He said it to me in a way that was cute, not nasty, so I received it in a way that amused , rather than annoyed me. Still, what my fourth grade son said to me at drop-off today, reminded me of how our hand-holding days are truly behind us.
For a while now, the pattern that Adam and I have at drop-off is basically that he goes his way (hanging out with his friends), and I go mine (walking away with other parents as we head off to our day’s at work or towards home.) He and I say “goodbye,” but it’s often at my insistence.
Today though, I realized that I had forgot to check in with Adam about whether one of his friends (who was hanging with him) would be joining us on a quick ski trip to the Poconos this weekend. So over I walked, step by step, encroaching on Adam and Jack.
“Hey Jack. Are you going to be joining us for skiing?”
“Yes! Thank you,” Jack said.
Jack is a quiet boy and much more polite than my son.
“That’s great, Jack…..it’ll be fun.”
And with that, our business was complete and my son wanted to make sure I knew it.
“Okay, then,” Adam said. “Off you go.”
Like I said, it had just the right tone and wit to charm me. (I think)
So off I went.