Natalie Cruz, founder of Coolinary Kitchen, is offering three new classes through the cooking program for kids, including gluten-free cooking, as well as nutritional consulting for families.
Natalie Cruz (right) works with a student on knife skills.
Coolinary Kitchen provides home and site-based cooking lessons for children ages 4 and older and is launching three new classes this fall, as well as nutritional consultations in homes and schools.
Gluten-free classes will be $25 for an hour-long session. Natalie Cruz, founder of Coolinary Kitchen, says that a growing amount of children have dietary restrictions. “I wanted those children to be able to eat what they cook in class,” she says. Cruz will teach recipes in which she’s replaced flour with vegetables to create dishes such as black bean brownies and white bean dip.
Mommy, Daddy, and Me classes are geared toward ages 2-3. The private, hour-long sessions are $50 and are held in the family’s home. It is an open exploration for children to become familiar with the kitchen, as well teaching the children to facilitate activities while their parents are cooking.
The Yoga and Cooking class is a product of Cruz’s collaboration with yoga and dance instructor, Tatianna Morales. The hour-long class costs $25 and includes 15-20 minutes of yoga followed by a cool-down cooking session. Participants often make something light such as granola bars or a smoothie.
Cruz also offers consultations. During in-home consultations, she goes through a family’s cabinets and fridge and shows them what’s healthy and unhealthy, creates a balanced diet for the child, and initiates a dining plan with easy recipes. During school consultations, she speaks with teachers about incorporating cooking and healthy eating activities into the classroom.