Meet Baby Elle Belle

Hi there! I’m Baby Elle Belle–the newest blogger here at New York Family Baby. Although I’m only ten months old, I’m pretty savvy when it comes to blogging–so you can expect to hear from me just about every week. That’s right. I’ll be blogging regularly from the perspective of a happy, hilarious, and sometimes harried baby, and what it’s like growing up in the city during my earliest days. Here’s a little peek into my world…

In my family, here’s what the typical dream sequence looks like: Mommy checks yet again and finally finds exactly what she’s looking for: a book called How to Raise a Perfect Baby: A Step-by-Step Guide for Type A, Overachieving Parents, Who Are Used to Everything Going According to a Detailed Plan and On Schedule. She hits the “buy now” button before rubbing her belly and then alphabetizing her cookbooks for the third time this week.

Fast forward two months. From the moment we arrive home, Mom’s guide book works like a charm. I enjoy my three-hour schedule of eat, play, and sleep. I nurse every two hours without fail, nap at each scheduled interval for a full sixty minutes, and play like a pro. I never cry. I communicate via telepathy. My poos never are stinky and don’t require frequent changing. I don’t like dirtying myself so I simply don’t spit up. I am the perfect baby.

And here’s what the reality is like: Truth be told, I’m not a perfect baby. For instance, I cry…a lot. I sleep when I feel like it. I pee and poop often and sometimes it goes everywhere. Although I don’t mean to, I sometimes aggravate my parents. But after several months, we’re rocking and rolling and enjoying each unique day while learning from each other.

So let me tell you a little about me. I’m a baby! And while I’m almost one, I haven’t always been this slick and smart. Back as a newborn, I didn’t like to eat much. I’d fall asleep nursing and Mom would have to tickle me and nudge me along. I wanted to eat when I was hungry so I fed on demand. (Heck, does anybody eat at two-hour intervals?) And I didn’t like to sleep on schedule. I wanted to rest during the day so I could really enjoy life at night. Or if Daddy was holding me, I liked to sleep on his chest. He’s so much more comfy than my crib mattress. Plus, I wasn’t ready to play. My activity mat was cool and all but I just wanted to be held and loved. The world was, and still is, so new to me and I’m just trying to figure it all out. Ten months later so much has changed and I cannot wait to tell you more about it, but first things first…

If you’re going to follow my adventures please have an open mind and an open heart. After all, I’m still just a baby and tend to be very sensitive. (I know this because all my diapers and wipes and things say so!) I have a lot of important observations to share, and cannot wait to give you inside access to Elle Belle’s head so you big people can finally understand what us little babies are trying to communicate.

We’re brilliant communicators if you pay close attention. You’ll see that I have oodles of important info on babies to share from how to win nap time battles to how to prevent your ambitious tot from scaling the walls and escaping from his or her crib. Most important, because everything is so new and exciting, I hope you’ll appreciate my enthusiasm and find the happy baby inside of you, too.

Elle Belle is a beautiful baby girl who lives in the Upper East Side of Manhattan with her magnificent mommy, dapper dad, and her five-year-old four-legged brother (who’s adopted). She enjoys reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, trying new foods, doing yoga, taking walks in Central Park, putting things in her mouth, and cruising around NYC in her stroller while making everyone smile wherever she goes. She can be reached and found on




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Marks JCH Summer Camp

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">About Us: Marks JCH of Bensonhurst offers age-appropriate and stimulating experience for all campers. The mission of the JCH is to be a center of community life in Brooklyn, rooted in Jewish values and fostering an inclusive environment. Camp is an embodiment of that mission: it fosters positive relationships, encourages new experiences, and creates lasting friendships where all are welcome. Developed and led by a group of professional instructors, educators, and parents, JCH Camp is a combination of hands-on activities, instructional swim, and exciting trips – all of which nurture growth and foster child’s development. JCH always puts safety of the community first and is looking forward to providing a high-quality camp experience this summer — out in nature, and off screens. The doors of the “J” are always open – please visit JCH website at</span></p>

Mosholu Day Camp

<div>For over 80 years, Mosholu Day Camp has been providing affordable, quality camping to children from all over the Bronx, Manhattan, Rockland & Westchester. Our picturesque facility sits on beautiful Lake Cohasset in Harriman State Park. It offers children a place to develop, experience, and enjoy the nature around them, while taking part in unforgettable outdoor summer activities.</div> <div> </div> <div>Mosholu offers campers more, while you pay less. As a camp that focuses on traditional activities our goal is to give children unforgettable experiences and lifelong friendships. The camp has expert staff and top-notch facilities. Mosholu is a safe and nurturing environment filled with exciting activities and adventures for all ages. Director, Mike Halpern brings over 40 years of camping, teaching and childcare experiences and along with an amazing leadership team, built a program that allows campers to learn and thrive.</div> <div> </div> <div>The camp provides a nurturing environment where campers have an opportunity to enjoy activities (like music, arts, sports, and special programs), while a special focus is placed on swimming, where campers begin to develop and improve water familiarity and swimming skills take part in row boats, kayaks and an amazing waterpark. The camp has an amazing challenge and ropes course area with a number of challenges including a rock wall, zip line, tree climbing and rope swing. Campers gain independence while supervised by counselors who understand the needs of emerging tween campers.</div> <div> </div> <div>Mosholu is a “funtastic” place where campers make new friends, are creative, focus on sports and arts, and have a positive experience. Counselors are college-aged and older, and are directly supervised by adult professional child care workers who are in tune to the campers' needs. There are tons of inter-camp games and parties, as well as cookouts and a water balloon sling-shot area where campers stay cool and laugh.</div> <div> </div> <div>Mosholu Day Camp offers bus service (included in the price) from all over Westchester, Upper Manhattan, The Bronx and Rockland. It is a safe, fun-filled camp where kids grow, make friends, and create lasting memories through exciting adventures and amazing activities—all at an unbeatable price!</div>

YMCA of Greater New York

<ul> <li>WHY FUN RULES AT Y SUMMER CAMP:</li> <ul> <li>A place where every kid belongs</li> <li>Where friends & memories are made every day</li> <li>100+ years of awesomeness</li> <li>The Y’s caring, trained staff make for happy parents</li> </ul> </ul> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Early Bird & Sibling Discounts Available – Save Up to 10%!</li> <li>Camp Open Houses at Every Y Branch in NYC from 10AM – 12PM on 2/8, 3/8, 4/5, 4/26, and 5/10.</li> </ul>