Your Complete 2020 Guide to Preschools and Nurseries in New York: Your Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island Options


If you’re a parent looking at preschools and nurseries in New York, the process can be daunting. Suddenly you have a million decisions to make. Are you looking for a big or small school? Are you looking for a religious school? Are you looking for somewhere your child can continue through high school? However, part of what makes the process so intimidating is also what makes it so exciting: you have a lot of options. That means you’ll be able to find a place that’s the right fit for your child and your family. To help you out, we’ve rounded up a list of the city’s top preschools and nurseries in New York. Whether you live in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx or Staten Island, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive list is organized by borough and neighborhood, so you can find the best school in the best location that works for you!


Brooklyn Heights:


Age 2-18
375 Pearl Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Quaker
In Their Own Words: “The Brooklyn Friends School Preschool program follows a curriculum that supports individual learning styles and developmental readiness. Our three and four year-olds meet increasingly complex challenges and practice social skills through hands-on, concrete experiences, and become curious, motivated, and competent learners.”
Noteworthy: “Community service is an important and inherent part of our Preschool education just as it is in every other division in our school. Service projects include collecting pennies, books, food, or clothing for various organizations with which the school has partnerships. Each class also takes a turn baking a special snack for a local women’s shelter.”


Age 2-Grade 8
185 Court Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our carefully designed environment encourages the student’s natural curiosity. We inspire a love of independent learning and foster critical thinking by engaging students in a challenging and meaningful curriculum.”
Noteworthy: “We proudly exist as the only preschool through eighth grade Montessori school in the NYC area fully accredited by both the New York State Association of Independent Schools and the American Montessori Society.”


Age 2-5
131 Remsen Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Housed in an inclusive, caring, Jewishly diverse community, our progressive Preschool encourages students’ young voices and all they have to share each year.”
Noteworthy: “With three teachers in every classroom, every child’s unique personality and learning style can be embraced. Children learn through play and project work as teachers guide children to explore their interests–children may complete a study of the firehouse, find out all about the farmers at the local green market, or invite an author to come hear them read their own class book.”


Age 2-4
254 Hicks Street
Philosophy: Holistic
Religious Affiliation: Nonsectarian
In Their Own Words: “We believe that meaningful learning situations, which provide the foundations of love of learning and respect for all peoples, encourage children to grow and flourish.”
Noteworthy: “The School’s music program seeks to inspire the love and joy of singing. Weekly classes include a diverse repertoire of songs celebrating many cultures, daily life in our city, and various holidays and celebrations that occur during the school year.”


Age 3-Grade 12
100 Clinton Street (Early Learning Center); 170 Joralemon Street (Main building)
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At Packer the foundations and tools for the pursuit of learning are developed in interactive, child-centered, developmentally appropriate settings in which children work individually and in cooperative groups. Quantitative reasoning, the scientific approach, and literacy skills are fostered. Creativity, critical thinking, research skills and an appreciation for the collective knowledge of the human family are also developed.”
Noteworthy: “From their first days at Packer, the Pre-K Threes and Pre-K Fours work with the science specialist to harness their inherent curiosity through rich, sensory experiences and structured play activities that allow them to sharpen their skills of observation, communication, and discovery. The emergent science program uses the students’ own fascinations with the environment as a springboard for in-depth investigations.”


Age 2-6
75 Hicks Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Congregational Christian
In Their Own Words: “The Plymouth Church School philosophy embraces developmental principles that encourage each child’s social, emotional, intellectual, moral, and physical development. We believe that children learn through a multi-sensory approach that encourages asking questions, finding answers, and sharing discoveries.”
Noteworthy: “Children three and older attend a weekly community gathering called Chapel. Lasting fifteen minutes, Chapel includes music, stories, and discussion on such topics as cooperation and compassion. Religious and cultural holidays important to our school are recognized to affirm the diversity of God’s family.”


Age 3-Grade 12
26 Willow Place (Preschool building); 124 Henry Street (Kindergarten);153 Pierrepont Street (Lower School); 129 Pierrepont Street (Middle and High School)
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Preschool exists to celebrate each child’s verve and to strengthen the individual child’s connection to the world. By providing a joyful first school experience, the child’s hunger for knowledge grows. School becomes a secure environment in which to explore and experiment. To this extent, the Preschool is a celebration of imagination, of the surprise of discovery and the delight in epiphanies.”
Noteworthy: “Once a year, all the classes come together to collaborate on what has become known as the Preschool Opera. A dazzling display of imagination, this opera asks that the children choreograph dances, brainstorm ideas for set designs and costumes and suggest musical lyrics. For one day, the big room is transformed into a magical performance space. It is something to behold.” 

Caroll Gardens:


Age 3-Grade 8
192 Luquer Street (Main entrance); 477 Court Street (Mailing address)
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We develop adventurers. Creative collaborators and intellectual risk takers who are inspired to think critically and seek answers. We create advocates. Passionate communicators actively connected to their community and the world. We shape leaders. Eager innovators dedicated to taking on challenges and exploring new ideas.”
Noteworthy: “In [nursery and pre-Kindergarten], 100 percent of the formal instruction is in the target language, French or Spanish.”

Clinton Hill:


Age 3-5
239 Vanderbilt Avenue
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Each child’s development is fostered in all areas — physical, social, intellectual, emotional and moral — as they follow a unique pattern in the predictable sequence of growth.”
Noteworthy: “Dillon, founded in 1934, is historically one of the first college preschools on the East coast.”


Age 4 months-4 years
467 Vanderbilt Avenue
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our curriculum is aimed at nurturing the whole child. We ensure that children in our care are safe, healthy, and engaged in appropriate learning tasks that promote academic and socio-emotional growth. Current research has proven that discovery learning paired with direct instruction, appropriate scaffolding, and feedback yields significant results. Our teaching philosophy at Discovery PitStop places the teachers in the role of facilitators as they set specific learning goals and work with children to meet these goals at their own pace.”
Noteworthy: “Each classroom at Discovery PitStop has a teacher that is fluent in Spanish. New vocabulary is introduced in both English and Spanish. Classrooms are labeled in both languages and libraries feature books in Spanish as well.”


Age 4-Grade 8
39 Adelphi Street
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “GHS was founded by parents and educators who envisioned an engaged and socially responsible community of active learners. Greene Hill School has small class sizes and staff dedicated to supporting children as they become confident in their abilities to explore, learn, demonstrate compassion, and be inspired.”
Noteworthy: “At Greene Hill School there is a belief that the community plays an important role in the education of children, and therefore our thematic units come from our connection with our local communities. As children get older and can grasp concepts of time and space, our curriculum branches out to the larger communities of New York City, New York State, the United States of America and the world.”

Cobble Hill:


Age 2-4
318A Warren Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We believe respecting individual differences is the way to create community. Through their Open House school experiences, young children learn that all people are valued and that all people can work together to make a better world.”
Noteworthy: “During this part of the day, children are offered an array of activities to choose from and are encouraged to play, explore and learn, while sharing their experiences and responding to the experiences of others. This approach allows children to be both self-directed and adult-supported.”



Age 2-5
99 Meserole Avenue
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: The Early Childhood Center at the Polish & Slavic Center focuses on the developmental needs of each child to foster intellectual, emotional, physical and social growth. Using play-based learning techniques, children can explore the environment as they experiment with hands-on activities. Learning takes place daily in science, math, literacy, dramatic play, art, and sensory centers.”
Noteworthy: Physical development is a significant component addressed through swim lessons (for those 3 and up), yoga, structured gym activities, free play, and trips to local parks. Children are encouraged to move throughout the day as they become more and more confident in their motor control.”

Park Slope:


Age 3-Grade 12
701 Carroll Street (Lower School); 181 Lincoln Place (Upper & Middle School)
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The goal of our vibrant intellectual community is to support the inventiveness, imagination, and creativity of our students on the path of discovering their passions and individual voices.”
Noteworthy: “Our Partial Immersion Spanish Program is a part of all Lower School classrooms every day.”


Age 3–Grade 12
50 Prospect Park West (Lower School building); 9216 7th Avenue (Middle and Upper Schools)
Philosophy: Whole Student Education
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Since character is a fundamental part of the school’s mission, our students learn about making good choices and helping others throughout the school day. Older students meet with younger ones to read, player and learn together in a buddy system.”
Noteworthy: “The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn Botanical Garden, and the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library are all within walking distance, and with Prospect Park as our virtual front yard, our Lower School students have wonderful resources available throughout the school year.”


Age 2-5
277 3rd Avenue
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The environment of cooperation and respect we foster at Rivendell Preschool incorporates Maria Montessori’s belief that a more peaceful world begins by nurturing each child’s spirit so that kindness, compassion and love of learning may follow.”
Noteworthy: “Through classroom visits, check-in calls, twice yearly parent-teacher conferences, participation in family events and PTA activities that support the school, parents become active members of the Rivendell Preschool community.”

Red Hook:


Age 3-Grade 12
556 Columbia Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our preschool is a developmentally appropriate and best practices program — and we believe that early learning should be expertly led by thoughtful, nurturing, creative, and passionate teachers. Our educators create a learning environment where learning is a joyful and rewarding experience that maintains the integrity of each child’s imagination and natural curiosity. The environment fosters an exposure to a thematic, hands-on, comprehensive, and content-rich curriculum.”
Noteworthy: “Mandarin is taught weekly by our Early Learning Specialists and provides children with a unique exposure to a second language early in their lives.”



Age 2-4
10 Withers Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Words: “At Mount Carmel, each child’s curiosity and creativity is nurtured as they actively explore their environment. In bright, beautiful and recently renovated surroundings, children will experiment with a variety of open-ended materials, and engage in large and small group activities with teachers, friends and on their own.”
Noteworthy: Rather than a teacher-directed study of “concepts in isolation” (letter of the week, color of the day etc.) our teachers integrate these concepts in child-centered themes or projects. Activities related to these themes support the learning of foundational skills and meet State Standards in math, language and literacy, science and social studies in a more meaningful way.”


Ages 2-4
54 South Second Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Williamsburg Neighborhood Nursery School was founded on the belief that a good early childhood program should provide children and their families with a bridge between the worlds of home and school.”
Noteworthy: “WNNS actively opposes the targeted marketing of products aimed at children. The classrooms are free of branded materials, images of television or movie characters or advertisements of any kind.”


Age 2-Grade 8
152 North 5th Street (Preschool); 299 North 7th Street (Lower & Middle School)
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Through both child-directed and teacher-facilitated activities, children are given the opportunity to fully explore the world around them. A multi-sensory approach is used in order to meet the varying learning styles and developmental needs of each child. Children will engage with and express themselves through a variety of media, including, but not limited to, paint, clay, collage, music, dance, storytelling, blocks, natural materials, and recycled materials.”
Noteworthy: “To support young children’s natural motivation to invent, all Prekindergarten classrooms feature Maker Tables as part of our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) initiative. Here, students can independently design structures, solve problems and put together recycled materials into new creations with working parts.”

Multiple Locations in Brooklyn:


Age 1.9-9
339 8th Street
421 7th Street
410 6th Avenue
446 6th Avenue
454-456 6th Avenue
506 6th Avenue
Philosophy: Cooperative
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our classrooms belong to the children and our teachers serve as guides and mentors. It’s a place to share in children’s experiences, celebrate their families, and reflect their interests. Beansprouts teachers guide our children with insight, skill and enthusiasm. Our thoughtfully selected faculty provides a safe, caring and supportive environment to help children flourish. We believe in building children’s authentic self-esteem, both through the mastery of problem solving and communication skills, and through the development of friendships in a warm community setting.”
Noteworthy: “We make excellent use of our community’s resources and visit the local firehouse, post office, public library and pet shop. In addition, our 4s visit the Botanical Gardens, Prospect Park Wildlife Center, Prospect Park, the Big Apple Circus, museums and children’s theater.”


Age 2-4
Cobble Hill: 11 Wyckoff Street
Park Slope: 65 Park Place
Brooklyn Heights: 78 Amity Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our integrated science-based curriculum embraces children’s innate curiosity, and provides a foundation for meaningful math, language, and literacy development. We believe in the lifelong benefits of early experiences with STEM, and we believe in fostering a joyous love of learning.”
Noteworthy: “School locations feature a giant living wall and a 300-gallon fish tank. We have blue tongue skinks, crested geckos, bearded dragons, gerbils, hamsters, giant millipedes, stick bugs, and Madagascar roaches in the classrooms. We incorporate this sampling of the vastness of the natural world into several months of our ‘Living Things in the Neighborhood’ units of study.”


Age 1-6
Williamsburg: 717 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn Heights: 212 Hicks Street
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: At the heart of our school is our belief that children thrive when given freedom and responsibility in Montessori environments prepared especially for them. Our bright, beautiful classrooms and caring staff members will nurture your child’s joy for learning. Your child will love gardening in our engaging outdoor play spaces, which are filled with native plant species and designed to encourage your child to explore.”
Noteworthy: Optional Spanish Immersion Program for toddlers: “Our immersion classrooms feature lead teachers (“guides”) who are not only Montessori-trained, but are also native Spanish speakers, and the daily classroom experience is conducted fully in Spanish. This constant exposure to native Spanish allows children to learn the language with a native accent and natural intonation. Spanish-speaking lead guides give Montessori lessons in Spanish, and they conduct daily conversations and classroom management in Spanish as well.”




Age 3-Grade 12
259 10th Avenue
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Avenues’ Early Learning Center focuses on the whole child and provides an environment rich in hands-on opportunities to grow socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. The program focuses on providing developmentally appropriate experiences in math, science, language and literacy concepts as children learn to express their creativity and ideas while building the skills needed for later learning.”
Noteworthy: “Beginning in Nursery (3s) children will spend half of their days in either Mandarin or Spanish immersion. They will continue the language immersion through the Lower School with the goal of fluency.”


Age 2-5
319 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The children at Chelsea Day School play. They play to make sense out of their world, to learn more about themselves and each other, to develop language and to express themselves. Rules foster physical and emotional safety. Discipline is valued as a teaching tool, and adult intervention is supportive rather than punitive or moralistic.”
Noteworthy: “Arts Alive is an after-school program that is offered Monday through Thursday from 3-4:30pm [for Chelsea Day students]. Children will have a snack and play time along with the afternoon’s activity. Some activities offered include play-acting, art and nature, creative movement and cooking.”


Age 2.7-5
Pier 62–23rd Street and Hudson River Park
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The mission of CP Kids is to create a learning environment in which young children learn through play, actively developing their language, cognitive, social/emotional and motor skills. At CP Kids, children are given concrete experiences to encourage interaction with the world around them and exploration of new ideas and materials.”
Noteworthy: “Once a week, students participate in a micro-sports class led by a Chelsea Piers professional coach. These classes are included in the CP Kids tuition and provide students with a unique introduction to different sports. Children learn basic rules, movements, and how to follow directions and work as a team. Additionally, sports classes provide further opportunity to develop both gross and fine motor control.”


Age 2-Grade 5
324 West 15th Street
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The curriculum at Corlears reflects our strongly held belief that young children are natural learners, curious about the world around them and learn and grow from experiences that are meaningful and relevant to them. It provides an organizing framework for instructional practices and serves as a catalyst for a dynamic process that encourages students to be actively engaged in their own learning.”
Noteworthy: “Students have a chance to discover, practice and revisit concepts both as novices during their first year in a classroom and as mentors during their second. Younger students are inspired to take intellectual risks as they observe their older classmates and understand what comes next. Older students develop confidence as they are challenged to support their younger peers by sharing their knowledge in clear and concise ways.”


Ages 2-5
247 West 24th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words:  “Our child-centered approach to learning enables each child to explore and discover their world through first hand experiences in our classroom centers: reading corner, science, blocks and puzzles, computer, housekeeping, art, drama and music. Children also play everyday in our secure playground.”
Noteworthy: “As an extension to our community inspired curriculum, several field trips are planned during the school year at which time parents are welcome to participate with their children. Monthly trips are planned to the library as well as school trips to the zoo, natural history museum or just short walks around the neighborhood.”


Age 4-Grade 12
272 6th Avenue (Lower & Middle School); 40 Charlton Street (High School)
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Simply put, progressive education works with a child’s natural inquisitiveness and desire to do, to experiment and to be involved. Progressive education asks students to truly understand a topic and to demonstrate and to defend their understanding. It asks them to think beyond the page, beyond the ‘right answer.’”
Noteworthy: “There has never been a more critical time for critical thinkers. When answers can be Googled in the tap of a finger or click of a mouse, asking the right questions is what counts. Living by core values is what counts. Our progressive program equips students with the confidence to discern fact from slant, and to contribute to society in a meaningful way.”


Ages 2-5
244 West 14th Street
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “A German and Spanish immersion program for ages 2 to 5  combining the best of international and American teaching methods in a nurturing setting that cultivates the growth and development of your child. The licensed native-speaking faculty teaches music, movement, literacy, and visual arts in a fun and warm learning environment.”
Noteworthy: Founded in 2012 by three parents who saw a need in Manhattan for a German and Spanish immersion preschool. This school is not only unique for featuring two dual languages for preschool- it is committed to fostering creativity, independence, and self-sufficiency in their students.

East Harlem:


Age 3-Grade 8
314 East 110th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
In Their Own Words: “At St. Ann, The Personal School we believe God calls each child by name. Our community prepares students to take their place in the world, because every child has a special purpose in life. Our mission is to help them find it. This exploration begins in preschool, through joyful play that engages their minds and hearts, and center-based learning that prepares them for their academic career. Individualized lessons in math, literacy, and STEAM and a child-centered curriculum are part of our award-winning Blended Learning program.”
Noteworthy: “The Personal School is our daily call to action, and a reminder of why we are a special community in East Harlem. We take great pride in our 90-year history and we are especially gratified when former students enroll their own children at St. Ann.”

East Village:


Age 2.4-5
344 East 14th Street
Philosophy: Inspired by Reggio Emilia and Bank Street
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We believe that young children learn through active involvement in a warm and nurturing environment that builds self-confidence and fosters curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Our professional, enthusiastic, and nurturing staff engages families in a trusting and dynamic learning partnership. Weaving together Jewish values and traditions within an age-appropriate and all-inclusive setting, our pre-kindergarten program celebrates diversity in every way.”
Noteworthy: “The 14th Street Y has been lucky to have Eve Chwast teaching preschool art. Our Atelier (Art Room) is a studio for exploring and expressing ideas in various media and languages. Eve helps children to express themselves creatively through child centered art projects such as self-portraits and group painting projects, using a number of different mediums and techniques.”


