Pleygo, a Netflix-like LEGO rental service for families, has made charity a part of its company since its inauguration. The company’s website already donates 10 percent of its proceeds to Save Our Children as well as giving LEGO sets to charities like the Worldwide Orphans Foundation. This holiday season, Pleygo will continue its philanthropic ways through its first annual LEGO Brick Drive for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). LEGOs are often used in therapy with the ASD community because they are beneficial for both social interaction and development.
Families can use the donation page of the website to give LEGO sets to Pleygo, who will in turn sanitize the toys and distribute them to hospitals which work to support children with ASD. If you’d prefer to donate money, Pleygo is also accepting funds for Generation Rescue, an organization that works specifically with children who have ASD. Participants will receive a free month’s Super Fan subscription as a thank you from the site, and those who get their community involved through donation drives will receive an additional month of Super fan and free shipping for their donations. For more information about Pleygo and how you can donate, visit