Everyone always says that New York is a “city of neighborhoods”—so for our annual winter birthday party guide, we’ve created the ultimate roadmap to celebrating in your own backyard, whether that’s the UES, deep downtown, or even in the outer boroughs and beyond!
Battery Park City
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Central Park
Corbin’s Crusaders, corbinscrusaders.com
Victorian Gardens, victoriangardensnyc.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
16 Handles, 16handles.com
Bowlmor, bowlmor.com
Chelsea Piers, chelseapiers.com/birthday
HiArt!, hiartkids.com
Kids at Work, kidsatworknyc.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
East Village
14th Street Y, 14streety.org
16 Handles, 16handles.com
Financial District
Kidville, kidville.com
Pine Street School, greenivyenrichment.com
apple seeds, appleseedsplay.com
Karma Kids Yoga, karmakidsyoga.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
SPiN, newyork.wearespin.com
TADA! Youth Theater, tadatheater.com
Garment District
Galli Theater, gallitheaterny.com
The Horticulture Society (The Hort), thehort.org
Greenwich Village
CuRious Candy, curiouscandy.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
My Gym, mygym.com
West Side Taekwondo, westsidetkd.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Hell’s Kitchen
Advantage QuickStart Tennis, advantagetennisclubs.com
Gazillion Bubble Show, gazillionbubbleshow.com
The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, intrepidmuseum.org
Lucky Strike Lanes, bowlluckystrike.com
Kips Bay
Advantage QuickStart Tennis, advantagetennisclubs.com
Broadway Birthday Bashes at the PIT, broadwaybirthdaybashes.com
Midtown East
Gotham Tennis Academy, birthday@gothamtennis.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Midtown West
Carnegie Hall, carnegiehall.org
Dave & Buster’s, daveandbusters.com
The Fashion Class, thefashionclass.com
Kidville, kidville.com
Murray Hill
16 Handles, 16handles.com
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
Times Square
Bowlmor, bowlmor.com
Madame Tussauds, madametussaudsny.com
Citibabes, citibabes.com
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA), cmany.org
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Playgarden, playgardennyc.com
Union Square
Kidville, kidville.com
Peridance Capezio Center, peridance.com
Upper East Side
16 Handles, 16handles.com
92Y, 92y.org
Advantage QuickStart Tennis, advantagetennisclubs.com
Applause NYC, applauseny.com
The Art Farm in the City, theartfarms.org
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
Ballet Academy East, baenyc.com
Classic Kids Photography, classickids.com
CoolMess, coolmess.com
Cozy’s Cuts for Kids, cozyscutsforkids.com
The Craft Studio, craftstudionyc.com
CuRious Candy, curiouscandy.com
Dylan’s Candy Bar, dylanscandybar.com
Fastbreak Sports, fastbreakkids.com
For Kids Only at Equinox Sports, equinox.com/forkidsonly
French Institute Alliance Francais, fiaf.org
The Gaga Center, gagacenter.com
Gotham Tennis Academy, birthday@gothamtennis.com
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
Gymtime Rhythm & Glues, gymtime.net
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Kids at Art, kidsatartnyc.com
Kids in Sports, kidsinsports.com
Let’s Dress Up!, letsdressupnyc.com
Loop of the Loom, loopoftheloom.com
MAGIC Activity Center, magicactivitycenter.com
Museum of the City of New York, mcny.org
My Gym, mygym.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Pins & Needles, pinsandneedlesnyc.com
The Playroom NYC, theplayroomnyc.com
SciTech Kids, sci-techkids.com
Tie Dye Town, tiedyetown.com
TLB Music, tlbmusic.com
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com
Yorkville Youth Athletic Association, yyaa.org
Zaniac Learning, zaniaclearning.com
Upper West Side
16 Handles, 16handles.com
ACT Programs, actprograms.org
Advantage QuickStart Tennis, advantagetennisclubs.com
American Museum of Natural History, amnh.org
apple seeds, appleseedsplay.com
Children’s Museum of Manhattan, cmom.org
Columbus Gym, columbusgymnyc.com
Corbin’s Crusaders, corbinscrusaders.com
DiMenna Children’s History Museum at the New-York Historical Society, nyhistory.org
Discovery Programs, discoveryprograms.com
For Kids Only at Equinox Sports, equinox.com/forkidsonly
Gotham Tennis Academy, birthday@gothamtennis.com
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
JCC Manhattan, jccmanhattan.org
Kate Tempesta’s Urban Golf Academy, ktuga.com
Kids of Summer, kidsofsummer.com
Kidville, kidville.com
LAUNCH Math & Science, launchmath.com
Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, manhattanmovement.com
My Gym, mygym.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
RoboFun, robofun.org
Soccer by Coach Fher, coachfher.com
Symphony Space, symphonyspace.org
Tie Dye Town, tiedyetown.com
Voila Chocolat, voila-chocolat.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Boerum Hill
New York Transit Museum, nytransitmuseum.org
Brooklyn Heights
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Cobble Hill
Kidville, kidville.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Pixel Academy, pixelacademy.org
Coney Island
Luna Park, lunaparknyc.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Crown Heights
Brooklyn Children’s Museum, brooklynkids.org
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Fort Greene
ConstructionKids, constructionkids.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Park Slope
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
Kidville, kidville.com
My Gym, mygym.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Prospect Park
LeFrak Center at Lakeside, lakesidebrooklyn.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
16 Handles, 16handles.com
Billy Beez, billybeezus.com
Kidville, kidville.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
My Gym, mygym.com
New York Hall of Science, nysci.org
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Queens County Farm Museum, queensfarm.org
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
Randall’s Island
SPORTIME Randall’s Island, sportimeny.com
Roosevelt Island
Advantage QuickStart Tennis, advantagetennisclubs.com
Staten Island
Gymboree Play & Music, gymboreeclasses.com
YMCA, ymcanyc.org
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GetCoiffed, getcoiffed.com
Little Maestros, littlemaestros.com
Mad Science of New York City & Westchester, newyorkcity.madscience.org
Mo’ Motion, momotion.org
Mystery & Mayhem, mysteryandmayhem.com
Nicole Schumann Designs’ Beading and Jewelry Making Parties, nicoleschumanndesigns.com
Simply Sports, simplysports.net
Soccer by Coach Fher, coachfher.com
Super Soccer Stars, supersoccerstars.com/birthdays
Twinkle Party, twinklepartyfun.com
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com
The Hamptons
The Art Farm in the City, theartfarms.org
Gotham Tennis Academy, birthday@gothamtennis.com
The Green School, the-green-school.org
Super Soccer Stars, supersoccerstars.com/birthdays
Nassau County
Bounce!, bounceonit.com
Dave & Buster’s, daveandbusters.com
The Fashion Class, thefashionclass.com
Kidville, kidville.com
Mystery & Mayhem, mysteryandmayhem.com
Rockland County
Billy Beez, billybeezus.com
Bounce!, bounceonit.com
Gotham Tennis Academy, birthday@gothamtennis.com
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Kids in Sports, kidsinsports.com
Kidville, kidville.com
LEGOLAND Discovery Westchester, legolanddiscoverycenter.com/Westchester
Mad Science of New York City & Westchester, newyorkcity.madscience.org
Mystery & Mayhem, mysteryandmayhem.com
Super Soccer Stars, supersoccerstars.com/birthdays