Age 4-Grade 12
86 Fourth Avenue (Grade School Campus); 46 Cooper Square (High School Campus)
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words: “Our stimulating and integrated curriculum enables children to become self-confident learners in their new environment. Creativity and individuality are carefully nurtured and encouraged. As students begin to discover the joy and satisfaction of learning, they also come to appreciate how cooperation, respect and fairness are valued throughout the school community.”
Noteworthy: “Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten children have many opportunities to share experiences with the entire school community. They eat lunch in the dining room and attend regularly scheduled classes in the library, art room, science lab, music/dance studio and the Early Childhood gymnasium.”


Age 2-Grade 8
44 East 2nd Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
Noteworthy: “Our school curriculum draws from the English National Curriculum, which is respected and recognized around the world. Year groups are separated into different ‘key stages,’ in which children pick up the skills and knowledge they need to take the next step in their learning. It gives students the freedom to learn at the pace that is right for them, and one that gives them a solid foundation for learning, wherever life may take them.”


Age 2-4
93 St. Mark’s Place
Philosophy: ART (Accept, Reflect, Teach)
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We validate a child’s feelings and give him the name for what he is experiencing. If we say to a child: ‘Yes, you miss your mommy, I know you are feeling lonely,’ then we are giving him a name for what he feels. Being accepted by an empathic adult lets a child feel he is understood, and so he will come to understand himself.”
Noteworthy: “Our days are structured enough to provide the children with a sense of security and order, but relaxed enough to allow for individual children to grow at their own pace. We encourage membership in the group and direct children to each other for help, so that they will become interdependent community members who seek help from and give help to each other. These skills are important social skills that will help them throughout their academic life.”


Age 12 months-4 years
235 East 11th Street
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Third Street Preschool is a school within a school. Music is part of the daily preschool language, enriching many aspects of children’s preschool experience and opening doors to new learning. It’s heard in the hallways, sung and played in the classrooms. In addition to an active, inquiry-based curriculum, preschoolers enjoy movement and music classes, Instrument Intros and Family Sing-Alongs.”
Noteworthy: “Each month, through direct and hands-on participation, children learn about instrument families. They enjoy interactive mini-concerts presented by esteemed Third Street music instructors, and learn to identify and respond to the distinguishing qualities of each instrument family.”

Financial District:


Age 1-5
215 South End Avenue
Philosophy: Hands-on
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Developmentally appropriate activities with a “hands-on” approach make school fun…We offer many choices within a structured day and help children acquire skills that enable them to deal with a variety of situations. By gathering information and ideas, we help them see relationships which will lead them to better understand their world.”
Noteworthy: “Combining movement, drama, and music, [a Creative Play] program provides a broad range of creative interactive experiences. Children use rhythm instruments, listen to music, sing songs, and dance…Children act out stories, explore motions, experiment with expressive body movement, play games, and learn body awareness.”


Ages 2-14
241 Water Street (Pre-primary & Primary School); 156 William Street (Upper-primary & Middle School)
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We carefully observe and assess each child’s individual interests and needs, then use this information to guide our teaching. Because we know that learning comes most naturally when driven by children’s interests, we adapt instruction to the learning styles of each child, while mindful of our shared goals.”
Noteworthy: “We believe that creative expression is a basic human need. We are dedicated to connecting children with their ability to create and to express themselves. By helping them access their innate creativity and expression, we believe children will become intrinsically motivated to learn and more fully engaged in life.”


Ages 2-5
15 Dutch Street
Philosophy: Accommodating
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At the Downtown Little School we offer a pre-school program for young children that emphasizes social and emotional growth, while giving careful attention to cognitive and physical development. We offer an individualized program that supports the strengths and responds to the needs of each child and family.”
Noteworthy: “At the Downtown Little School we promote a strong bridge between home and school, starting with a home visit for children new to the school. We provide a workshop series on topics including bedtimes, mealtimes, toilet training, and managing difficult behavior.”


Age 16 months-Grade 12
41 Broad Street
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Léman Manhattan Preparatory Lower School is a vibrant, creative and joyful place. With strong focuses on personalized learning and internationalism, our curriculum helps students develop critical thinking skills that prepare them for the global society.”
Noteworthy: “The PK3’s are engaged in Mandarin through stories, games, songs, and music. Total Physical Response (TPR) is used to reinforce meaning through body movements. Themes we cover include counting from 1-10, primary colors, animals, and body parts.” 


Age 2-5
2 South End Ave (for more locations throughout New York, please visit
Philosophy: Academic/Stem
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Metrokids Preschool is a dynamic school in New York City. This preschool provides the highest quality preschool education with professional services for a warm, nurturing, and responsive environment.”
Noteworthy: “Strategy-based learning, scientific method, STEM, advanced language development and student-inspired thematic learning guide the development of our curriculum. Our programs are carefully researched and creatively implemented as we approach each day with a sense of imagination, wonder, innovation, and fun.”


Age 2-6
2 Gold Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our beautiful, sun-filled classrooms and highly experienced Montessori-certified teachers, create a joyful, warm and nurturing environment where each child is specifically challenged to the highest level of his or her own unique abilities. MSM students enjoy an educational experience that enhances self-esteem and fosters an ever-increasing curiosity about the world, affording our graduates consistent acceptance to New York’s most competitive schools.”
Noteworthy: “In addition to our traditional Montessori curriculum, MSM students participate in Second Language, Performing Arts, Music, Yoga, and Visual Art Study programs. First-time visitors to MSM are impressed with the self-discipline, confidence, and academic talents of even our youngest children.”



Ages 2-4
330 East 26th Street
Philosophy: Hands-on
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The educational approach at The Acorn School provides children with an exciting learning environment that is both integrated and self-stimulating. With guidance from our teachers, the children engage in both independent and collaborative exploration. The learning and growth process is encouraged via ‘hands on’ experiences that foster a child’s innate sense of creativity and curiosity.”
Noteworthy: “Parents may volunteer to become a class parent and have the opportunity to observe their children during the school year. Open Houses (in the older children’s classes) and seasonal newsletters are offered to help keep parents informed of classroom activities.”


Age 2-5
130 East 16th Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We aim to create a nurturing and stimulating environment in which children’s curiosity is respected, creativity valued, and collaborations supported.”
Noteworthy: “Each class begins with a phase-in schedule that suits its particular age group. Teachers visit each child’s home before school starts, and every class begins in half-groups and works up to a full day schedule… It is a slow gentle process, with the pace of separation determined on an individual basis. This phase-in period usually lasts between six to eight weeks, and parents and caregivers remain in the room to support children until they are ready to separate. Teachers assess when they think a child is ready for separation, discuss it with parents and together work out a plan that is gradual and nurturing.”


Ages 2-5
28 Gramercy Park South
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Because independence is an outgrowth of trust, we maintain small classes and high teacher to child ratios. In this environment children can feel safe and encouraged to explore both a variety of materials and their relationships with peers and adults. Children feel important and valued when others listen to them, seek out their ideas, and allow them to express themselves.”
Noteworthy: “Our curriculum is full of opportunities to eat, taste, touch, and sing about the rhythms and cycles of the Jewish year when the holidays make their appearance throughout the year. At Brotherhood, we imbue daily life with Jewish values, informed by the traditions of our ancestors.”


Ages 2-5
17 East 16th Street
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “It is important to us that each child and family feels that his or her language and culture brings a wonderful addition to our program. We believe children, through this rich international environment combined with art, music, dance, yoga, readiness and play, will develop their social, emotional and physical skills fully and become prepared for the global world we live in.”
Noteworthy: “Every month the children study the countries they come from. This is done through music, songs, dances, books and learning words in different languages. Artwork reflects a celebration of all the nationalities. We introduce the children to food from a variety of countries.”


Nursey-Grade 8
206 Fifth Avenue (Nursery-Kindergarten) and 111 East 22nd Street (1st-8th Grade)
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The École, formerly École Internationale de New York, is an intimate and independent French-American school located in New York’s vibrant Flatiron District that cultivates an internationally-minded community of students. Through our unique dual program, which incorporates both the French and American curricula, The École offers students the lifetime benefits of a bilingual education, empowering them to create and connect to a world filled with possibilities.”
Noteworthy: “From Maternelle to Middle School, The École artfully blends the best of the French and American educational systems. Through their illuminating journey, students grow more flexible and fluid, interested and interesting, persistent and positive. Always ready to shape and share their life’s successes, whatever the moment and wherever they go.”


Ages 0-5
444 2nd Avenue
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Explore + Discover offers the highest quality education and care for infants and toddlers in a social setting that encourages exploration, play, friendship and artistic expression as pathways for learning and self-discovery.”
Noteworthy: “Designed for guided sensory learning, our space allows teachers and children to create experiences of sight, sound and touch. Explore + Discover also works to connect students daily to the natural world by introducing natural elements such rocks, sticks, flowers, and leaves.”


Ages 2.5-5.5
209 East 16th Street
Philosophy: Eclectic
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words: “Acknowledging children’s efforts encourages the development of the inner motivation within each child. The ability to persevere and work through challenges, to have patience and appreciate the hard work of practice and repetition is visible in all children do, whether building in the blocks, completing a puzzle or learning to write their name.”
Noteworthy: “Each classroom organizes its curriculum around various topics or units of study. This creative and integrated curriculum allows children to spend time gaining understanding of various concepts while working on small motor, dramatic play and art projects. Children can enter the topic through an avenue which suits them most comfortably and then expand their experiences over time.”

Greenwich Village:


Ages 3-Grade 8
111 Washington Place
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
In Their Own Words: “The Academy of St. Joseph empowers and challenges students with a curriculum based on the arts, sciences, and the humanities integrated with the values of the Catholic Church. The Academy fosters the intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional and physical development of students, while instilling in them the highest standards of character, competence, and compassion in a joyful, welcoming community. The Academy creates a strong foundation for students to become life-long learners, responsible citizens and effective leaders as they embrace and improve the global society.”
Noteworthy: “The Academy of St. Joseph is committed to a set of core beliefs which define and bind the community together to create an enriched, vibrant and balanced educational experience for all students. We believe that by working together we can develop students who will embody our mission as people of character, competence, and compassion.”


Ages 2.3-5.3
27 Barrow Street
Philosophy: Eclectic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We believe that [play] is the basis for developing meaningful social interactions, creative problem solving skills and a wide range of communication and physical abilities. Our teachers value the diverse backgrounds of their students and provide opportunities within the curriculum for the expression and the sharing of family traditions and culture.”
Noteworthy: “Our rooftop playground features a jungle gym, play house, and garden. Now not only can our students build and refine their gross motor skills while enjoying fresh air, but they can learn how to grow plants and vegetables.”


Ages 2-Grade 8
146 West 13th Street
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Believing that education is fundamentally a social process, we strive to create a vital school community that supports each child’s innate passion for learning while also expanding his or her understanding of communities and cultures that exist beyond school and home.”
Noteworthy: “Children are natural-born learners. They are relentless scientists, performing experiments of trial and error everywhere they go. By the time they attend school, they have already figured out how to walk and talk and communicate their needs to their parents and caregivers. We believe an educator’s greatest challenge isn’t to teach children, but rather to create an environment that keeps their inherent curiosity intact.”


Age 2-4
32 Carmine Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Downing Street Playgroup provides a nurturing and unique preschool experience for 2-4 year-olds in a cooperative setting where parents are actively involved in the classroom experience and the functioning of the school, while forming strong and meaningful relationships with the teachers.”
Noteworthy: “It began with a group of local moms, over 40 years ago, who saw the need for a low-cost preschool option in the neighborhood, and where they could contribute directly in their child’s first school experience. Art, music, and creative play are emphasized in the curriculum. Children can take charge of their learning through play-based child-led explorations in the classroom, where learning is fun, shared, and valued.”


Age 2-5.6
12 West 12th Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian
In Their Own Words: “The Nursery School follows the progressive educational philosophy of ‘developmental interaction,’ with inspiration from the Reggio Emilia preschools. The ‘Reggio approach’ reminds us to look at children’s competence and potential rather than their limitations. Focusing on what children can do (instead of what they cannot do) leads to higher levels of thinking and performance.”
Noteworthy: “The First Presbyterian Church Nursery School recently launched Project APPLE (an acronym for A Place for Planting, Learning, and Eating), transforming our rooftop playground into a vertical garden that is tended to and used by our students.”


Ages 4-Grade 8
487 Hudson Street
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words: “St. Luke’s is a traditional school, in that it has a strong academic curriculum, high standards, clear and consistent boundaries and expectations. Within that structure, we emphasize freedom. We use varied educational approaches and techniques to help stimulate independent thinking—to free the children to question, challenge, explore, and pursue truth wherever it leads.”
Noteworthy: “St. Luke’s School is growing from tiny to small, allowing our school to offer more individualized instruction and expand our programs as we maintain the sense of community that has nurtured our students’ growth for generations…We are thrilled with the opportunity to welcome more students and families into our community as the school grows.”


Ages 2-5
110 Bleecker Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our teachers create a nurturing atmosphere where children play and explore a variety of open-ended materials. We consider social and emotional growth to be some of the most important aspects of learning. Our curriculum is tailored to the developmental needs of each child.”
Noteworthy: “The school asks each family to contribute at least four to five hours of volunteer work each month, or about 45 hours per year. Every family is responsible for one job throughout the school year and one major group set-up or break-down activity at the beginning or end of the year, in addition to fundraising activities and providing snacks for their classroom.”


Ages 2-5
136 West 10th Street
Philosophy: Eclectic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “All of our teachers have been hand chosen for love of children and the ability to empathize with them. Children who love their teachers perform better in all areas of preschool life. In our teaching approach, therefore, how a child feels is just as important to us as how s/he is mastering the academic component of our curriculum.”
Noteworthy: “Our teachers’ list of qualifications must include a ‘silly gene’ in addition to their academic degrees: children thrive on laughter and fun. Our teachers must also have the gift of compassion and empathy, so that they can relate to what it feels like to be a young child who is relying on them to take the place temporarily of their parents.”


Ages 2-4
73 Horatio Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “A curriculum is planned for each group that includes art, dramatic play, block building, cooking, outdoor play and music and movement (led by a music specialist).  Based on the children’s interests and abilities, themes are developed that incorporate the skills that form a basis for reading and math.”
Noteworthy: “We have found that young children respond positively to their parents’ active involvement in school affairs.  When parents are directly involved in the classroom, children become acquainted with many warm and caring adults outside their immediate family.  Consequently, at an early age they begin to build a picture of the outer world as safe and friendly.”

Kips Bay:


Ages 3-Grade 8
20 Waterside Plaza
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Preschool Early Years classrooms at BISNY are designed around an innovative program where children learn through inquiry. They are taught thinking routines, organizational strategies and problem solving, helping them to become independent, confident, globally minded children. We believe in teachable moments and differentiating our curriculum to meet the needs of each child as an individual learner.”
Noteworthy: “We maintain print rich, stimulating classroom environments which nurture the creative and enthusiastic nature of our children. Come and see what our students have created: Pirate World, Rapunzel’s Tower, and the Pizza Pizza Restaurant; and you’ll find out how our inquiry-based curriculum leads to well-rounded children with a love of life-long learning.”

Lower East Side:


Ages 0-4
197 East Broadway
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Teachers and children work collaboratively to co-construct a curriculum that draws inspiration from the children’s interests. Families are our partners, joining together with the children and teachers to create a seamless connection between home and school. Exploration, play, open ended questions, and beautiful spaces provide an excellent framework for learning.”
Noteworthy: “The curriculum incorporates Jewish values that are universally relevant, such as the values of gratitude and respect for our environment. We strive to create a culture in which the classrooms are collaborating and engaging children and families to create a shared community of meaning.”


Ages 3 months-4.9 years
99 Suffolk Street
Philosophy: Nature-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Drawing inspiration from nature, we offer an environment rich in artful materials and experiences. Staying aware that children’s brains are like sponges and incredibly receptive, our goal is to stretch their minds. We do this via outdoor play, natural materials, art, music, movement, dance and yoga, cooking and drama. We also grow our own vegetables, and cook with them, introducing children to the farm-to-table philosophy, as also to newer tastes and cuisines.”
Noteworthy: “Daily adventures into natural spaces build valuable skills such as observation, creativity and organization, while allowing for both individual capabilities and collective sharing. Children’s outdoor discoveries also provide great subjects for all manner of creative and vocal expression, while the outdoor efforts, movement and yoga inculcate early habits of physical fitness.”


Ages 2-5
383 Grand Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia and Forest Kindergartens of Europe
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our daily schedule allows plenty of time for both independent and teacher directed play. At My Little Village each child is viewed as a unique individual whose physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth are supported and nurtured in order to help them become happy, creative, well rounded human beings.”
Noteworthy: “Amy W. Kraus is the school’s Owner/Teaching Director and has over ten years of teaching experience. She is a graduate of the Bank Street College of Education, with a Masters of Education in the field of Administration and School Leadership.”

Midtown East:


Age 2.4-5
652 Lexington Avenue
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Our goal is to nurture the development of the intellectual, social and emotional, language and physical skills that will establish a strong foundation for each child as an eager and curious learner throughout his or her life, and shorter term, will ensure a successful transition to kindergarten.”
Noteworthy: “Our children have the opportunity to explore gardening and learn how plants grow in our Second Floor Terrace and Garden. Each class has its own garden plot, and throughout the year will plant seeds, nourish them, watch them grow, harvest and then eat their produce!”


