Fans of the tutu-wearing Lisa Mathews and her band, Milkshake, should mark March 26 on their calendars! That’s the release date of the group’s latest — and possibly last — album for kids, and this is a CD you won’t want to miss as “Got a Minute” is a gift that keeps on giving with no less than 33 tracks, of predominantly upbeat, toe-tapping material. In addition to 13 songs that are about a minute in length that aired as videos on PBS Kids in 2006, there are 20 more new songs. Recommended for kids ages 4-9, “Got a Minute” features songs from a variety of musical genres (rap, country, pop rock, sea chanteys) that touch on lots of subjects that will resonate with kids and their parents — from pet fish to bullying to hiccups.
“Got A Minute” CD by Milkshake, $14,