Math (and pie) lover rejoice: Pi Day is here! Monday, March 14, 2016 is not only our annual celebration of the mathematical constant for the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, but it’s the only day this century that most closely approximates pi rounded to 4 decimal points (3.1416)!

Here are a few activities to help you celebrate this special Pi Day in style!
Sunday, March 13
Pi Day at MoMath
10:15 A.M.
What better way to celebrate Pi Day than at the National Museum of Mathematics, where you can learn more about pi, help build a sculpture that will remain on display at the Museum through Pi Day–and even hear from the inventor of KenKen! Free with museumadmission.
Pi Day Celebration at the Liberty Science Center
Sunday, March 13, 2016
The Liberty Science Center will celebrate all things Pi with a fun-filled day of hands-on activities, games, crafts and even virtual reality experiences from Google Expeditions! Free with museum admission.
Monday, March 14
Pi Day at NYSCI
Join the New York Hall of Science Explainers for a Pi Day celebration featuring math-focused activities in their “Mathematica: A World of Numbers exhibition.” Free with museum admission.
Running of the Pi with MoonJoggers
Help raise awareness for kidney health and celebrate Pi Day. Participants in the MoonJoggers “Running of the Pi” event who virtually walk (or run) the value of Pi–at any time in March–will receive a custom medal. Moonjoggers will donate 20% of each entry to the National Kidney Foundation. $22 registration fee includes custom medal and bib.
Eat pie!
Celebrate Pi Day by treating yourself and the kids to some delicious local pie! Hell’s Kitchen’s Little Pie Company is offering a free pi symbol sugar cookie when you buy any whole pie on 3/14. Some of our other favorite spots to grab a slice are are Brooklyn’s Four & Twenty Blackbirds, Milk Bar, Pies ‘n Thighs, and Petee’s Pie Company.