Ages 1.6-12
323 East 47th Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Family School, founded in 1975, was established in an effort to provide diverse populations with a warm, inclusive, Montessori environment that fosters independence, creativity and tolerance.”
Noteworthy: “Through interacting with younger and older peers, our students develop leadership skills, self-confidence, and grace and courtesy. They experience a true academic environment in which they are also exposed to a wide variety of Specials, including Chess, Yoga, Martial Arts, Drumming, Art, and five Foreign Languages weekly, giving them the opportunity to find their passions, while developing a wide fund of knowledge.” 212-688-5950


Ages 1.11-5
225 East 51st Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Within the context of play, our balanced program includes both structured and open-ended activities enabling children to build the skills and self-assurance needed to become confident, joyful and life-long learners.”
Noteworthy: “We are committed to sharing the value of Judaism by integrating the celebration of Shabbat and Jewish holidays into an age-appropriate program, and our school is an integral part of the vibrant and long-standing Sutton Place Synagogue community. Family members, the most important people in the lives of young children, participate in the nursery school experience in a variety of meaningful ways.”


Ages 3-Grade 12
225 East 43rd Street (Lower School); 815 2nd Avenue (Upper School)
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We provide our young children with opportunities to maximize their full potential and to prepare for later grades. Our ultimate goal is to help our children become independent and to make their first years at school a wonderful experience that fosters a love of learning that will last a lifetime.”
Noteworthy: “In each class, our teachers work together to create an atmosphere that is warm, nurturing and supportive. Our comprehensive curriculum promotes mastery of basic reading, writing, and math skills. It allows the teachers to recognize each child’s strengths, interests and abilities.”


Age 2-4
409 East 58th Street 
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Manhattan Jewish Montessori is a small, intimate Jewish preschool in East Midtown whose mission is to provide a warm and nurturing environment where children can grow and develop emotionally, cognitively and physically. Based on the knowledge that the formative years of early childhood are vitally important, each child is viewed as a seed that we nurture with the utmost care.”
Noteworthy: The school offers a weekly Baby Loves Shabbat class, “a gentle, musical introduction to Jewish songs and traditions, centered around a Shabbat party just for the littlest learners! Enjoy music and instruments, parachute play, candle lighting, and Challah baking each week in our beautiful preschool classroom.”


Ages 2-Grade 8
347 East 55th Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The uniqueness of each child is emphasized and fostered in our well-prepared classrooms, which are designed to promote the development of emotional, physical, intellectual and social needs. One of the most distinguishing features of the Montessori method is its extensive use of manipulative items.”
Noteworthy: “Most modern research suggests that people have a far greater ability to learn foreign languages during the first six years of life. We take advantage of this and introduce children to French and Spanish.”


Ages 2.6-5
325 Park Avenue
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words:“St. Bart’s educational philosophy is based on fostering a love of learning, while celebrating and embracing each child’s uniqueness. We are committed to providing an environment where children’s curiosity is encouraged.”
Noteworthy: “Once a year, the school focuses on a week-long International Studies theme including music, food, art, and dancing from other countries and culture. This culminates in a school wide International Day celebration on the Friday of that week, ending with an international feast for all!”


Ages 6 months-5 years
224 East 47th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our program is committed to providing a safe, supportive living and learning environment for young children. It offers a nurturing, yet challenging program for children who are enrolled on a full-time basis, as well as an early group experience for children who attend part-time. Teachers create a warm and loving atmosphere while covering a developmentally-based, engaging curriculum, where children can play, discover and learn.”
Noteworthy: “Social development is at the core of our program. We want our children to feel they are liked, respected and an integral part of the life in the classroom. The Vanderbilt Y’s Early Childhood Program functions as a close-knit community of teachers, children and families. Each child develops a strong sense of community and belonging.”

Midtown West:


Age 2-Grade 5
525 West 52nd Street
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At a young age, students begin to learn a second language naturally through routines and social and emotional skills development. This early exposure creates a solid foundation in listening comprehension and speaking, enabling ever higher fluency levels as elementary students.”
Noteworthy: “Starting in fall 2014, we will enable students entering grades 1-4 without prior exposure to Mandarin an opportunity to transition into our mainstream immersion classrooms through the Elementary Integration Program. This curriculum provides additional individualized and dynamic support to ease the integration throughout the year.”

Murray Hill:


Ages 2-4
133 East 29th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “All children learn best when learning is fun, interesting and meaningful. The philosophy of Aleph Bet Preschool is based on play. Children develop physically, emotionally, and socially through the manipulation of objects and toys in their environment.”
Noteworthy: “This community minded preschool has also fostered lasting friendships among many of the parents. Parents who have sent their children to Aleph Bet NY will proudly tell you that they felt like their child received first class care and attention! The director is very involved and extremely approachable. The teachers are professional, experienced, attentive and available even after school hours.”


Ages 2-Grade 6
28 East 35th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our philosophy is based on the idea that every child has a gift or a unique talent which they express in a special way.”
Noteworthy: “The mission of Maryel School is to provide a dual language of Spanish and English education for children ages 2 through 12 in a warm, responsive, and supportive atmosphere that will allow each child to begin his or her social and academic journey through life. At Maryel, we deeply believe that when young children are exposed to different languages, they are taught to be more tolerant and respectful of other cultures and traditions, which enables them to become more responsible and active citizens of the world.”



Ages 2-5.5
146 Duane Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “The Preschool provides children and their families the opportunity to explore their Jewish culture and offers the seeds for establishing Jewish identity which is defined differently for each of us. The program emphasizes a sensory approach to cultural Judaism and the Jewish holidays, as this is a wonderful way for children to appreciate their heritage and their community.”
Noteworthy: “The JCP Arts Appreciation Curriculum connects children’s natural curiosity to interactive experiences with professional artists. The curriculum provides guided inquiry and first-hand exposure to professional art and artists across varying media within the visual and performing arts. Children think critically, imagine, exercise curiosity, respect varying points of view, and find ways to express themselves and their ideas.”


Ages 2-5
275 Greenwich Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Mixed age groups of two through five year olds learn how to care, help, work, play and cooperate with each other. Children learn from one another as they interact in a school setting…The older children help the younger ones with various problems and activities which allows the younger children to become more independent and not to rely totally on adults.”
Noteworthy: “The children can participate in the various activity centers in their classes. For example, children can read in the library area, paint in the art area, build a beautiful structure of blocks, work with puzzles in the language arts area, observe and categorize shells in the science center or become firefighters or teachers in the dramatic play area.”


Ages 18 months (Preschool Prep)-3.5 years (Full-day)
77 Reade Street (East Campus Preschool)
104 Reade Street (West Campus Enrichment)
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Reade Street Prep curriculum centers around ten thematic units. Determined largely by teacher and parent input, each of these highly engaging topics is rife with content area knowledge. We weave academic, social-emotional, and behavioral benchmarks into the monthly themes, and in doing so, ensure that all students are making age- and language-appropriate progress in the areas of early literacy, mathematics, science, critical thinking, public speaking, socialization, conflict resolution, and more.”
Noteworthy: “Reade Street Prep is proud to offer all programs in English, Spanish immersion, and Mandarin immersion.”


Ages 2-5
55 Hudson Street (ages 3-5)
134 Duane Street (ages 2-4)
Philosophy: Eclectic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our program blends the creative educational experience of an open classroom with the supportive guidance and structure of a challenging Montessori-based curriculum, timetable and drive to learn about life. It combines engaging materials and activities with the individual freedom, social experiences, and adult guidance necessary for each child to fulfill his/her own developmental needs.”
Noteworthy: “Children are encouraged to depict their understanding through one of many symbolic languages, including drawing, sculpture, dramatic play and writing. Documenting the children’s schoolwork is a significant aspect of this approach to learning. Through writing, photographs and video, teachers capture and interpret the different learning experiences in the classroom.”


Ages 2-5
22 Ericsson Place
124 Hudson Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Children are engaged in experiences that are tailored to their natural curiosity about the world using such tools as music, art, drama, science, and the surrounding neighborhood. Programs are designed to cultivate students’ cognitive, intellectual and social skills through long-term inquiries based on the children’s and teachers’ interests. These investigations emphasize collaboration, documentation of the children’s work, problem-solving and the involvement of parents and the community.”
Noteworthy: “Through the use of painting, sculpting, music, science, storytelling, theatre, and other forms of self-expression, children are taught to give voice to their thoughts and ideas, as well as share their newfound discoveries and understandings.”

Roosevelt Island:


Ages 3 months-5 years
405 Main Street (Infant/Toddler Center); 4 River Road (Preschool)
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At the core of our beliefs is the importance of play in supporting children’s healthy, overall development. It is through play that children learn to make sense and gain mastery of the world around them. Play provides opportunities for discovery and exploration and concrete hands-on experiences with engaging materials such as blocks, drawing materials, paint, collage, clay and sensory materials such as sand, water, and cooking projects, which are at the core of our curriculum.”
Noteworthy: “In addition to rich experiences in and out of the classroom, children at both sites have Music Together classes and movement classes with two different specialists. These classes provide children with the opportunity to joyfully express themselves through singing, dancing and playing musical games.”

Upper East Side—60s:


Ages 6 months-5 years
109 East 60th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Ask our pre-schoolers what they are doing, and they will happily declare that they are ‘playing’… and so they are. But, with our certified teachers’ guidance, this play is carefully designed to promote early learning. Reading and math readiness activities seem like entertaining games and enjoyable discussions that help children approach more difficult concepts.”
Noteworthy: “They begin as infants learning to crawl up and down stairs and complete their education here playing chess in Pre-K. Our teachers understand the individual child and how to help them reach their potential in all domains. We care about the emotional and social health of each child as they learn and grow in our school.”


Ages 2.3-5
524 Park Avenue
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Teaching takes place at CCDS with a developmentally-based awareness of the differences in each age we serve. The importance of understanding the developmental process is vital. We do not put children in conflict with what is appropriate for their age. Instead, we allow children to experience the successes they need to grow and thrive.”
Noteworthy: “Our music curriculum is Dalcroze-influenced; singing and movement activities are at its base. During each session, we sing songs with and without words, do rhythmic chants, dance and play singing games. We play pitched and non-pitched rhythm instruments and echo tonal and rhythmic patterns.” christchurchnyc.orgl


Ages 2.5-5
35 East 69th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Judeo-Christian
In Their Own Words: “Our program provides opportunities for each child to grow and learn through a variety of structured activities and free play experiences. The activities are individualized to meet the needs of each child at his or her own stage of development. The age-appropriate curriculum allows children to explore ideas and develop skills through art, music, dramatic play, creative movement and cooking. Field trips, interactive science experiences and readiness activities in reading and math further enhance the program.”
Noteworthy: “At Chapel, Bible stories are told to reinforce the children’s awareness of the Judeo-Christian heritage and traditional values. Sharing, honesty, responsibility, concern for the feelings of others, and respecting differences are all subjects for Chapel discussions.”


Ages 2.5-4
22 East 60th Street
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The FIAF Preschool combines French and American teaching methods in a multicultural environment. While French education programs are built on learning through structure, the American approach stimulates creativity through positive reinforcement. The mix of these two approaches cultivates curiosity, encourages expression, and allows children to reach their full potential. Our highly-trained teachers draw from different educational philosophies to address the needs of different types of learners.”
Noteworthy: “Children enjoy daily physical activities, including free play and structured exercise such as yoga or movement, which improve balance and spatial awareness. First steps to handwriting are taught through drawing and painting. Kids draw, paint, and discover the visual arts while studying different artists in class and through museum visits. Artists exhibiting at the FIAF Gallery will occasionally lead special workshops at the Preschool. Children discover new sounds and rhythms at music sessions with an instructor. Weekly cooking activities introduce children to new flavors, table etiquette, and cooking techniques.”


Ages 2-4
226 East 60th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Madison Playgroup is a unique program where every child and parent receives individual attention throughout the year they attend the Playgroup. We guide parents through the very stressful nursery school admissions process and offer advice every step of the way. We work together to find the perfect school for every child. For over 30 years, every graduate of the Madison Playgroup has found a home in nursery schools across the city. The Madison Playgroup believes that a child’s first school experience should be a happy one. The Playgroup provides an environment where young children learn that school is a safe and exciting place.”
Noteworthy: “The children in the playgroup talk, paint, draw, glue, play, make friends and giggle. We have everything children need to learn and have fun. We have blocks, a water table, manipulative toys and games. Our space comes equipped with a housekeeping area and a transportation area. We do science & cooking, music & movement, dramatic play, stories & puppets and art & holiday projects.”


Ages 2-Grade 8
164 East 68th Street
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “All of our students, especially the very youngest, learn by doing. Students learn to use their five senses to make sense of the world. They create order from the chaos that surrounds them and become independent thinkers. They learn to trust, to follow directions and to communicate verbally.”
Noteworthy: “All learning is interdisciplinary, centered around the Jewish holidays, Shabbat, Israel, and the calendar. Our children learn Hebrew language and Jewish culture. Children learn about Israel in a variety of ways—including Torah stories, famous places, holidays, fairs, and charity drives- in order to make cultural connections between the American Jewish community and the state of Israel.”


Ages 20 months-5 years
336 East 61st Street
Philosophy: Piaget
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Piaget believed that an appropriate environment enhances a child’s inherent motivation to investigate, understand, learn, and overcome the cognitive and physical hurdles that he or she encounters. This self-study equips the child with adequate tools to cope with the surroundings of his daily life.”
Noteworthy: “In Hebrew ‘Renanim’ means happiness. We offer an excellent preschool education in an atmosphere of happiness and joy for children 20 months to 5 years old. We started in Israel and now operate in Manhattan and in Riverdale. With over 45 years of experience, we have a lot to offer your child.”


Ages 3 months-5 years
1230 York Avenue
Philosophy: Developmental Interaction
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We believe a child’s learning and growth depend upon her interactions with the physical surroundings and with the social environment of peers and caring adults. Enjoyment through active participation is the cornerstone of our program. This approach assumes that a child learns best when developmentally ready for new experiences and when those new experiences are built on earlier ones. Teachers and caregivers introduce new activities based on the interests and abilities expressed by the child and the group, as well as on their own observations. In this atmosphere each child learns at his own pace and is encouraged, but not rushed, through the early years of exploration.”
Noteworthy: “Helping children to form new relationships and say good-bye to their parents is a key component in the program. For this reason, we ask parents to spend time with their child at the CFC during the first weeks each year, helping their child to establish trusting relationships with their new teachers. During this phase-in period, children come in small groups for increasing periods of time until at the end of the phase-in, they are staying for the whole day. Parents spend time in the classroom playing with their child, assisting their child with daily routines, and helping the child establish relationships with the teachers.”


Ages 2-5
One East 65th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Temple Emanu-El’s Nursery School provides a warm, comfortable environment in which children can develop emotionally, cognitively and physically. Our goal is for each child to have a positive first school experience. We support and work with our families for the benefit of the child.”
Noteworthy: “Our facilities include two sunny, outdoor playgrounds; an indoor playroom; a library; and a kitchen…We work with each child individually according to the child’s interest and abilities. The children engage in a wide range of activities at every age level. Major Jewish holidays are observed with the children. However, we welcome children from diverse ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds.”

Upper East Side—70s:


Age 2-Grade 8
319 East 74th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Nonsectarian
In Their Own Words: “We believe that Pre-Kindergartners learn best when an intriguing, fun and welcoming environment surrounds them. It is a time for curiosity, discovery and growing self-awareness. The Pre-Kindergarten program focuses on social and emotional development through exploration and thematic units including literacy, guided reading, handwriting and pre-math activities.”
Noteworthy: “The development of literacy is the central focus. Children are introduced to early concepts of print and provided with direct instruction in letter recognition, letter and sound knowledge, and sight words that are building blocks for developing strategic readers. We augment the literacy curriculum with a rich array of age appropriate academic subjects including writing, mathematics, science, religion and ethics, and social studies. Our Kindergartners develop numerical understanding by means of counting and manipulating objects and by acting out and drawing solutions to problems. We follow the Singapore Math Curriculum as the foundation to mathematical learning.”


Ages 2-4
419 East 77th Street
Philosophy: Creative
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Chabad Preschool is a small intimate Jewish preschool. Our mission is to provide a warm and nurturing environment where children are introduced to Jewish values and traditions, discover the joys of learning and are gently acquainted with formal education.”
Noteworthy: “Chabad Preschool also has a special needs program called the Friendship Circle. The Friendship Circle was established to extend a helping hand to Jewish families who have children with special needs and involve them in a full range of social and Judaic experiences. The Circle’s unique formula introduces teenage volunteers to the children and their families. The Friendship Circle also offers an after school program for children 5-10, called the Children’s Circle. Financial Aid is available.”


Ages 2-5
1393 York Avenue
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “One of our goals is to offer NYC parents a down to earth refreshing alternative to the notion that the NYC preschool process has to be stressful and intense. The welcoming, small-town feel of our intimate school setting offers UES parents a respite from the overwhelming whirlwind of the rat race.”
Noteworthy: “One of the first things I [Head of School Jackie Klein] did when coming on board as director of the school was to significantly decrease the cost of tuition. I want our fabulous program to be accessible to as many people as possible. We have a long way to go but I am proud to say we are now one of very few schools, which offer a ‘full day’ preschool program for under $20,000.”


Ages 2-5
510 East 74th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The curriculum is flexible and recognizes the importance of each child as a distinct personality, developing at its own pace. However, there is a regular, constant sequence of daily activities and a clear order in arrangement of materials and equipment to help the child gain self-confidence.”
Noteworthy: “[ECNS also offers] a pre-nursery program for those little ones that are ready for a gentle classroom experience but are too young to make the 2s cut-off… Since for most children this will be a first-time separation experience, a gradual separation protocol will be followed. Additionally, to ensure a smooth transition, each class will have a low teacher-child ratio.”


Age 4-Grade 12
505 East 75th Street
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The preschool at the Lycée Français de New York (LFNY) prepares our youngest students for learning in a bilingual English-French environment throughout their schooling at the LFNY. The children learn in French every other day, alternating with English. Classes have a maximum capacity of 15 students with two teachers (one native French and one native English speaker).”
Noteworthy: “Since 2012 we have implemented social and emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom from Pre-K to Y5. SEL is a process for helping children learn the fundamental skills they need to handle themselves, their relationships with others effectively. These skills include recognizing and managing our emotions, developing caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations constructively.”


