Wollman Rink To Close 2/26 -A Petition Has Been Started For Mayor De Blasio To Keep It Open

There is a call to action as supporters are rallying to keep the iconic Wollman Rink open past the recently announced close date of February 26th.  

Wollman Rink is a stunning and majestic place to skate safely during these trying times and now, more than ever, families need more organized outdoor sport and activity options during the pandemic. Any day at Wollman Rink you may find novice skaters learning to skate at the skate school, dedicated figure skaters diligently working on their skating skills, jumps, and spins in the figure skating academy, ice hockey skaters scoring goals, and everyday people skating for a recreational activity that is fun and COVID safe.  

Wollman Rink is a home away from home and the ice is their life for so many coaches who pour their heart and soul into their jobs, and all the aspiring and accomplished skaters alike who flourish in their skating academy and work so hard! Thousands of children look forward to their weekly skating lessons, daily academy classes, and kids of all ages love skating at their favorite place in NYC! Coaches have worked tirelessly with skaters on their goals, skills, and can do so safely with significant space at Wollman Rink. There is no other open-air rink in NYC with such an established skating school, and rigorous and bountiful athletic program offerings. 

The skating school and the beautiful rink are a tremendous resource to NYC families and its closure would be a detriment and come at the expense of the thousands looking forward to the remainder and culmination of the ice skating season. The future of all of these amazing activities and enriching programs is also in jeopardy. 

The Wollman Rink Skating School is an incredible program led by an outstanding team. The dedicated director, Elise Preston, is also a member of the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors, and has seen countless children learn to skate and flourish on the ice. There is an impressive array of coaches who give their all each and every day. The students love what they do and have an incredible experience culminating at the end of the season. It is heartbreaking to see an already shortened skating season potentially come to an abrupt end. Families hope that the Wollman Rink will be able to continue to operate the spectacular skating school and continue its legacy.

To sign the petition to Stop Wollman from closing, click here.

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The Ailey School – First Steps and Bounding Boys

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Cucu's PlayHouse

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