Looking to bond with your baby or toddler in the sweetest way? Check out these local parent-and-me classes!
92Y Babies Together: At 5-9 months, babies are waking up to the world and are ready for a class designed for them, as well as their grown-ups. Sing, dance, and play with your little one in 92Y’s Babies Together as you all make friends. Parents and caregivers will bond with their babies and their peers as well as receive advice and support from experienced faculty. 92y.org
Applause: The goal of Rock N Roll Babies is to entertain, educate, and expose children from 0-3 years (and adults!) to the magic of Broadway and rock ‘n’ roll. Each class has a custom-tailored curriculum specific to its age group, focusing on skills that children should be learning at every stage of their growth. applauseny.com
Art Farm NYC: The Art Farm NYC’s programs help children socialize with friends, interact with teachers, and learn care and compassion for animals, all with the comfort of a parent or caregiver. In Rock, Smocks, and Animals, children and parents will groove to the guitar, dance, sing along with instruments, and create art. All programs end with time in their petting zoo! theartfarms.org
Asphalt Green: Introduce your little one to the joy of swimming in Asphalt Green’s Water Babies classes. Through songs and games, you will work with your baby to help him or her feel comfortable in the water. This unique bonding experience is designed to familiarize infants with basic swim skills from seasoned swim instructors. asphaltgreen.org
Ballet Academy East: Ballet Academy East’s Petit Dancer Program instills a love of dance within a structured environment focused on joy and learning. Students from 18 months to 2.5 years, along with parents/caregivers, develop coordination, self-confidence, strength, focus, and creativity through BAE’s unique syllabus. balletacademyeast.com
Bija Kids: At Bija Kids’ Playgroup (drop-in) for ages 0-3, little ones explore puzzles, instruments, books, and toys in a warm, safe, and enriching environment with parents or caregivers present. One of their dynamic teachers leads an enrichment activity each afternoon. bijakids.com
Chelsea Piers: Toddler Gym at the Field House is an exciting play space that encourages fun through movement as youngsters crawl, roll, jump, and explore. Children participate with a parent or caretaker in an “open play” environment, while state-of-the-art equipment provides toddlers with the perfect setting for learning, adventure, and fun. chelseapiers.com
Citibabes: CityBitty is a mommy-and-me enrichment class for ages 2-12 months, and allows babies and parents to get to know one another in a structured time and class setting. The classes focus on activities to stimulate physical, cognitive, and social-emotional skills, reaching developmental milestones along the way. citibabes.com
Columbus Gym: Keeping in the spirit of fun while teaching young children the skills they need as they grow physically, socially, and emotionally, the Tiny Tot Fitness program (10 months-3 years) concentrates on balance, coordination, and fine motor skills as children explore tumbling mat circuits, balance beams, rings, bars, trampoline, and activity stations. columbusgymnyc.com
The Craft Studio: The Craft Studio classes aim to create hip and trendy projects and experiences for kids ages 18 months to adult, including all different mediums and techniques. The toddler art is for ages 18 months to 2.5 years, and the Little Hands Class is for ages 2.5-4.5 years. Both are amazing introductions to the world of art. craftstudionyc.com
Discovery Programs: Discovery’s special program Almost On My Own is for children ages 19-24 months with their parents or caregivers, and focuses on community, big steps, and big adventures! AOMO follows a balanced structure of activities designed to help facilitate your child’s developmental progress and school readiness through open play, gym, art, music, and dance. discoveryprograms.com
Eastside Westside Music Together: Eastside Westside Music Together is a family-centered music and movement program for children 0-4 years and the adults who love them. The Babies Only classes, for infants under 7 months, are a great way to introduce music into your child’s life in a fun and interactive way. eswsmusictogether.com
Gymboree: At Gymboree Play & Music, they use a holistic approach to support development and intellectual advancement. The specially designed classes incorporate innovation with classic learning techniques to engage young minds. Baby Lab, for children 0-10 months, is a multi-sensory play and learning lab that’s all about building brain power, stimulating reflexes, and sharing giggles. gymboreeclasses.com