Ages 4 months-5 years
921 Madison Avenue
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation; Presbyterian
In Their Own Words: “We believe children are inherently competent; that they are born with all the potential capabilities they need in life to learn, to aspire, to love—to succeed as human beings. We also believe that children’s intellect is expressed not just verbally but in many non-verbal ways, including music, art, and materials construction and through manipulation of elemental sensory materials such as sand, water and earth.”
Noteworthy: “Sensory exploration—without an adult planned outcome—is the finest, most natural way for a child to discover what these visually, tactilely appealing things can do (‘Oh—it drips!’), how they can control them (‘I made a mark!’) and what they can create (‘My red and yellow turned orange’).”


Ages 2.9-6
119 East 74th Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words: “[Children] between the ages of 2 and 5 are ready for and, indeed, thrive in an academic environment. Within a sensibly structured classroom and under the encouraging guidance of trained Montessori teachers, each child is given the freedom to learn at an individual pace, allowing his/her abilities to emerge and flourish.”
Noteworthy: “REDS has a beautiful playground with brightly colored structures designed specifically for the ages of our children and a safe surface on which to run. This space provides daily opportunities for children to develop physical coordination especially upper body strength and spatial awareness. In addition, the playground fosters a special time for social interaction and imaginative play.”


Ages 6 months-Grade 12
15 East 78th Street
Philosophy: Waldorf
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We strive to develop the mind, body and spirit of the child, encouraging, in the process, the child’s spiritual freedom and growth. As in every Waldorf School, our teaching works toward this aim by drawing on the insights into human development pioneered by Rudolf Steiner.”
Noteworthy: “The goal of the Rudolf Steiner School is to reflect the diversity of the city of New York. Our students represent a wide range of ethnicities, creeds, nationalities and family structures. Our families are from Armenia and Brazil, from Caribbean nations like the Dominican Republic, from Egypt, Israel, Korea, and Norway. Students come from throughout the boroughs and the periphery.”


Ages 18 months-4 years
184 East 76th Street
Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic
In Their Own Words: “This child-centered facility is a warm and inviting space where parents/caregivers and their children, together with the Play Group’s director, Pauline Reenock, play, sing, do arts and crafts projects, dance, and have circle time and snack. Through these activities the children, learn, explore and develop their social skills in a supportive play-and-learn environment.”


Ages 2.4-5
112 East 75th Street
Philosophy: Bank Street
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “The Early Childhood Learning Center, like Temple Israel as a whole, approaches Judaism as a tradition and heritage to be celebrated by everyone who wishes to participate. Friday mornings include a brief ‘Shabbat’ ceremony, with the rabbi present to teach traditional blessings and songs.”
Noteworthy: “Each light, airy classroom is tailored to the size and needs of its students. All rooms open onto a common hallway in the middle, with a terrace playground on either side, each appropriate to the size and skills of the children.”


Ages 2.5-5
250 East 79th Street
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “The caring sense of family and community that is so central to the Temple is also central to the Nursery School. The school incorporates the strong traditions and values of Judaism in a nurturing environment, where children enjoy learning with their friends in a well-equipped physical space. Our school has a multi-faceted approach to learning with a very rich and child-driven curriculum.”
Noteworthy: “We have an Early Childhood consultant who is at school each week. She visits all of the classrooms regularly, meets with the Nursery School staff, holds occasional group talks on topics of interest to families with young children, and is available to meet privately with parents to discuss any areas of concern.”


Ages 3-Grade 8
540 East 76th Street
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Town builds on children’s natural curiosity and creativity, helping them discover and celebrate their strengths. In our nurturing and supportive environment, we challenge each student to take risks and persevere. The program enables students to experience success, increase self-confidence and develop individuality.”
Noteworthy: “Much of the learning is organized around concrete themes that have relevance and meaning for young children—school and family life, transportation, nature—enabling them to better interpret and find their place in the world. Engaging them in developing these themes, children are able to connect books, songs, discussions, artwork and excursions, and to apply their growing skills.”


Ages 2.3-4
435 East 70th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We moved to our beautiful new space in July and are greatly enjoying it. The inherent philosophy, curriculum, individual attention to each child, and nurturing and stimulating learning environment remain the same but continuing all of this in this space is very joyful. The staff is making incredible use of it in enhancing the school experience.”
Noteworthy: “We now offer yoga in addition to our creative movement noon class. These classes take place in our multipurpose room which also houses an extensive library, and where our regular music and movement classes, indoor activities, and special events take place.”

Upper East Side—80s:


Ages 2.3-5
1157 Lexington Avenue
Philosophy: Eclectic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “When children use a block to represent a phone, they are beginning to understand that symbols can represent ideas in a similar way that letters represent sounds when learning to read. They are taking steps toward the abstract from reality and engaging in non-literal thinking.”
Noteworthy: “A strength of All Souls School is its community. Teachers and children work together to create classroom communities. Parents, the administration, and teachers work to create a school community with events that bring us together as classes and a whole school. The active Parents Association sponsors activities for the whole family as well as just for parents. Children, and their parents, can make friends for life here!”


Age 2.8-Grade 5
416 East 80th Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: Lay Catholic
In Their Own Words: “Loving learning is the most important mission to which we aspire. Faculty members describe graduates as students who bring whimsy and rigor to work and play, can envision multiple routes to a solution, construct imaginative ideas and innovative alternatives, and problem solve confidently. Our curriculum offers classes in music, violin, art, Spanish, Latin, technology, physical education, library, yoga, and science.”
Noteworthy: “Nothing could be more exciting than teaching readers how to crack the code! The reading instruction at Caedmon is multi-faceted. Using both the leveled reading system of Fountas and Pinnell and the multi-sensory techniques of Orton-Gillingham, we empower our readers by providing interesting stories, knowledge of phonics rules, and attainable goals.”


Age 3-Grade 12
1026 Fifth Avenue
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
In Their Own Words: “Within a structured yet creative environment, the children learn to explore their world, communicate, make choices, and develop independence. As they grow in awareness of their own abilities and needs, they learn about the needs and abilities of others. The students begin to understand their role as members of a community based on mutual respect, sharing, and love.”
Noteworthy: “Art is an integral part of the Nursery program, designed to offer children experiences that promote creativity, expression, and experimentation. Through a wide variety of experiences, the children develop increased fine motor skills, spatial perception, and the ability to use their language skills to describe their artwork. The year culminates with an interdisciplinary theme unit, “I Am Special,” that includes the creation of self-portraits.”


Ages 2-5
316 East 88th Street
Philosophy: Inclusion
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Merricat’s Castle School’s three classes are filled with adventure, discovery, tenderness, and joy, and encourage children to reach their full potential intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. Through carefully constructed goals, purposeful planning, age-appropriate resources and ongoing evaluation, Merricat’s curriculum has been thoughtfully designed to promote optimal growth.”
Noteworthy: “Art, creativity and experiential media begin in the Sunshine Room and continue to play a big part in our lives every day in Merricats. In New York City we are fortunate to be surrounded in some of the world’s most famous museums. Spring term in the Rainbow Room (our pre K classroom) we explore art and artists from splatter painting and collage and finish with a class trip to the Museum to see the work of the painters we’ve had fun getting to know.”


Ages 2.9-6
106 East 86th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “When the school was founded, our play-based model was virtually the only form of early childhood education. Other educational approaches have been introduced or developed since then, but we have never strayed from our original play-based model, which interestingly is enjoying a massive resurgence in popularity.”
Noteworthy: “We want to put the ‘pre’ back into preschool and feel that early education is not merely a smaller version of later education with workbooks, drills and computer technology, but rather a preparation for later education. Happiness, creativity and active imaginations are all much more important for later academic success than early acquisition of automated information.”


Ages 2.6-5.6
50 East 87th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Our educational philosophy is that the learning process of young children is an active, creative one. We strive for a balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated activities. The underlying structure in the classroom, combined with a flexible curriculum, enhances the development of children.”
Noteworthy: “The staff consists of teachers trained in Early Childhood Education. In addition to the three teachers in each class, music and movement specialists, an occupational therapist, a speech and language consultant and a school psychologist support the program.”


Ages 3-Grade 12
125 East 85th Street (Lower & Early Childhood Center); 114 East 85th Street (Middle School); 60 East 78th Street (Upper School)
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Our educational program is child-centered, play-based, and allows children to explore, manipulate, and interact with their environment. We work in small groups to allow for questioning and learning by using all the senses, and to give the teacher a sensitive understanding of how each child learns.”
Noteworthy: “The holidays are a significant part of our curriculum and each one sets the stage for a great variety of learning opportunities. For example, at Chanukah, students fry latkes and make scientific discoveries related to oil. During Purim, the children write their own plays, learn about shapes, and investigate the science of sound using ra’ashanim.”


Ages 4-Grade 8
12 East 89th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
In Their Own Words: “The mission of Saint David’s School is to educate boys to fulfill their potential through rigorous academic pursuit, deliberate moral introspection, and critical analysis of ideas and issues. The classical tradition of balance has guided the school since its beginning. The school seeks to engender intellectual curiosity, appreciation for the arts, skill and sportsmanship in athletics, and an enduring love of learning.”
Noteworthy: “In the pre-primary grades, the curriculum introduces a vast array of topics and disciplines that aim to foster a love of discovery while cultivating the skills necessary for continued academic achievement. By following the Golden Rule, boys learn to work and play together while taking their first steps toward independence.”


Ages 2-5
240 East 84th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic
In Their Own Words: “Self-confidence and self-esteem are integral to effective learning. The goal of the Day Nursery is for children to develop an understanding of their uniqueness, a sense of mastery, and an excitement about school that remains with them for life.”
Noteworthy: “St. Ignatius Loyola Day Nursery is a home away from home where faith, love, and knowledge form the cornerstones of a rigorous child-centered curriculum. In a bright, safe, beautiful townhouse on East 84th Street, children develop a strong sense of self, an abiding respect for others, and a lifelong love of learning.”


Ages 2-5
65 East 89th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Rudimentary socialization skills are an important emphasis in our program, but not at the expense of the child’s sense of self or overall happiness. Individual differences and ‘stages’ are quickly perceived and respected. Our program and facilities provide a rich environment for learning and growth. A wide variety of activities and materials encourage the child’s emotional, intellectual, social and physical development. Individual and group projects spark curiosity and stimulate the children to observe, experiment freely, become problem solvers, and acquire basic skills without the fear of failure.”
Noteworthy: “An active Parent Association acts as a liaison between home and school and encourages parent involvement in school functions and fund-raising activities.”


Ages 2-5
1520 York Avenue
Philosophy: Integrated
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Children learn through their exposure to the multi-faceted program, providing them with skills and competencies that create the foundation for future academic success. York Avenue Preschool is a private independent school chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of New York, licensed by the Department of Health, Bureau of Daycare of the City of New York and a member of the Independent School Admissions Association of Greater New York (ISAAGNY).”
Noteworthy: “A cross-collaboration of specialties such as sign language, French, art, music, library, gym, yoga and movement, and cooking are integrated into the daily experience.”

Upper East Side—90s:


Ages 2.6-5
1395 Lexington Avenue
Philosophy: Hands-on
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “We believe children learn best in a clearly structured program which emphasizes creative expression through ‘hands-on’ experiences, provides opportunities for play and encourages respect for others. Our goal is for children to become responsible members of their classroom community and develop the confidence and independence needed to fulfill their potential.”
Noteworthy: “We are committed to building a strong sense of community between parents, teachers, and children. We firmly believe that communication between parents and the school is essential in fostering young children’s growth. Celebrating Shabbat and Jewish holidays teaches children the joy of Jewish culture and heritage.”


Ages 2-5
1656 Third Avenue
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Arc-en-ciel is a bilingual French/English pre-school. Our inquiry-based curriculum, inspired by the French “maternelle”, focuses on learning in a creative, nurturing, and innovative environment. Our classes are art, music, math and science/inquiry based. French speaking and English-speaking teachers help our children thrive in a bilingual setting.”
Noteworthy: “Our vocabulary-rich curriculum helps our students develop vocabulary in a stress-free environment. While building a second language our students are eager to communicate and apply what they have learned in class into their everyday lives and routine. At Arc-En-Ciel, we make learning FUN! Our children’s well-being, happiness, academic and language development are at the foundation of our learning model.”


Ages 3-5
62 East 92nd Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Judeo-Christian
In Their Own Words: “Our mission speaks of play as the work of children, and the importance of striking a balance between skill building and project work while being mindful of children’s different learning styles. It also speaks of the need for balance between teacher direction and children’s choice. Every aspect of our educational program is designed to attain these balances and provide children with play-based learning opportunities to further their learning and help them reach their highest potential.”
Noteworthy: “Cooking is a satisfying experience for children and provides a vehicle for teaching math, science, language, social studies and more, all with a delicious opportunity to enjoy the results of their labor as a shared snack or meal.”


Ages 3.2-Grade 12
One East 91st Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
In Their Own Words: “The Lower School academic program emphasizes academic rigor, is designed to develop competency, higher-order thinking, encourage creativity and promote independence in each student. Language and culture, and an understanding of people and events are integrated into every aspect of the program.”
Noteworthy: “The Convent of the Sacred Heart is New York City’s oldest independent school for girls, established in 1881 by the Society of the Sacred Heart. Part of a worldwide network of over 150 schools committed to the mission of Sacred Heart education, the school was originally housed in a brownstone on Madison Avenue at 54th Street.”


Ages 2-2.6
24 East 95th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Diller-Quaile’s mission is to develop the innate musicality in each individual, inspiring participation for a lifetime.”
Noteworthy: “What makes Diller-Quaile’s Early Childhood Program unique is our attention to the development of each individual child within an unparalleled artistic environment. Key to the Diller-Quaile approach is the creative and social collaboration among teachers, students and families which creates a unique child-centered musical environment within each class session.”


Ages 2.8-10
410 East 92nd Street
Philosophy: Accommodating
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “As special education teachers, they [the founders] saw the overwhelming need for a school in New York City where families with children who have significant special needs would be welcomed, educated and supported. The founders believed that a knowledgeable and informed family was invaluable to each child’s overall education.”
Noteworthy: “Gillen Brewer is a 12-month, early childhood program for children who have a wide variety of language-based and non-verbal learning disabilities. They provide an integrated, developmentally appropriate, academic-therapeutic program that includes speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, and social groups. Learning and growing in a secure and nurturing environment, students develop the skills necessary to overcome challenges. They work closely with families to instill self-confidence and build a strong foundation for lifelong learning and independence.”


Ages 3-Grade 12
55 East 90th Street
Philosophy: Hands-on
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Horace Mann School Nursery Division is a language-rich learning environment that supports and fosters healthy growth and development through meaningful experiences. Children dedicate time to work and play, classroom jobs, circle time discussions, and exploration and discovery.”
Noteworthy: “One of the goals of the Nursery program is to prepare children for the transition to the Lower Division in Riverdale. Visits to the Riverdale campus begin in 4’s and extend into kindergarten with weekly classes in physical education. This opportunity to ride the school bus with their classroom teachers helps to prepare children for the experience of commuting to school as well as to build an early connection to the Riverdale campus.”


Ages 2-Grade 8
4 East 90th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We understand that play underpins learning at this stage of development. With this as our basis, we aim for our students to learn through activities that are structured and purposeful. Through our Language Immersion Program, which commences in Pre-Nursery, our very youngest are exposed to two languages, in an environment that is stimulating and exciting.”
Noteworthy: “At IANY, our goal is for students to become fluent in either Mandarin Chinese or Spanish. To achieve this, language learning permeates the curriculum and the child’s daily class activities and starts in preschool from age 2. Language is taught immersively by native speakers. With this, our students can develop accurate pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. Every preschool class has small teacher to student ratio allowing for individual attention and care.”


Age 2.8-Grade 12
12 East 96th Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Following the best Italian preschool tradition and best practices, the preschool curriculum is focused on the development of the child’s identity, autonomy and competence and incorporates the Reggio Emilia philosophy. To this end, the curriculum is articulated into five so called ‘Campi di Esperienza,’ which can also be considered pre-disciplinary educational areas.”
Noteworthy: “At La Scuola, this program presents a special and unique feature: in a bilingual environment, the young children are guided to acquire the ability to understand and communicate in two languages, Italian and English, thus laying the building blocks for the bilingual competence required in their further studies.” 


Ages 2-5
1209 Park Avenue
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “We teach children to explore their interests and create a sound foundation for lifelong learning. The language, science, math and arts programs incorporate a multicultural perspective. Learning experiences are enriched through circle time, discovery, creative activities, music and movement, drama, arts and crafts, and reading.”
Noteworthy: “At T.H.I.S., our experienced faculty and staff value the active involvement of our parents. Our partnering approach to education fosters a strong bond between parents, students and teachers. Chaperoning a class field trip, volunteering to be a guest reader or participating in the many special classroom events are just a few examples of how our parents participate and enjoy their children’s years at T.H.I.S.”


Preschool to grade 8
Seven East 96th St
Philosophy: British Based Education
Religious Affiliation:
In Their Own Words:
“Whilst setting high educational standards Wetherby-Pembridge also focuses on inspiring the individual to gain personal confidence and reach success.  Developing respect and good manners in an atmosphere of integrity, kindness and strong family values sits at the heart of all we aim to achieve.”
“We bring the merits of a British education to Manhattan. Our high academic standards, traditions and humour all combine to create a passion for life-long learning. Our education opens doors to all top academic High Schools in the US, the UK or internationally.”

Upper West Side−50s:


Ages 3-5
450 West 56th Street
Philosophy: Accommodating
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “A significant portion of our population are students with developmental delays. A majority of our students come to us through the Board of Education evaluation process with individual education plans. The goal of Central Park Early Learning Center is to provide an educational environment with supportive services to ensure children are ready for kindergarten.”
Noteworthy: “Our goal in placing children is to look at a child’s strengths and provide services and instruction for developmental areas that need support. Our motto is that all children should be challenged but not overwhelmed in our learning environment. Throughout our day we incorporate activities in pre-academic areas along with alternating motor activities such as bikes, wagons and scooters, and obstacle courses.”

