Though BASIS schools have been around since 1998, the Big Apple’s first location will open its doors this September. The schools–two of which were ranked among the top seven high schools in the country by Newsweek–use a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)-based liberal arts curriculum. They have already shown outstanding results on both domestic rankings and international standardized tests. In addition to the curriculum’s proven academic results, the new BASIS Independent Brooklyn has another huge draw: the price. The private school only costs $23,500, around half of the tuition of similar schools.
The new Red Hook BASIS location will be in the capable hands of Jill McConnell, a BASIS veteran and well-seasoned educator. In addition to her career as an English teacher, McConnell served as an AP reader before joining the BASIS system as an educator in Washington D.C. She soon took on an administrative role at the D.C. charter school, and later became head of the successful new BASIS school in Mesa, Arizona. What convinced McConnell about BASIS’s approach to education? The quality of teachers, who “will inspire your children with their passion for their disciplines, teach your children how to study and impart in them a love of learning for its own sake.”
To learn more about BASIC Independent Brooklyn, join Jill McConnell for a wine & cheese party on January 29th at 6:30pm at Novo Park Slope.
Additional opportunities to meet Jill McConnell will take place on January 24th, 9am; January 26th, 1pm; January 30, 6:30pm; and January 31st, 9am. All sessions will be held at the BASIS school office: 20 Jay Street, Suite 800A, Brooklyn, NY 11201
For more information, contact Alexandra Hancock, Director of Admissions, at info@BASISindependentBrooklyn.com or 929-210-1362. Or visit basisindependentbrooklyn.com