On Nov. 21, PBS Kids will premiere “Let’s Go Luna!,” a new animated series about a group of three animal friends who traverse the globe with their parents’ circus performance troupe. At each stop, the trio learns about the differences and similarities of their global community with the help of their friend Luna the Moon — voiced by Judy Greer — who shares the language, music, and culture of the local region.
With a curriculum focused on fostering appreciation for cultural diversity, promoting global stewardship, and developing social and civic skills, “Let’s Go Luna!” is multifaceted and can help parents:
Expose your kids to geography and culture. As the trio travels through cities around the globe — from London to Cairo to Beijing — the show serves as a learning tool to help preschoolers understand the many countries, faces, and cultures that make up the world.
Encourage exploration and curiosity. From celebrating the cacao bean’s importance to Mexico to learning about the different types of paper and importance of recycling in Tokyo, the show helps children recognize the cultural significance of the things they use and see every day.
Promote global stewardship. Appreciating the planet through conservation and sustainability are important parts of being a world citizen. “Let’s Go Luna!” shows the importance of regularly taking care of one’s own environment (i.e. water, plants, and animals) by demonstrating the interconnection between humans and the natural world.
Help children understand that they may have more similarities than differences with those from other cultures. The show emphasizes the importance of encouraging compassion and understanding different cultures at an early age to promote acceptance and inclusion.