Upper West Side—60s:


Ages 3-Grade 12
30 West End Avenue
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “We stimulate children’s curiosity and encourage them to ask questions, take risks in learning, and solve problems. We also support the children’s developing social skills and their emerging independence. We create an atmosphere that invites children to observe, to be active, and to make choices.”
Noteworthy: “We develop our most powerful themes from Jewish and American holidays, family and community, and nature. During the year, additional themes emerge which reflect the interests of a class. In this way we combine cultural identity, fields of knowledge, and an expanded view of the world.”


Ages 2-4
122 West 69th Street
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words: “It is our goal to provide children with skills that will push them beyond traditional learning and promote dynamic thinking that results in children who don’t want to just know that something happens; they want to know how it happens, why it happens and when they can apply it and experience it for themselves.”
Noteworthy: “Chapel is led by the parish clergy and is held weekly in the side chapel of the church. Chapel services focus on the unique worth and beauty of each child as a creation of a loving, empowering God, as well as the ethical and moral values that flow from that belief. Diversity and inclusiveness, hallmarks of our Episcopal tradition, are part of Chapel services and an appreciation of other faith traditions is fostered.”


Age 2-Grade 12
144 Riverside Boulevard (Preschool & Kindergarten); 18 West 89th Street (Grades 1-12)
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At Dwight, we believe that every student is unique. Our goal is to create world leaders through academic excellence but also to develop every student’s passion through an individualized strategic approach. We are committed to providing personalized learning for all of our students, allowing them to immerse themselves in a comprehensive range of subjects.”
Noteworthy: “Dwight’s Early Childhood Division offers the Primary Years Program (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate. The PYP is a rich and stimulating curriculum that is designed to generate an enthusiasm for lifelong learning. Children are challenged to think, create, ask questions, take risks, and discover new things in a happy and nurturing environment.”


Age 4-Grade 12
33 Central Park West (Lower School)
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Progressive education is rooted in experiential, hands-on learning where the classroom functions as a laboratory and New York City serves as a classroom… At ECFS, we recognize and celebrate the importance of critical thinking and inquiry in addition to the acquisition of knowledge.”
Noteworthy: “Academic excellence is evidenced in the daily expectation that children do their best and take responsibility for their own work. We help our students develop goals that acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and give them encouragement to compensate for the latter while building on the former.”


Ages 2-6
103 West End Avenue
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “The goal of the Nursery School of Habonim is to promote the well-being and development of each child. We wish to foster self-esteem, confidence, basic trust, and a strong sense of community. We believe that children learn best through an early childhood curriculum that is based on creative and constructive, child centered, developmentally appropriate activities and purposeful play.”
Noteworthy: “The school recently moved to this brand new, bright, airy, location on West End Avenue. There is a warm, welcoming atmosphere that you will feel as you walk through the door. They do a school-wide assembly every Friday called “Rock Shabbat” including the Cantor, Rabbi, and Nursery School Director on guitar and drums. There has also been an expansion of the program activities to include babies and toddlers in Movement, Music, Soccer, and Yoga.”


Ages 1-5
30 West 68th Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “We take an interdisciplinary approach to learning, where children’s interests are integrated into all areas of the curriculum. For example, a class that is interested in trees might be encouraged to paint pictures of trees they have seen in Central Park, read books about trees that grow in the rainforest, sway like trees in the wind during movement time, plant seedlings in the rooftop garden and cook with fruit that grow on trees.”
Noteworthy: “Jewish identity is important to our philosophy. We work to infuse Jewish values into everyday life as well as finding meaningful ways to celebrate Shabbat and holidays.”


Ages 2.5-5
5 West 63rd Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At the Co-op Nursery, we value each child’s unique personality and temperament. Children need time to explore, experiment and play in their own way. Our daily program includes free-choice activities, outdoor play, group time, story time and music time. In addition to plenty of open-ended play, there are several special projects or activities daily including cooking, science, art and field trips.”
Noteworthy: “Children and parents enjoy recreational and educational opportunities throughout the YMCA, including use of one of the two pools, which are kept at a temperature comfortable for children; and gym, music and science classes. The children play outdoors on the rooftop playground or in Central Park.”

Upper West Side—70s:


Ages 3-Grade 12
160 West 74th Street (Lower School); 433 West End Avenue (Grades 3-12)
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Calhoun’s approach to learning embraces the individuality of our students while helping each child develop emotionally, socially and cognitively in a safe, nurturing environment. Teacher-directed activities are balanced with free-choice time, reflecting the value we place on play and socialization in a child’s development.  A wealth of concrete materials supports language acquisition, pre-literacy and pre-math skills, augmented by outdoor play and gym time, theater/movement and music.”
Noteworthy: “The preschool program, housed in Calhoun’s Lower School building with 3’s-1st graders, features a gym, outdoor play terrace, theater and outdoor gardening space. Families can select the half or full-day program; options include early drop-off, extended day care, and after-school care.”


Ages 2-Grade 8
310 West 75th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Manhattan Day School is an Orthodox Yeshiva with Torah as the foundation of its philosophy. Education consists of developing intelligence, acquiring knowledge, mastering skills, and forming character. It is the role of both the teacher and parent to cooperate, to guide, and to assist in the development of the whole child, academically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.”
Noteworthy: “The MDS model of experiential Jewish education serves as the building block for your child’s Jewish identity. Through song, dance, tefillah, Shabbat and holiday celebration, and Parsha programming, we begin to nurture your child’s early relationship with God, the Jewish people, and the land of Israel.”


Ages 2.2-5
4 West 76th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “PCDS has a developmental philosophy which is play-based, instilling a sense of self-esteem and confidence in the children who attend. Teachers provide age appropriate materials and activities, but it is the children who use their own imagination to create the artwork that adorns the walls and hallways of the school.”
Noteworthy: “The PCDS faculty and administration believe that every young child learns best in a well-organized environment in which he or she is encouraged to verbalize, experiment and move about freely in appropriately equipped and organized classrooms. Each group has its own schedule of activities and age appropriate curriculum. Being a part of such a daily routine fosters feelings of security in the child and aids in teaching the child how to best organize his or her activities and time.”


Ages 2-5
334 Amsterdam Avenue
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “The Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School at The JCC in Manhattan is a progressive preschool that embraces families from all backgrounds and cultivates a connection to Jewish values and tradition. Teachers work collaboratively to create environments and experiences that spark wonder and creativity, build confidence and skills, allow children to explore materials, and encourage a questioning mind.”
Noteworthy: “Daily reflections, journey binders, small booklets, visual narrations on the walls and videos provide windows into the world of the children at school. This documentation helps teachers, parents and children understand and deepen the learning at school, as we think collaboratively about children’s learning.”

Upper West Side—80s:


Ages 3-5
15 West 86th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Children learn to respect a multiplicity of interpretations and recognize how the ideas of others can enrich their knowledge and religious experience. A child’s ability to appreciate personal strengths, challenges and accomplishments are cultivated and encouraged- whether it is navigating social dynamics, unique approaches to learning and problem solving or just discovering their own voice.”
Noteworthy: “In response to the growing Jewish Day school tuition crisis, Beit Rabban launched a pioneer program called Tuition Affordability Initiative to take effect for the 2014-2015 school year. Under this program, families can enroll multiple children with a tuition cap at 15 percent of the household’s adjusted gross income, regardless of how many children are enrolled.”


Ages 2-5
128 West 80th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Daily schedules offer a broad range of structured and unstructured activities and provide children with the security of a routine. Working independently and in small groups, the children learn through hands-on exploration of selected materials. Dramatic play, children’s literature, puppets, games, puzzles, blocks, artistic media, music, creative movement, outdoor activities, water play, cooking and manipulatives promote the development of pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-math skills as well as foster understanding of scientific concepts.”
Noteworthy: “Through American Sign Language, the students at Brownstone acquire a second language! With weekly classes with Lora Heller, the children engage in signed songs, stories, and games, developing new vocabulary each week. Learning sign language can provide children with improved literacy skills, spatial reasoning skills, and motor coordination. It also allows our students and teachers to utilize a silent language during transitions, and in support of their classroom routines. Social skills and friendships flourish–children are able to more fully communicate with their peers and teachers as everyone is learning to sign.”


Ages 2-4
606 Columbus Avenue
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The program draws from the child’s natural curiosity to bring about self-confidence and the skills for independent learning. In addition to the ever-evolving emergent curriculum that guides daily free choice times, teachers incorporate literacy and math games/activities into the class schedule to ensure our students are more than prepared for kindergarten.”
Noteworthy: “Recognizing that play is the work of children, we provide them with materials to explore such as sand, water, clay, paint and blocks. Explorations with concrete and open-ended materials encourage children to think, to plan, to question, to problem solve, and to recreate, thereby making sense of their world.”


Ages 4-Grade 8
150 West 85th Street
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Reflecting the vision of the civil rights movement, Manhattan Country School teaches students in a community with no racial majority and broad economic diversity. Our goals for students are academic excellence, intellectual freedom, social awareness, self-confidence, and first-hand knowledge of the natural world.”
Noteworthy: “One of the most significant parts of our school’s academic experience takes place at our award-winning farm in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. At the Farm, students learn invaluable lessons about community and interdependence, nature and the sustainable production of food, energy and fiber. Many alumni credit their time at the MCS Farm as the most important and eye-opening experience of their young lives.”


Ages 18 months-Grade 6
325 West 85th Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At a very young age, children instinctively seek to care for themselves, their homes, and their natural environments. They want to feed themselves, sweep the floor, rake leaves, pour milk into their cup. What Dr. Montessori called ‘practical life’ is a valuable component of the MMS Primary program.”
Noteworthy: “Children participate in a range of activities that build independence, self-reliance and a love of learning. They prepare their own snack, help water plants and care for classroom pets, and mop up spills, all with child-sized tools. The nurturing teachers closely observe each child’s development, identifying strengths, learning temperaments and helping to establish the skills needed for first grade.”


Ages 2-Grade 8
10 West 84th Street (Age 2-Kindergarten); 168 West 79th Street (Grades 1-8)
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “Children in our Twos and Threes programs learn how to move through a school day, how to develop positive and satisfying relationships with others, and how to function within a group. We also expose our youngest students to a wide range of learning materials and give them chances to explore and make sense of the world around them.”
Noteworthy: “Each morning, students initiate social play through learning and work centers where children select what and with whom they will play. Their interactions with adults and peers grow positively as they learn to modulate their words to communicate wants, needs or ideas.”


Age 2.8-Grade 12
One West 88th Street
Philosophy: Inquiry-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Inquiry-based learning engages students in activities and investigation in order to drive true understanding. Rather than reciting facts or showing a clear path to a solution, teachers guide and mentor students through a process of discovery and reflection via well-crafted questions and problems. In an inquiry-based learning environment, the teacher is both a facilitator of learning—encouraging higher-order thinking— and a provider of information. This dynamic approach encourages students to ask questions and actively participate in their learning, thus building knowledge from experience and process.”
Noteworthy: “The building blocks of literacy are developed using fun and engaging exercises during the writing workshop. Dynamic projects, such as student-made mini-books, help to establish a love of written expression. While engaging with pattern blocks or Cuisenaire rods, children actively learn mathematical building blocks such as counting and estimation. Aristotle’s concept of Eudaimonia translates to “the state of having a good indwelling spirit.” And to follow this spirit constitutes the best activity of which a human is capable. At Trevor, we recognize this spirit as one’s good genius–the limitless potential inherent within a child. We believe it is our responsibility and privilege to invoke the good genius that exists in every student.”

Upper West Side—90s:


Ages 3-Grade 5
3 West 95th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Success for every learner is ensured by our ability to tailor instruction to each individual child’s needs. Our teachers and administrators work collaboratively to develop and maintain a wide-ranging curriculum that both inspires and challenges our students and reflects their diversity in backgrounds, needs, and aspirations.”
Noteworthy: “Our small size also enables us to be nimble and creative in our curricular offerings. ARS is the first school in New York City to adopt the Smithsonian Science Education Center’s Science and Technology Concepts curriculum. Our Pre-Kindergarten students will be immersed in this seamless Pre-K through grade 5 curriculum that encourages critical thinking and ‘scientific habits of the mind.”


Ages 3 months-5 years
127 West 94th Street
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Basic Trust (BT) is a not-for-profit childcare center committed to providing a safe and loving environment for infants, toddlers and preschool children. Each child is nurtured and supported in a home-like setting with mixed age groupings. We let the children into our lives and together we explore the world as part of a rambunctious family.”
Noteworthy: “We know we’re being given the most valuable part of your family. We have enormous respect for each child and a commitment to know them. When babies first start at BT, we talk to the parents a lot about their schedules and their needs.”


Ages 16 months-5 years
103 West 96th Street
Philosophy: Eclectic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “This is an exciting stage in your child’s early education, and our talented team of caring teachers is here to inspire learning, encourage confidence, and nurture your child’s growth and development. Our World at Their Fingertips curriculum features an arts program that sparks creativity, a language program that fosters an interest in reading, a science program that stimulates curiosity, and more. There’s always something new to explore.”
Noteworthy: “At Bright Horizons we believe that environment is the key to creating a joyful place for childhood; and we put a great deal of thought and care into creating those joyful places. In keeping with Reggio Emilia and Montessori philosophies, our designs consider not only what children need in a space, but how they will use it. We know our centers will form an integral part of a child’s earliest learning; and with that in mind, we carefully curate high-quality materials for every center to create beautiful environments with rich, open-ended experiences that nurture development and inspire learning.”


Ages 2-5
166 West 97th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “In early childhood, the seeds of learning, Jewish identity, curiosity and caring are planted. Our program spans a period of intense personal, social and academic growth. Young children develop at different paces. Our teachers are sensitive to the wide range of abilities and developmental levels within this age group.”
Noteworthy: “Preparing and celebrating Shabbat is a special time at Chabad. Challah baking is the first activity of the day followed by a warm and joyous Shabbat celebration. Parents are often invited to join their child’s class for this meaningful weekly event.”


Ages 4-Grade 8
5 West 93rd Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Pre-K students learn how speaking and listening are translated into writing and reading. They study families, various cultures, and holiday traditions.  Students are introduced to beginning math concepts such as counting, patterns, graphing, cooking and classification. The study of science includes hibernation, migration, animals, weather patterns, and the environment.”
Noteworthy: “One of the most important aspects of Pre-Kindergarten development is when children recognize that a series of printed letters creates a word that has meaning. To encourage this recognition, students dictate their own picture captions and stories. In this manner, they discover that their words can be translated into print as they watch teachers write what they describe.”


Ages 2.5-Grade 8
138 West 90th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Christian
In Their Own Words: “The Geneva School of Manhattan believes that a child’s early years provide the best opportunity to cultivate an enduring love of learning. Our youngest students are immersed in a nurturing environment within the structure of the classical Christian education model.”
Noteworthy: “Shorter learning periods interspersed with periods of music, physical playtime, learning centers, French, and outdoor exploration allow our students to flourish intellectually and emotionally. Most importantly, our students are taught biblical principles such as honesty, perseverance, and love and respect towards others, which foster the development of a vibrant character.”


Ages 2-5
225 West 99th Street
Philosophy: International
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our curriculum is designed to provide developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive experiences for children. At La Escuelita we begin with the understanding that young children: learn multiple languages best at an early age; learn through independent play, real-life experience and teacher directed activity; respond well to caring and attentive adults; feel secure when there is structure and predictability to their day.”
Noteworthy: “Children in the 2-year-old classes will be taught primarily in Spanish, while the children in the programs for 3 and 4 year olds will be taught in English and Spanish with an emphasis on Spanish. This maximizes exposure to Spanish while transitioning them to a 90/10 dual language model, to be followed in the program for the older children.”


Ages 2-5
747 Amsterdam Avenue
Philosophy: Balanced Approach
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Montclare Children’s School is an enriched preschool, engaging children in a joyful and dynamic environment. We inspire lifelong learners by cultivating collaboration, creativity, and independent thinking. Our balanced pedagogical approach establishes a durable educational foundation, bolstering the skills children need for Kindergarten and future learning. Montclare’s teachers scaffold certain activities to stimulate deeper learning, encouraging teacher-guided and unstructured play, children build confidence and independence, becoming more willing to take appropriate risks while creating meaningful friendships. Furthermore, both in and out of the classroom, fine and gross-motor physical development are integral parts of each day. Specialist-led activities include movement, yoga, physical education, and gymnastics as well as art, library, and music. Our facility includes a library, music room, art studio, rooftop play-space, two gyms, climbing wall and 13 classrooms. Financial aid is also available.”
Noteworthy: “Exciting field trips are planned throughout the year to reinforce and bring to life what our children are learning in the classroom. Trips and workshops have included apple-picking, Victorian Gardens, Farm Trip, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, NY Botanical Gardens, visiting the local Public Library and Firehouse, Central Park Zoo, Farmers Market, Nature Walks in Central Park, Writopia, Community Helper Visits, and ABT. Beyond being well-stocked with all the essential components and manipulatives of an early childhood classroom, Montclare’s 3s and 4s classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and/or smart boards as tools to support our creative, multifaceted curriculum.”


Ages 0-3
424 West End Avenue
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “As a ‘first classroom’ experience, Poppyseed aims to help children develop the comfort and confidence to be ready for socializing in nursery school and activities with peers, while bonding with their special loved one, enjoying creativity in the arts together.”
Noteworthy: “Popppyseed’s Lead Teacher was awarded the Blackboard Award for Outstanding Nursery Teacher and she was also spoken of highly on “The Today Show” by co-anchor, Hoda Kotb, mother of daughter who attends Poppyseed.”


Ages 2-5
711 Amsterdam Avenue
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The primary goal of River Park is to promote a positive sense of self in each child. Interpersonal relationships and a loving and nurturing environment set the stage. It is necessary that each child feel positive and important. Each child has a contribution to make.”
Noteworthy: “Relationships with the community are also a strong focus of the program. Once a child’s positive sense of self has been established, that child can then respond appropriately to the needs of the community. The emphasis is on working together in a cooperative, non-competitive environment.”


