid-68bc3f62-7fff-50a4-cf36-4b76efd354e1"></span></span></p>

Queens College Summer Camp

<p>Running from Wednesday, June 28th through Tuesday, August 22nd, the Queens College Summer Camp continues to be the hallmark and cornerstone of the Athletics and Recreation Department and a staple of summer plans in the NYC metropolitan area. The camp, which has always followed New York State Board of Health guidelines, will conduct this summer's programs following current state guidelines, which follow CDC recommendations regarding COVID-19. The camp's outdoor and indoor activities include:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Pool use.</li> <li>Use of the new turf fields.</li> <li>Other facilities around Queens College Campus. </li> </ul> <p>Five specially designed programs are available for the 2023 season:</p> <ol start="1" type="1"> <li>The Education and Sports will have three hours of academics. The rest of the day will include sports activities on the fields and gym games. Indoor Gym Games include obstacle courses, scooter games, and a daily introduction to basketball and swimming for ages 5-6. The older kids will participate in group sports such as basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, softball, and swimming. The counselor will remain with the group through all activities, including lunch. Choose the Education Academy based on the grade they will enter in September.</li> <li>Theater Arts Programs provide instruction in singing, dancing, and acting, culminating in a performance. Past productions included Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, and more.</li> <li>All Day Sports Academy provides instruction for developing generalized skills across various sports.</li> <li>Single Specialty Sports Camps provide individualized volleyball instruction by the college's coaches and varsity players.</li> <li>Counselor-in-Training Program A unique program created for teenagers focused on developing strong leaders. It helps prepare young adults for the next phase in their lives-college and the workplace.</li> </ol> <p>With summer right around the corner, there is no better time to secure your child's plans for July and August by enrolling them in the Queens College Summer Camp.</p> <p>For more details, visit the Queens College Summer Camp homepage, or email  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">qc.summercamp@qc.cuny.<wbr />edu</a> for more information.</p>

Mark Morris Summer Dance Camps

<div dir="ltr" style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin: 0px; line-height: 1.38; background-color: #ffffff;">Fill your summer with dance, music, and art! The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center’s multi-disciplinary camps for all levels provide a full day of activities from dance with live music to visual art. Students will explore a variety of dance styles and techniques, including ballet, modern, hip-hop, jazz, African, and more. Campers will also learn about Mark Morris’s choreography and use concepts to create their own dances. Summer camps are for children ages 6 to 12. Teen workshops are offered for teens ages 13 to 18. </div> <div dir="ltr" style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin: 0px; line-height: 1.38; background-color: #ffffff;"> </div> <div dir="ltr" style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin: 0px; line-height: 1.38; background-color: #ffffff;"> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center, located in the heart of the Brooklyn Cultural District, is affiliated with the world-renowned Mark Morris Dance Group.</span></p> <span id="docs-internal-guid-c6f61b6b-7fff-a6ca-680e-4a00b4f96c17"></span>Click <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-saferedirecturl="">here</a> for more information and to register, or email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</div>