Gymtime: Gymtime’s Mini Movers program is designed to engage parents and caregivers with their babies as they develop from spending time on their tummies to horizontal traveling and eventually crawling. Created specifically for children ages 6-10 months, they introduce easy and fun ways to enhance your child’s growing skills, physical strength, and coordination. gymtime.net
JCC Manhattan: Starting the journey of parenthood doesn’t have to be overwhelming and lonely, especially when you can have a supportive “village” to take those first steps with you! Program experiences at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan give grown-ups and babies special bonding time, teach activities and songs that can be replicated at home, and provide an opportunity to connect with other families. jccmanhattan.org
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Jodi’s Gym: The Mighty Muscle Movers class offers non-stop action (for children ages 12-35 months) from enthusiastic, safety-certified, knowledgeable teachers who will lead you and your child through an exciting class filled with running, jumping, tumbling, climbing, swinging, and stretching! jodisgym.com
Karma Kids Yoga: Partner with your toddler in simple animated poses and breathing exercises that help to strengthen coordination and build body awareness. Take a yoga adventure and bring all the animals to life with puppets, songs, and stories! This fun class provides key bonding methods between parent and child, while strengthening their growing muscles. karmakidsyoga.com
Kidville: Kidville Tumblers (ages 12-18 months, 18-24 months, and 2 years) incorporates beams, bars, rings, and springboards into an action-packed program that little ones and their parents can enjoy together. kidville.com
Little Maestros: Little Maestros is dedicated to providing an unparalleled experience complete with original interactive activities, a language development segment, musical story time, imaginative and pretend play, and global awareness segments. Through research and creativity, Little Maestros continues to strive to remain NYC’s No. 1 music program. littlemaestros.com
NY Kids Club: Circle, Sing, and Play Together brings songs, stories, art exploration, and sensory play to children ages 6 months-3 years. As they sing, stomp, clap, and wiggle their way through this structured routine, children gain confidence about transitions, all while having fun and making new friends–and only one grown-up lap is required! nykidsclub.com
Planet Han Mandarin: This fully immersive Mandarin class engages young children through songs, movement, and colorful visuals. Learning Mandarin is made fun in several ways, such as overlaying Chinese lyrics onto familiar English preschool songs so the children can focus on the words. planethanchinese.com
Poppyseed Pre-Nursery: Poppyseed has it all–amazing art projects, musical collaboration, story circles, dancing, tumbling, and more! Meeting two to three times a week, tots and moms boogie and bond while forging new friendships for life. Poppyseed is the perfect bridge between home and nursery school. poppyseedprenursery.com
Prenatal Yoga Center: The Prenatal Yoga Center offers postnatal yoga classes that help women regain strength and energy that may have been lost during pregnancy. Classes specifically focus on rebuilding strength in the abdomen, back, and pelvic muscles, releasing tension in the shoulders and neck, and opening the chest. Classes also address common issues and concerns that may arise in this new chapter of life. prenatalyogacenter.com
PROnatal Fitness: With the PROnatal Stroller Workout, moms can burn calories, build strength, and properly rebuild their core–all while spending time with their little one and meeting other moms! The class format alternates between cardio drills while pushing the stroller, and strength drills with the stroller parked–with a focus on proper core training throughout. pronatalfitness.com
Super Soccer Stars: Kick & Play is a parent-child pre-soccer and movement program specifically designed for toddlers between 12-24 months. Their experienced instructors along with puppet friends take parents and little ones through a world of exciting physical activity. newyork.supersoccerstars.com
TLB Music: The infant class at TLB Music aims to help develop a nurturing relationship between parent and child. Infants ages 4-12 months are grasping for their instruments and can tap a mallet, shake maracas, and create a beat with tambourines! This engaging experience improves babies’ hand-eye coordination while they play with other children and parents. tlbmusic.com
WeBop: WeBop is an early-childhood education program that allows parents and children to explore their creativity and musicality through jazz. These 45-minute, interactive jazz classes for children ages 8 months-5 years are led by trained faculty and explore jazz through movement, songs, storytelling, and play. jazz.org