Ages 3-Grade 8
117 West 95th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Studio School educates the hearts and minds of children as we nurture the unfolding of their authentic spirit and character. Our students learn to value intellectual and creative ideas, and to take pleasure in the process of discovery. We seek a deep and lasting academic excellence, one that is achieved when children are motivated to embrace for themselves the journey of learning.”
Noteworthy: “Open-ended materials and guided activities stimulate creativity and thinking. In Work Period, with a teacher’s deft guidance, each student has the experience of taking a project from start to finish. Children build with wooden unit and large outdoor blocks daily and trips are planned so that they can bring their new observations about the world into the classroom.”


Ages 2-6
309 West 92nd Street (Multi-Age Program); 302 West 91st Street (Twos Program)
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “By encouraging their [children’s] natural curiosity in an atmosphere of respect for self and others, we help children build a lifelong love of learning and a strong foundation for becoming self-directed learners, flexible thinkers, creative problem solvers, resilient individuals, and empathic citizens of the world.”
Noteworthy: “As part of our commitment to continually improve, each year WSMS invites specialists in a particular field to visit the school over the course of the school year, during which they work with faculty and children to provide new insights and new opportunities for learning that are then incorporated into our curriculum.”

Upper West Side—100s:


Ages 2-4
1047 Amsterdam Avenue
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: Nonsectarian
In Their Own Words: “For the young, small is beautiful. Our class of no more than 15 is kept that way to be certain there will be time to get to know and nurture each child. A small group and low teacher-child ratio makes it possible for a teacher to be there when children need help taking turns, playing together, and resolving squabbles. It also gives us the freedom and flexibility to respond to individual needs and interests.”
Noteworthy: “The Cathedral of St. John the Divine’s 13 idyllic acres make possible our unique encouragement of your child’s curiosity and desire to explore. Learning about the homes and habits of the squirrels and peacocks living on the grounds, raking leaves, digging for worms and making them a home, planting bulbs, tending plants, harvesting vegetables, observing and drawing the flowers of spring, gathering art materials from nature, picnicking on lovely days, sledding and building snow people in winter, are just some of the things we’ll do as your child learns about learning and the great big beautiful world.”


Ages 6 months-5 years
610 West 112th Street
Philosophy: Bank Street
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Children learn through activities and experiences that are child-centered and developmentally appropriate; relationships, primary care for each child and emotionally responsive practice are central to a child’s learning. Communication, support and collaboration are the hallmarks of partnership and take a variety of forms — from individual daily notes to individual conferences with staff members.”
Noteworthy: “The Family Center Home & Community-Based Program brings special education and therapeutic services to children in the most appropriate, least restrictive, natural environment. This can be the home (particularly for very young children) or a general education setting.”


Ages 3-Grade 8
610 West 112th Street
Philosophy: Bank Street
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Education at the School is experience-based, interdisciplinary, and collaborative. The emphasis is on educating the whole child—the entire emotional, social, physical, and intellectual being—while at the same time, the child’s integrity as learner, teacher, and classmate is valued and reinforced.”
Noteworthy: “In the tradition of Bank Street’s progressive origins, which emphasize the importance of active engagement in the world around us, the program addresses two major themes: (1) the study of human life as it presents itself from moment to moment, e.g., sharing, working together cooperatively, resolving conflicts; and (2) the study of the connections and relationships necessary for physical and psychological survival in the world around them.”


Ages 2-5
601 West 114th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian
In Their Own Words: “Our teaching follows the Developmental Interaction/whole child approach, with an emphasis on rich, hands-on experiences and time to reflect and represent those experiences through language and physical means. Play is at the heart of the curriculum, and children are given many forums for play – dolls and pretend materials, blocks, building manipulatives, sensory materials such as sand, water and play dough, art materials, and science investigations.”
Noteworthy: “Parental involvement is vital to a child’s successful school experience. Parents and teachers work in partnership to that end. We encourage a close relationship and copious communication with the teachers.”


Ages 3-5
34 West 139th Street
Philosophy: Developmentally-based approach
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “For children 3 to 5 years of age presenting with developmental delays, communication problems, social/emotional/behavioral difficulties, or attention and learning deficits. A highly structured small group classroom (8:1:2) helps them build self-esteem, develop relationships, and become effective learners.”
Noteworthy: “Individualized mandated therapies, including speech and language, occupational, physical, plays, and music, are provided. An interdisciplinary team approach, inclusive of the family, promotes best practices for understanding the child’s challenges and strengths.”


Ages 6 months-5 years
90 La Salle Street
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At Children’s Learning Center (CLC), a child’s imagination and desire to make meaning are keys to learning in the early years. We view children as competent, creative problem-solvers, and we respect their learning process. Music, dramatic play, art, blocks, story-telling, science, and math explorations – all offer children platforms for imaginative work. At CLC, our children develop confidence, a love for learning, and a sense of community at school.”
Noteworthy: “Documentation through photography, writing, and group reflection is an essential part of teaching life at CLC, and classrooms share their studies with parents through newsletters, reflections, and narrative reports on child development.”


Ages 2.9-5
404 West 116th Street
Philosophy: Developmental-Interaction Approach
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “This educational philosophy of Greenhouse pivots on the widely held pedagogic belief that young children learn best through direct interaction and real-life experience with interesting materials, responsive adults and small peer groups. As we design our classrooms, we choose and display real materials in a way that provoke the children’s imagination and expressive sensibilities.”
Noteworthy: “We intentionally design our environment to invite children to do what comes naturally to them – tinker, play, express, build, think. On any given day, at any given moment, a small group of children could be collaborating together to build a rocket ship with smooth wooden blocks, while another child is writing a story about the day a young girl turned into a cat, and still another child is off sorting the collection of antique buttons into unique categories. You might find a small group of children cooking challah bread or planting seeds in fresh dirt, while others are painting at the easel and mindfully filling the paper with different sized dots of paint.”


Ages 1.7-5
560 West 113th Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Since 2005 we have been immersed in learning and applying the Reggio Emilia approach from the town of the same name in Italy. This wonderful philosophy encourages creative thinking for children and encourages teachers and children to be researchers. The curriculum is layered with multiple projects based on the children’s interests and natural curiosity. The children are engaged in discovery through an investigative approach in which their ideas are valued and respected.”
Noteworthy: “Daily Journal: Documentation serves many functions and is an important tool in the Reggio Emilia approach. Children’s projects are carefully arranged and include transcriptions of children’s conversations and remarks, photographs of ongoing work and activities, and the products that have been produced by the children to represent their thinking and learning. Teachers’ commentaries on the purposes of a project, along with transcriptions of children’s verbal language, photographs, and representations of their thinking are provided. The documentation shows children that their work is valued, makes parents aware of class learning experiences, and allows teachers to assess both their teaching and the children’s learning.”


Ages 3-5
525 West 120th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The philosophy of Hollingworth Preschool is guided by the value we as educators place on children’s sense of wonder; thus, we consider our approach child-responsive. This child-responsive philosophy guides our work and influences our goals as educators.”
Noteworthy: “Hollingworth Preschool is a program of Teachers College at Columbia University. Hollingworth Preschool has a dual mission to provide enrichment opportunities for young children while also serving as a lab school site for professional development of Teachers College graduate students.”


Ages 2-5
60 Haven Avenue
Philosophy: Play-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “MCNS provides a nurturing and child-centered environment where a diverse group of students and teachers plays, learns, and grows together. Our beautiful facility, with light and airy classrooms, provides the perfect setting for children’s activities and an exciting bridge between our children’s families and homes and the much larger world beyond.”
Noteworthy: “MCNS is very structured. But the structure doesn’t lie in daily lesson plans or work sheets. It does not lie in a full day of teacher-directed activities. The structure at MCNS is two-fold. The first is in the physical plant, the carefully designed classroom spaces and contents of the areas within them. The second is in the daily schedule, the flow of large and small motor activities, large group, small group and individual activities, eating and rest periods, music, story and discussion times. Combine those two underlying structures and you have the ideal learning environment for young children to flourish.”


Ages 2-5
251 West 100th Street
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Morningside approach to early childhood education is based primarily on principles developed in the early part of this century by Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and early childhood educator: children learn best by doing; children teach themselves; children learn from each other.”
Noteworthy: “Our Parent Education curriculum offers a series of workshops for Morningside Families throughout the year. Through these workshops, parents will have opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the developmental processes, milestones, and needs of their children. The workshops will be a forum for learning, exchanging ideas, and an opportunity to further build relationships with the other Morningside Families.”


Ages 2-5
251 West 100th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Instead of feeding children a set of facts, we take their daily discoveries and questions, and explore them in depth. When the curriculum is tailored to meet the individual’s strengths and interests, and the environment supports this, the children come to see themselves as capable thinkers and learners, making sense of and imagining the world around them.”
Noteworthy: “The partnership between families and teachers is essential in the preservation of children’s play. Our exceptional student to teacher ratio affords teachers time to observe each child closely so that they may provide a variety of materials to support each child’s strengths and interests.”


Age 2-Grade 8
619 West 114th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: Episcopal
In Their Own Words: “Classrooms are carefully organized to create a learning environment that allows the children to grow in all aspects of their development. Classroom areas are supplied with materials through which fine and gross motor skills are strengthened and developed. In senior kindergarten, formal math instruction begins, along with formal language arts instruction using phonics and a literature-based curriculum.”
Noteworthy: “The outstanding faculty of St. Hilda’s & St. Hugh’s is dedicated to educating children at the earliest stages of their development. An essential part of our comprehensive academic program is foreign language instruction, which begins in nursery with a choice of French, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish; we introduce Latin in seventh grade.”


Ages 2-5
490 Riverside Drive
Philosophy: Hands-on
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The diverse community at Weekday fosters sharing, understanding and respect while focusing on the social, emotional and physical development of children. We honor each child as a unique individual with the goal of fostering self-awareness and self-respect. This awareness leads to the development of each child’s sense of responsibility as part of a larger community.”
Noteworthy: “The Weekday School faculty consists of talented, dedicated and highly qualified early childhood specialists. We have an active Parents Association and an 83-year history of serving families from the Upper West Side and Harlem communities.”

Multiple Locations in Manhattan:


Ages 3 months-5.5 years
230 West 13th Street
40 Worth Street
Philosophy: Emergent
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The programs at Buckle My Shoe empower children to build self-esteem and confidence in their ongoing development.  We offer the structure which is fundamental for individual growth in an atmosphere where children never lose their thirst for learning, and in which their curiosity and accomplishments guide the curriculum through art, music, movement (dance, yoga and gym) literacy, math, science, and social studies.”
Noteworthy: “Programs include weekly specialists in French, Chinese, Music, Dance and Yoga. Chelsea Childhood Center for the Arts will offer early childhood parent/child classes in Creative Art, Cooking & Nutrition, Dance & Movement, Language, and Preschool/Separation Preparedness, plus parent workshops and forums, guided gallery tours and special events focusing on Art in Chelsea and Preschool Arts Programs.”


Ages 2.5-6
40 Sutton Place
37 East 63rd Street
Philosophy: Creative
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our educational philosophy is to develop the Physical, Social and Emotional growth of each child through creative exploration and expression. We believe that pre-school children should be encouraged to read and write before they enter kindergarten. Developed in our London School, the Early Reading and Writing Program is now in use with our American children. Our students enjoy the finest teaching of London and New York.”
Noteworthy: “The curriculum includes the alphabet and early reading, numbers, pencil skills, colors, shapes, computer science, cooking, and field trips. There are daily art activities linked to the weekly projects, music appreciation, and introductory French.” 


Ages 2-5
2495 Broadway, 2nd Floor
1725 York Avenue
751 2nd Avenue
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Our approach is based on widely accepted childhood development and brain-based learning research that clearly indicates the deepest, most genuine learning occurs for children through play and fun activities. We foster the cognitive and social development of each child through fun activities that are lovingly guided by highly trained teachers.”
Noteworthy: “From infant to toddler to preschool and beyond, our teachers maintain constant collaboration and communication with parents in order to prepare each child for social and academic success… Our Infant Program guides your baby’s early experiences toward a lifelong love of learning.”


Ages 1.6-5
120 West 76th Street
345 East 86th Street
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “In the few years spent at The International Preschools, a child will develop not only academic skills but also social skills and cultural attitudes. At The International Preschools, where English language learners are welcomed and supported, children and families from New York City and all over the world share their cultures and gain a sense of international awareness through mutual understanding and respect. Through play, we promote the cognitive, emotional, social and physical growth of each child in a nurturing atmosphere.”
Noteworthy: “We welcome children who speak little or no English at home and believe that English-speaking children benefit as they observe and help their peers learn English.”


Ages 18 months-4 years
21 West End Avenue
88 Leonard Street
401 East 55th Street
125 5th Avenue
11 5th Avenue
30 Pearl Street
299 Court Street
182 Henry Street
393 South End Avenue

345 East 94th Street
601 Amsterdam Avenue
168 Amsterdam Avenue
219 East 67th Street
369 3rd Avenue
38 East 22nd Street
Philosophy: Progressive
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: To fulfill our mission of enriching the development of children, NY Preschool hosts a  curriculum that incorporates STEAM lessons which include stories, songs and art. This approach begets a developmentally appropriate, academically rigorous foundation that prepares your child for social and emotional success in future schooling. Our environment pairs a warm, nurturing classroom with purposeful play in our state-of-the-art gymnastics facility to offer a unique and progressive learning environment that sparks each student’s intellectual, physical and social growth.”
Noteworthy: “At the end of each school day, teachers make an announcement to provide families with the details of the day’s activities. In addition, teachers connect with each parent or caregiver individually at the end of each class to give an overview of the child’s day, provide details about exciting developments and achievements and discuss areas for improvement. Teachers are also available to parents and caregivers before class each day.”


Ages 1.6-5
121 West 19th Street
337 2nd Avenue
201 East 6th Street
207 Thompson Street
40 West 22nd Street
Philosophy: Reggio Emilia
Religious Affiliation: Jewish
In Their Own Words: “We enthusiastically embrace one of the most important tenets of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education – that the environment is the third teacher. Children thrive and develop most optimally in a beautiful, natural environment that reflects their interests and work while also reflecting the ambiance of home.”
Noteworthy: “At the cornerstone of our school is our arts program. Children are naturally creative and derive much pleasure from involvement in the arts. They learn a host of skills and acquire tremendous self-esteem when given varied opportunities to create. Because we consider art such an integral part of our program, our NYC preschool has appointed an atelierista – an art director who provides our children with open-ended opportunities to create. Our children use a wide array of art media including acrylic, finger, and water paints, pastels, crayons, and markers.”


Ages 3 months-5 years
1 West 91st Street
435 Central Park West
202 Riverside Drive
Philosophy: Montessori
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Each class operates on the principle of freedom within limits. Children are free to work at their own pace, alone or with others. We encourage a balance of active, self-directed learning with small group collaboration and peer teaching, so that children will problem solve, see natural connections in knowledge, and create new ideas.”
Noteworthy: “Learning is facilitated in a comfortable, homelike setting, one attentively filled with developmentally appropriate materials that contribute to the growth of self-motivated, independent children. A single class contains a range of ages and abilities in which the more experienced children share what they have learned with younger or less able students who enjoy the daily stimulation of older role models.”



Ages 3 -4
4022 E.Tremont Avenue
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The curriculum is designed for our teachers to assess and document what each child has learned. These observations are the foundation of lesson planning, which allows your child to progress naturally on their developmental path.”
Noteworthy: “At Ivy Prep Early Learning Academy, we embrace each child’s individuality, which is why activities in this curriculum contain multiple goals that relate to different developmental areas.”


Ages 3-4
70 West Broad Street
Philosophy: Montessori principles/ Academic foundation
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Milestone’s highly recognized “early phonics reading program” is introduced in our Nursery classes. Emphasis is placed on allowing children to get an early start in the reading process. Our successful multi-sensory program follows a very natural and yet structured continuum throughout each level.”
Noteworthy: “From exploring master artists to our neighboring Hudson River, our theme and literature-based program takes our students on exciting new journeys throughout the year.”


Ages 2-5
1997 Bathgate Avenue
2167 University Avenue
940 East 156th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: Providing head start early childhood services within the Bronx for over 50 years, demonstrating commitment and consistency to their communities.
Noteworthy: Their programs examine the needs of the children, families, and communities they serve. It is an approach that values the human spirit and the holistic development of the child – physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. trabajamoscommunityhea


Ages 2-3
555 West 235th Street
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Kidville University (KVU) is a social preschool alternative program for 2 & 3-year-olds offering a positive first school experience. Key highlights that the program offers is an emergent curriculum that promotes learning through play.”
Noteworthy: “Teachers serve as guides for parents and children during a gradual separation process tailored to each family.”


Ages 2-4
3816 Waldo Avenue
Philosophy: Play-based
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “RNSFC is a well-established, inclusive preschool that strives to offer quality education to a diverse population of students. RNSFC provides a play-based, cognitively stimulating environment that emphasizes exploration and experimentation.  Children are encouraged to be risk takers in a supportive, nurturing setting that maintains an excellent teacher-child ratio.”
Noteworthy: “Children are encouraged to be risk takers in a supportive, nurturing setting that maintains an excellent teacher-child ratio. Classroom lead teachers are experienced and certified in early childhood education. Children and teachers are further supported by the educational director, special education consultant, and consulting psychologist.”

Staten Island


Age 3-Grade 12
715 Todt Hill Road
Philosophy: Academic
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “Staten Island Academy is a welcoming mix of inspiring people, challenging schoolwork, and opportunities for expanded learning. A co-ed, college prep school for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, the Academy builds upon its 125-year tradition to focus entirely on providing the best future for children.”
Noteworthy: “Beginning in Pre-K, students become familiar with the computer and the keyboard, building an appreciation for technology as a learning tool and as a rich medium for expression. Each classroom is equipped with the latest computer hardware and software.”


Jackson Heights:


Age 2-Grade 12
33-16 79th Street
Philosophy: Child-centered
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At Garden School, we help our students develop the skills they need to thrive in school and in life. We believe that all children are uniquely talented and have their own learning styles and we combine time-tested teaching methods with creative approaches to reach and teach all of our learners. This flexible teaching philosophy is only possible in an independent school with small class sizes.”
Noteworthy: “Children learn conversational Mandarin for greeting, counting, and singing songs. They are introduced to Chinese culture and traditions and play games and eat special foods.”

Forest Hills:


Age 3-Grade 12
119-17 Union Turnpike
Philosophy: Academic/Responsive Classroom approach
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “The Early Childhood program strives to support each child in feeling safe and respected among peers within their class and school community. Kew-Forest uses the Responsive Classroom approach to social-emotional education. This evidence-based program consists of a set of practices that build academic and social-emotional skills, which complement and enhance the existing curriculum. Responsive Classroom techniques support teachers in introducing children to an enhanced awareness of responsibility, empathy, and self-regulation.”
Noteworthy: “The Technology course in Early Childhood Development introduces the students to touch technology with a focus on applications that enhance the academic curriculum. Students learn to effectively use iPads to help further their understanding of topics explored in the self-contained classroom and to further enhance their creativity.”

Rego Park:


Age 1 – 5 years
99-39 66th Avenue Rego Park, New York 11374
Philosophy: Reggio approach
Religious Affiliation: None
In Their Own Words: “At Kuei Luck Early Childhood Center, we believe that children learn best in an environment that supports and builds upon their interests and curiosity. Through the process of inquiry, children begin to ask questions about their world. The environment is set up to assist in answering their questions. Open ended materials and activities are presented to develop and nurture these interests. The teachers act as observers and facilitators to encourage and support their learning.
Noteworthy: “Our curriculum is greatly inspired by the Reggio Approach. The belief of a constructivist approach of learning by doing, children have multiple intelligences, the importance of an aesthetic environment, participation of the community and families, respect for differences and diversity and the access to education for all young children.”

Relevant Directory Listings

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Sylvan Learning Center

<p>We know how hard you're working to help get your child's skills and grades up. If you aren't seeing a difference, turn to Sylvan. They can help you get beyond the symptoms and find out what's really going on. Sylvan offers support in reading, writing, math, and SAT Prep. Their assessments pinpoint exactly where to focus to make the biggest difference and their teachers are experts in today's teaching methods. They can guide your child through his or her own learning plan, so you see a change quickly. You aren't in this alone! Sylvan is here for you. Call them today.</p> <p>Your Child Is Unique. With Sylvan, You’ll Get Personalized Tutoring to Match. </p> <p>If you’re like most Sylvan families, you don’t believe that education should be “one size fits all.” You want learning to be personalized to your child’s talents and needs.</p> <p>At Sylvan, it is.</p> <p>You’ll find the right program for exactly where your child is in the educational journey — whether you want help catching up, honing skills, taking on advanced classes or getting ready for big college dreams.</p> <p>At Sylvan Learning of Mineola, they’re focused on building academic confidence, igniting intellectual curiosity, and inspiring a love for learning – all of which make a big impact in school and in life.  This school year, you don’t have to go it alone. Getting tutoring support from Sylvan’s education experts can help immensely! Think: Less pressure on you, less frustration at home and more success in school! Their caring teachers are experts at encouraging and motivating kids to learn, grow and flourish. They’ll help your child not only grasp tough concepts, but also improve self-esteem and spark a desire and eagerness to learn. </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0px; caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0px; caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;"> </span></strong></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0px; caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;"> </span></strong></p>

Brooklyn Friends School

<p><span style="caret-color: #434343; color: #434343; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: small; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: #ffffff;">Since 1867, Brooklyn Friends School has provided a college preparatory program serving students from preschool to grade 12. Committed to educating each student intellectually, aesthetically, physically, and spiritually in a culturally diverse community, Brooklyn Friends is a vibrant, thriving community of educators and learners actively engaged in intellectual growth and participation in the arts and athletics, guided by the Quaker principles of truth, simplicity and peaceful resolution of conflict. Each student is offered a challenging education that develops intellectual abilities and ethical and social values to support a productive life of leadership and service. Brooklyn Friends offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program for high school juniors and seniors.</span></p>

Friends Academy

<h1>Since 1876, Friends Academy has set the standard of academic excellence on Long Island.</h1> <p>Since 1876, Friends Academy has set the standard of academic excellence on Long Island. Our timeless values elevate our outstanding academic program to create a unique educational experience, where our students are empowered to inquire, reflect, and engage in real-world, life-changing ways. Friends Academy graduates are exceptionally prepared for college and the world.</p> <p>Friends Academy educates students, ages 3 through 12th grade. We offer outstanding experience in our Little Friends Daycare program, and a best-in-class education for every level of your child’s development in our Early Childhood, Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools. At every step of our students’ journey, they are seamlessly prepared for the next grade, division, and challenge in life. Our students are known, embraced, and loved by a community of dedicated, experienced teachers who provide individualized attention through our small class sizes and outstanding curriculum.</p> <p>Founded 148 years ago, we are the #1 ranked private school on Long Island by and have been ranked #1 in the following categories for four years in a row:</p> <p>#1 K-12 private school</p> <p>#1 private College Prep HS</p> <p>#1 private High School</p> <p>Please visit our website @ or call our Admissions team at 516-676-0393 to schedule a visit and find out how Friends Academy might be the smartest investment you can make for your child's future.</p>

Rella’s Spielhaus Summer Camp

<h1>2024 Rella’s Summer Camp</h1> <p>Guten Tag! Rella's Spielhaus Summer Camp is New York's premier German Summer Day Camp, excited to be back for the 10th summer in a row!</p> <p>Located on 50 West 97th Street, half a block away from Central Park, we offer 9 weeks of summer camp between June 24 th and August 30 th . Kids 1-12yrs are invited to enroll week-by-week. Sibling/twin discount.</p> <h3>Daily schedule:</h3> <p>Mon – Fri: 9am – 3pm <br /><br />Early Drop-off Mon - Thu: 8:30am <br /><br />Aftercare Mon - Thu: 3-5pm </p> <p>Any level of German welcome, no potty training required. The younger kids can nap.</p> <p>Be it the kids’ favorite "Fussball" , an introduction to the mighty music of "Mozart" or a magical week of wizardry during “Abrakadabra”, the children will be immersed in singing, dancing, arts & crafts, and reading and writing - all tailored to their age group and level of German. In the second part of the morning, we will head out to nearby Central Park and enjoy the sprinkly summer activities.</p> <h3>Testimonial of a 2023 Rella’s Spielhaus Summer Camp Parent:</h3> <p>Rella’s is awesome! We started off with Saturdays and now our 3+ year old daughter is going to the summer camp every day and loves it. The entire team lead by Barbara genuinely cares and if you would see the level of thought and attention to detail, they put in each week is incredible. The kids spend so much time outside, are active and come back home happy and excited… couldn’t ask for more.</p> <p>M-A. B.</p> <p><strong>It is our goal to instill a life-long joy in the German language and culture and create a summer experience for your child she will remember for a long time.</strong></p> <p><strong>Call us today, wir freuen uns!</strong></p>

Harlem Hebrew Language Academy Charter School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">An academically rigorous K–5 curriculum including intensive instruction in the Hebrew language. A diverse student body develops a strong sense of social and civic responsibility across the curriculum.</span></p>

Manhattan Charter Schools

<p>Manhattan Charter Schools (MCS) operates two schools on New York City’s Lower East Side. With our IB inspired curriculum we are committed to providing our students with small class sizes and support necessary for success. Our public elementary school educates students in grades K-5 and our middle school educates students in grades 2-6. MCS believes in the importance of a liberal arts and STEM education.Technology is embedded in the curriculum for all students.  Our middle school will have an AI Lab. In addition, all students receive daily music instruction. At MCS we teach our students how to learn and love doing it.</p>

The Long Island School For The Gifted

<p>A smart start of an educational journey. </p> <p>For over 40 years, The Long Island School For The Gifted has provided an accelerated experience for gifted children in pre-kindergarten through ninth grade, in a nurturing environment where they will be both intellectually challenged and comfortable socially. LISG helps gifted students develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for life. Emotional, and social needs of the gifted child are addressed whilst building strong character as part of the commitment to developing the whole gifted child.</p> <p>The beauty of an independent gifted school like LISG is that students can learn and grow with others who are like them.  We have found that LISG’s whole-school approach to gifted education has benefitted our students both more broadly and more deeply than alternative approaches—like isolated “enrichment” activities, single accelerated classes, or simply placing exceptionally intelligent children with older students in higher-grade classes.  With gifted peers, students learn in a cooperative environment that provides for their social and emotional development and in which giftedness is valued and nurtured by every teacher and staff member in the school.</p> <p> LISG has rolling admissions. Availability is limited based on the grade.  Contact them today.</p>

The Dude Ranchers' Association

<p>The Dude Ranchers’ Association was formed in 1926 to preserve this special way of life and the wonderful environment in which dude ranching takes place. When you vacation at a Dude Ranchers’ Association member ranch, you can be sure of a quality vacation.</p> <p>Saddle up for the adventure of a lifetime at a DRA member dude ranch! Whether you're a thrill-seeker or looking for a relaxing escape, you'll find endless opportunities to explore and unwind. Ride through breathtaking landscapes on horseback, hike scenic trails, cast a line in pristine waters, take a refreshing swim, soar on a zip line, brave white-water rapids, experience the excitement of a rodeo, join a cattle drive, or dance the night away to western tunes. With activities for all ages, dude ranches are the perfect getaway for solo travelers, families, corporate retreats, and more. Discover the spirit of the West at one of 90+ DRA member dude ranches across the U.S. and Canada!</p>

Congregation Beth Elohim Early Childhood Center

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A progressive preschool that nurtures childrens’ natural curiosity, critical thinking and self-esteem through an emergent curriculum developed by direct observation of childrens’ play and interactions with the world around them.</span></p>

Elliston Pediatrics

<p>Elliston Pediatrics is NYC’s premier concierge pediatric practice, providing personalized, in-home medical care with 24/7 direct access to expert pediatricians. Built on a foundation of trust, compassion, and expertise, we ensure parents receive the guidance and reassurance they need at every stage of their child’s development.</p> <p>Our concierge model offers same-day or next-day appointments, 24/7 direct communication with your pediatrician, and in-home visits for ultimate convenience. We take a holistic approach, focusing not just on treating illnesses but on fostering long-term wellness through proactive, personalized care.</p> <p>Parenting can be overwhelming, and our goal is to alleviate stress by providing seamless, comprehensive medical support. From routine check-ups and developmental assessments to urgent care needs and expert guidance on sleep, nutrition, and behavioral concerns, we are here to support your child’s health and well-being. For children with special needs, we make care more comfortable at home while assisting parents with medication management, care coordination, and follow-ups.</p> <p>Elliston Pediatrics is the first and only Pediatric Primary Care practice recognized as a Castle Connolly Center of Excellence, reflecting our commitment to the highest standard of pediatric care.</p> <p>We believe exceptional pediatric care should be the standard. By redefining how pediatric medicine is delivered, we empower families with the confidence and peace of mind that comes from knowing they have a dedicated, expert team available whenever they need it. </p> <p>Many of our families say that joining Elliston Pediatrics has been the best investment in their children’s health and their own well-being.</p>

Ready Set Grow Preschool

<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="">Ready Set Grow Preschool </a>(RSG), located in New Hyde Park believes that lifelong learning begins with a well-rounded, comprehensive and compassionate early childhood education. </p> <p>Ready Set Grow, the treasured preschool attached to the Progressive Athletic Center, serves as an educational hub for children 2 to 4 years of age. The educational team at RSG have created an enriching environment that hones in on children’s natural curiosity about the world around them in order to promote socialization, creativity, and critical thinking. Student’s delve into thematic daily play-based lessons in science, mathematics, art, literary enrichment, and physical education that serve as building blocks for the child's academic future. Preschoolers at RSG have the unique opportunity to develop their gross motor skills at the attached, fully equipped gymnastics facility where they engage in climbing, movement-based games and gymnastics. </p> <p>Ready Set Grow preschool offers 4 age-based classes taught by certified teachers. Each thoughtfully curated class is an excellent nursery to grade school transition. The warm and welcoming environment of the school allows children to feel confident in their new-found independence. As a first-time mom, N.S,  was relieved when her son felt immediately comfortable at the preschool relaying to the director that, “From the first day of school, my son's teachers have shown such warmth, compassion and professionalism. We are greeted each day with genuine smiles and excitement. My son looks forward to drop off each day and often mentions teachers and classmates at dinner. It's so cool to know that he’s making such good memories”. The professional and fun-loving staff helps their students cultivate social and academic skill sets that will be utilized throughout their school career. As a mom of two now-grade schooler’s, Cheryl L. thanks RSG for “...making her children's pre-school experience so special and helping to prepare them for Pre-K. Cherryl continues by stating, “ RSG staff creates an educational atmosphere combined with caring, creativity and fun.”</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="">Ready Set Grow Preschool</a> is now accepting Fall new-student applications for 2’s, 3’s and 4’s. Visit their website or email RSG’s head director, Louiza at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> for information on classes and registration. </p>

The Green Vale School

<p dir="ltr">The Green Vale School is Long Island's largest preeminent private school for Pre-Nursery (age 2) to 8th Grade. Families from some of NY's top school districts choose Green Vale for its exceptional academics taught in a purposefully joyful environment. Founded in 1923, Green Vale has exemplified educational excellence, molding well-rounded individuals equipped not just for the classroom but for life's journey ahead. Rooted in joy, the school's unique approach cultivates intellect, character, and confidence, ensuring students transcend classroom boundaries. </p> <p dir="ltr">At the core of Green Vale’s ethos lies a belief that early years form the bedrock of a fulfilling educational journey. In these formative stages, curiosity blossoms, creativity finds its wings, and crucial foundational skills are honed. It's here that the dedicated faculty and comprehensive curriculum pave the way for lifelong success.</p> <p dir="ltr">What distinguishes Green Vale is its commitment to tailored programs for each developmental stage: Early Childhood (Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten), Lower School (1st – 5th grade), and Upper School (6th – 8th grade). Each phase is a transformative experience, emphasizing not only academic excellence but also values like character, reflection, and community spirit. From nurturing social/emotional growth and discovering new passions in Early Childhood to fostering astute thinkers and executive functioning skills in Lower School to developing social awareness and leadership skills in Upper School, Green Vale nurtures well-rounded individuals ready to conquer the next step.</p> <p dir="ltr">However, the school’s commitment transcends traditional academia. It’s about fostering holistic development—where the arts, interscholastic sports, and service-learning blend seamlessly into the curriculum, instilling life skills, leadership, and a deep sense of community. At Green Vale, character education isn’t a subject but a guiding principle, shaping students into empathetic, responsible, and principled individuals.</p> <p dir="ltr">Amidst it all, the school's dedication to small class sizes ensures personalized attention, creating an environment where every student is known and understood—a community where individual strengths are celebrated, and challenges are met with unwavering support.</p> <p dir="ltr">In essence, The Green Vale School aims to offer more than just an unmatched educational experience. It’s a place where differences are celebrated, joy sparks learning, and character development is as vital as academic achievement. It’s a testament to a century-long commitment to shaping generations of lifelong learners and compassionate global citizens.</p>

Portledge School

<h1>The Portledge PreN-12 Journey: Learning is just the beginning</h1> <p><br />Portledge School is where academic excellence and emotional intelligence meet to inspire next-generation thinkers with the confidence, skills, and values to achieve in an ever-changing world.</p> <p>We are an inclusive community where every student has a voice, where adults model a love for learning, and where education expands beyond academics to include a full range of experiences—intellectual, artistic, athletic, social, and emotional—allowing each student to develop a sense of who they are and who they want to be.</p>


<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">At LREI we understand that students learn best when they are engaged. That’s why our 14-year progressive program is rooted in a fundamental love of learning and a connection to the real world. Our teachers, experts in their fields, encourage children to use their curiosity, compassion and imagination to think deeply and to participate in finding solutions to real problems.</span></p>

St Andrew Avellino School

<p>St. Andrew Avellino Catholic Academy, voted “Best in Boro” by, is a home to students ranging from Nursery through 8th grade. We offer a safe and nurturing learning environment and a family-oriented community where students of all faiths and backgrounds can excel academically, socially and emotionally.</p> <p>The St. Andrew Avellino Catholic Academy Advantage: Engaging and challenging lessons created by experienced and passionate faculty that encourage critical and creative thinking. Traditional teaching approach and educational programs that adheres to New York State common-core curriculum and is accredited by Cognia. Early Childhood foundation in academics, emotional literacy and faith. High-school level Regents classes for advanced learners. Support services for learning differences. Hands-on science experiments in a STEM lab. Art, music, robotics, and physical education classes. Catholic faith formation from religion classes, weekly church liturgies, and Christian service projects. Wide range of programs and extracurricular activities (music, clubs, sports) that cater to the students’ diverse interests and needs.</p> <p>Excellent Student Outcomes: Above average standardized New York State test scores every year. Graduates attend and succeed at prestigious high schools (Regis, Chaminade, Bronx High School, Stuyvesant, and Townsend Harris) and Catholic high schools in Queens, Manhattan, and Long Island.</p> <p>Graduating classes receive an average of $250,000 in Catholic High School scholarships.</p> <p>Financial assistance is available for families that qualify. Early morning drop-off and afterschool care are available.</p>

The Windsor School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">An independent, coeducational, middle and high school, for students in Grades 7 – 12. The mission of our school is to develop well-rounded and thoughtful students prepared to cope with a changing post-modern and globalized world. We nurture individual talents and interests to the fullest extent within our comprehensive and carefully planned curriculum. We strive to provide our graduates with an academic foundation that will enable them to gain admission to the colleges or universities of their choice as well as to succeed in those institutions.</span></p>

The Gillen Brewer School

<p>Together, we see the possibilities – and together, we will help your child make meaningful strides forward.</p> <p>That’s the Gillen Brewer difference: an integrated, academic-therapeutic approach combined with a school-home partnership that supports and celebrates your child’s complex learning needs.</p> <p>Since 1992, Gillen Brewer has used a collaborative approach between teachers and therapists to provide differentiated instruction and seamlessly integrated therapies to help children with a broad range of language-based learning disabilities grow into students who are:</p> <p>Proud of their progress as they become determined, lifelong learners who advocate for themselves and take on new and greater academic challenges.</p> <p>Excited to explore their interests and the broader opportunities created for them within the school and surrounding community.</p> <p>Prepared to engage with the world with the self-confidence and independence gained from learning and thriving among trusted teachers, therapists, classmates, and families.</p> <p>In our safe and vibrant learning environment on the Upper East Side of New York City, students in Preschool-Grade 8 enjoy an authentic school experience – filled with social connections, field trips, and school traditions – while benefiting from year-round programming that offers academics, arts, physical education, speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, and social groups.</p> <p>Gillen Brewer School is not only for students. It is a supportive and uplifting community for the entire family. Together, we can navigate your child’s future – with care, respect, and unwavering optimism. Come see the possibilities with us.</p>

Rivendell School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A Montessori pre-primary inclusion school providing toddler, half day and extended day programs. Beautiful Montessori classrooms, an excellent student/teacher ratio, and a warm, cooperative atmosphere where children learn to work and play.</span></p>

Lycee Francais de New York

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">One of the most renowned bilingual French schools in North America. We welcome students from more than 50 nationalities each year and prepare them to be thinkers, leaders and innovators at home in the world.</span></p>

YMCA Long Island Early Childhood/ Preschool Programs

<p>YMCA Long Island <strong>Early Childhood/ Preschool Programs</strong> provide a safe and supportive learning environment for young children to grow and thrive.</p> <p>The YMCA of Long Island's Early Childhood/Preschool Programs are committed to providing a safe, supportive learning environment for young children to learn, grow and develop social skills. Our teachers create a warm and loving atmosphere while offering a developmentally-appropriate, engaging curriculum, where children can play, discover and learn. The development of independence, trust and initiative is fostered through a balanced program of choice and structure, quiet and active play, and group and individual time. Our programs encourage children to explore, experiment and learn through literacy, science, dramatic play, block building, art, music and manipulative materials all while acquiring school readiness skills of reading and math. Age ranges for Early Childhood/Preschool Programs are 18 months* - 4 years old. <em>*Please check your local branch as ages vary per branch.</em></p> <p>YMCA Long Island Early Education/ Preschool Programs are offered at our Glen Cove, Huntington and Great South Bay locations. We offer a developmentally-appropriate, engaging curriculum, where children can play, discover and learn.</p>

Zeta Charter Schools

<p>Zeta Charter Schools:</p> <p>Zeta Inwood Elementary School: 401 West 218th Street, New York, NY 10034</p> <p>Zeta Manhattan Middle School: 401 West 218th Street, New York, NY 10034</p> <p>Zeta South Bronx Elementary School: 425 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455</p> <p>Zeta Bronx Middle School: 425 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455</p> <p>Zeta Bronx Tremont Park Elementary School: 1910 Arthur Avenue, Bronx, NY 10457</p> <p>Zeta Bronx Mount Eden Early Childhood School: 1325 Jerome Avenue, Bronx, NY 10452</p> <p>Zeta Bronx Mount Eden Elementary School: 1475 Macombs Road, Bronx, NY, 10452</p> <p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;">Zeta Queens coming soon!</span></p> <p> </p> <p>Zeta combines a caring, whole-child approach and world-class academics with unrivaled opportunities for students to discover their passions through art, dance, chess, music, sports, and Taekwondo. Zeta’s next-generation approach to learning helps students develop the confidence, awareness, and knowledge to solve challenging real-world problems, preparing them for access and leadership in an evolving modern world.</p> <p><span style="background-color: #ffffff; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">Zeta will serve children from Pre-K through 8th grade for the 2025-26 school year, growing to eventually serve students through 12th grade.</span></p>

Long Island Speech

<p>At Long Island Speech, we recognize the value of every person and are guided by our commitment to excellence. We believe that everyone has the right to better communication in order to improve their quality of life. Our mission is to provide exemplary speech/language and feeding services for each of our patients by our highly qualified clinicians, making a positive difference in the lives of our patients so that they may achieve their highest potential. Through the commitment of our staff, we can maintain a quality of presence and tradition of caring; which are hallmarks for Long Island Speech. Our vision is to be the absolute best speech therapy service provider throughout both Nassau and Suffolk counties. We aspire to be the provider of choice in our industry. We have 9 affiliated offices across Long Island, all participating with most major health insurance companies. We also offer evening and weekend hours. Call 844-5-SPEECH to schedule your first appointment.</p>

Park Shore Country Day School

<p>Our renowned preschool for ages 2-5 is located on 15 beautiful acres in Dix Hills, centrally</p> <p>located in Suffolk County. We offer a wide range of academic and social experiences for</p> <p>toddlers through Pre-K, preparing our students for all their future endeavors. Our mission is to</p> <p>nurture young learners in a fun, stimulating environment that promotes creativity, curiosity, and</p> <p>confidence. We believe every child deserves a strong foundation for their future, and that’s</p> <p>exactly what we provide through our innovative programs and experienced staff.</p> <p>● Small Classes With Experienced Teachers</p> <p>● Specialized Enrichment Program</p> <p>● SMART Board: Interactive Learning Technology</p> <p>● Pre–Reading & Language Arts Programs</p> <p>● Leader in Preschool STEAM Education: Science program featuring Robotics,</p> <p>Engineering, Life, Physical & Earth Science</p> <p>● Computer Program with the latest technology</p> <p>● Spanish & American Sign Language Programs</p> <p>● “The Gym” – Indoor Recreational Area</p> <p>● NEW Sky Tykes Adventure Course</p> <p>● Kidnastics Fitness Program</p> <p>● Outdoor Athletic Facility</p> <p>● Learning Center & Library</p> <p>● Music & Movement Program</p> <p>● 3 Playgrounds & Trike Raceway</p> <p>● 15 Beautiful Acres</p> <p>● Before and After-Care Available</p> <p>● Serving Long Island Since 1959</p>

Williamsburg Northside School

<div class="gmail_default" style="font-family: tahoma, sans-serif;"> <div id="fsEl_7057" class="fsElement fsContent" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 40px; color: #4a4a4a; font-family: 'Suisse Int\'l', sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #ffffff;" data-use-new="true"> <div class="fsElementContent" style="box-sizing: border-box;"> <h2 style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1.4; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px; text-align: center;">Northside's Approach to Early Childhood Education</h2> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 20px; text-align: center;">Rooted in the Reggio Emilia Philosophy, we believe that children possess infinite potential and creativity, and when granted the trust and freedom to exercise autonomy over their own education, are able to construct their own knowledge within the context of an emergent curriculum. It is therefore our responsibility as a faculty of co-learners, to create an environment that is aesthetically pleasing, provocative in its material offerings, and supportive of the development of our students' unique identities. </p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; text-align: center;">We do this through a multi-sensory approach, giving value to the 100 languages of children, which includes more creative forms of expression, such as music, movement, and art. Through these modes of self-expression, we are able to differentiate our approach to the learning styles and developmental needs of each child, and communicate the value and responsibility of each voice within our community, intentionally setting the groundwork for a lifetime love of learning.</p> </div> </div> </div>

Academics West

<p>Academics West is an accredited high-support college preparatory school designed to meet the academic and social-emotional goals of its students. Our unique model allows for each student to benefit from a customized educational experience to ensure they are acquiring the skills necessary to navigate their post-secondary lives whether they attend college or pursue another path to future success. Students can select different tracks to construct the most beneficial program to suit their needs and goals. Unlike conventional education, this innovative model enables students to prepare for an ever-changing world that requires young people to have advanced executive functioning, interpersonal and leadership skills to become independent and resilient adults.  </p>

BASIS Independent Brooklyn

<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-96b7d365-7fff-d573-681c-f31e225b6f78"></span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 15.499999999999998pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">BASIS Independent Brooklyn, a top-ranked private school, fuels creativity, ingenuity, and independence in curious learners in PreK–Grade 12. The nationally recognized BASIS Curriculum is built from global best practices and designed to inspire students to learn at the highest international levels in a supportive environment. From their very first day, students engage in a spiraling liberal arts program with advanced STEM offerings—including Mandarin, engineering, humanities, the sciences, and more. Led by Learning and Subject Expert Teachers, our students gain the critical inquiry and problem-solving skills needed to be successful in their education and beyond.</span></p>

Beansprouts Nursery School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Founded in 1980, Beansprouts offers a warm, supportive community in which our classrooms belong to the children. Our teachers serve as guides and mentors, while the children spend their days playing and sharing in a structured environment designed to stimulate their curiosity and build on successful experiences.</span></p>

Dwight School

<p dir="ltr">Discover the Dwight difference! Founded in 1872, Dwight School is an internationally renowned independent school dedicated to igniting the spark of genius in every child. We personalize the educational journey for each student, from preschool-grade 12, based on their interests, talents, and passions. Learn about our guiding spark of genius educational philosophy, academically challenging International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, outstanding athletics and arts programs, and more at an Open House (see schedule and register here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""><wbr />newyork/admissions/visit-us</a>).</p> <p dir="ltr">The IB is the gold standard in pre-university preparation worldwide, and we’re proud to be the first school in the Americas to offer the comprehensive IB curriculum, encouraging students to think critically, take risks, and become compassionate global leaders who can make our world a better place. Students in New York enjoy connecting and collaborating with their peers at Dwight Schools across our global network. With campuses in London, Seoul, Shanghai, Dubai, Hanoi, and online, we offer an exciting range of opportunities not found elsewhere. We invite your family to join us by applying here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""><wbr />newyork/admissions/apply-now</a>.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Igniting Sparks in Preschool</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">Our student-centered approach encourages children to discover the world around them while learning to connect with others and develop a strong sense of self. We help students begin to unlock their unique talents and interests and allow their natural abilities to flourish.</p> <p dir="ltr">We’re proud to offer one of the most respected curriculums in the world, the inquiry-based Primary Years Program (PYP) of the IB, to children ages three through five. The engaging preschool curriculum encourages students to ask questions and actively participate in their learning.</p> <p dir="ltr">Our highly qualified teachers in our 2s, 3s, 4s, and Pre-K programs apply best practices in early childhood education, allowing students to become enthusiastic, caring, compassionate, internationally-minded learners and problem-solvers. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Small Wonder Childcare (12- to 24-month-olds)</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">Our full day childcare program is designed to encourage active learning and meaningful engagement with others through a consistent classroom routine and nurturing teachers. </p> <p dir="ltr">Through teacher-directed and open-ended play experiences, children strengthen language, ignite curiosity, develop problem-solving skills, and build confidence — all in a warm and creative environment. Each day includes open play, circle time with songs, fingerplays and rhymes, story time, gross motor play, dance and bubbles, and sensory exploration. Snack time, lunch and rest are also part of the daily routine.</p>

Pusteblume International Preschool

<p>Pusteblume is a licensed, non-profit, independent preschool for children ages 2-5 with German and Spanish language immersion. Our school also offers after-school and enrichment programs for school-age children that are open to students from other schools. The Pusteblume curriculum is built around inquiry and exploration in the classroom, the school community and the vibrant city that surrounds us. Our native -speaking faculty teaches language, visual arts, music, movement, literacy, science and mathematical concepts in a fun and warm learning environment that cultivates the growth and development of your child.</p> <p>Visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""></a> to learn more and schedule your personal tour.</p>

Green Meadow Waldorf School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Striving to create a social, cultural, and learning environment that recognizes the child’s spiritual freedom and growth, Green Meadow nurtures the physical, emotional, and intellectual capacities of the growing child through a developmentally appropriate curriculum.</span></p>

Language & Laughter Studio

<p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 12pt; margin-bottom: 12pt;"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">LLS is a French and Spanish language center and immersion French preschool located in the heart of downtown Brooklyn. Their programs nurture children and provide them with the building blocks needed for a lifetime of learning, critical thinking while exposing them to the benefits of speaking a foreign language in a supportive environment.  </span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 12pt; margin-bottom: 12pt;"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The French Nature Preschool "Mini Maternelle" program offers a unique hybrid of outdoor and classroom-based learning with as many mornings as possible spent exploring nature in Fort Greene Park. Children grow excited about learning by building on their own discoveries and interests and nature provides an incredible setting for these experiences. </span><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #222222; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">100% of the children who graduate from LLS leave the program fluent in French with a real sense of ownership of the language. Many of them go on to attend public or private dual language (French-English). To Learn more, click the website link above.</span></p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-a1702257-7fff-c0d0-07e4-08e40fd16877"></span></p>

Windward School

<p><span style="color: #06111a; font-family: raleway, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: #ffffff;">A coed, independent day school exclusively for students with dyslexia and language-based learning disabilities, The Windward School enrolls students in grades one through nine. 98% of Windward students move on to mainstream schools after completing The Windward School's academic program. The Windward School is nationally recognized for its development of instructional programs designed specifically to help students achieve language proficiency. The School’s academic curriculum is research-based and multisensory in nature and is designed to give students the skills they need to succeed in school and return with confidence to mainstream educational settings.</span></p>

German School Manhattan International Pre- & Lower School

<p><span style="caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; background-color: #ffffff;">GSM uses small classes to make a big impact. Expertly trained educators teach in their native language, while the intimate group settings allow for dedicated student-teacher interaction. The English curriculum that is offered starting in Kindergarten, exposes students to the modern standards of ELA (English Language Arts), complementing the German Curriculum that stems from a long tradition of educational pedagogy. A new location was added this year to offer full German immersion Preschool for learners ages 3 and 4. Music and dance are an integral part of the ambitiously blended curriculum that adheres to internationally benchmarked standards. Knowledge of German is not a prerequisite to apply.</span></p> <p><span style="caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; background-color: #ffffff;">Sign up for open house and apply: <a style="color: #1155cc;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""><wbr />apply</a></span></p>

Yedidya Academy

<p>Yedidya Academy is a brand new Hebrew School with the goal of empowering students with ritual cultural, and Hebrew literacy and a deep love of heritage and community connection.</p> <p>We do this though out unique model:</p> <p>- Inspire strong Jewish Identities: inspire a lasting love and pride in Judaism by connection the relevance of classic Jewish values to the modern era.</p> <p>- ‘School-to-Shul’ integration incl. weekly intergenerational prayer service, ICCJ special events, weekly swim benefit through the ICCJ Sports Clinic, and more.</p> <p>- Individualized attention: self-paced Hebrew literacy, small group Torah study, and experiential exploration of Jewish culture and history through music, art, and celebration.</p>

Rodeph Sholom School

<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-7b58b145-7fff-742c-6f7c-beb002ce6334"></span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 300; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rodeph Sholom School, an Early Childhood through 8th Grade Reform Jewish independent school, inspires today’s curious learners to become tomorrow’s purpose-driven leaders. Located on Manhattan’s UWS, the school engages students in meaningful experiences and intellectual exploration through a curriculum infused with Jewish values while fueling their love of learning and sense of responsibility to themselves and society. Students and families of all backgrounds connect and thrive in Rodeph Sholom School’s welcoming and inclusive community.</span></p>

Paché Montessori

<p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Located in a newly renovated landmark building amidst the beautiful brownstones of Cobble Hill. Carefully crafted with the developmental needs of children in mind, classrooms offer children calm, peaceful environments to explore the rich Montessori learning materials.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Paché Montessori is a community-oriented, value-driven Montessori school with highly trained educators located on Court Street in Cobble Hill. The name, Paché, comes from the Italian word for peace (“pace”), and this guiding principle is at the heart of everything we do. The school serves children from birth (3 months) through 6 years old (Kindergarten) and offer a Spanish Immersion option for their Toddler and Primary students.</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Their beautiful 25,000 square foot school contains a large rooftop playground, an indoor gross motor space with a climbing wall, and a second-floor terrace for outdoor gardening and learning.</span></p> <p> </p>

Belle da Costa Greene: A Librarian's Legacy

<p>The Morgan Library & Museum will present a major exhibition devoted to the life and career of its inaugural director, Belle da Costa Greene (1879–1950). Widely recognized as an authority on illuminated manuscripts and deeply respected as a cultural heritage executive, Greene was one of the most prominent librarians in American history. The exhibition will trace Greene’s storied life, from her roots in a predominantly Black community in Washington, D.C., to her distinguished career at the helm of one of the world’s great research libraries. Through extraordinary objects―from medieval manuscripts and rare printed books to archival records and portraits―the exhibition will demonstrate the confidence and savvy Greene brought to her roles as librarian, scholar, curator, and cultural executive, and honor her enduring legacy.</p>

Amazing Explorers Academy Williamsburg

<p>Welcome to Amazing Explorers Academy, a premier STEAM-based preschool dedicated to fostering a love of learning and exploration in children aged 0 to 5. Our innovative and dynamic programs provide a nurturing environment where young minds can thrive and develop essential skills that will shape their future.</p> <p>At Amazing Explorers Academy, we embrace the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) approach, integrating these disciplines into our comprehensive curriculum. Through hands-on experiences and age-appropriate activities, children are encouraged to inquire, investigate, and discover, igniting their natural curiosity.</p> <p>We have many Enrichment programs included in our curriculum like Tiny Chefs, where your child is introduced to the joys of cooking and nutrition. Under the guidance of our incredible team, they learn to create delicious and healthy treats, fostering independence and creativity in the kitchen. Music and Movement is another integral part of our curriculum, enhancing children's motor skills, coordination, and self-expression. Beyond being a creative outlet, music’s rhythmic and melodic patterns stimulate the brain, exercising it and aiding memory development.</p> <p>We also place a strong emphasis on Nature Exploration, recognizing the importance of connecting with the natural world. Nature as a classroom allows children to engage all their senses, appreciate nature, and form stronger connections to their environment and community.</p> <p>Central to our philosophy is the belief in the power of play-based learning. We understand that children learn best through play, and our skilled educators design play-based activities that promote cognitive, social, and emotional development. Play-based learning nurtures creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills, all essential for success in the 21st century. Our highly trained and caring teachers are committed to creating a safe and nurturing atmosphere, where every child feels valued and supported.</p> <p>At Amazing Explorers Academy, we strive to inspire a lifelong love of learning, providing a solid foundation for future academic and personal achievements. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery, where every day is an opportunity to learn, play, and grow together!</p>

The Montessori School of New York International

<p>At The Montessori School of New York International, children are encouraged to explore all academic dimensions at their own pace and interest level. This tailored approach helps them grow in self-esteem and independence, leading them to become well-rounded, confident citizens of the world! All classes are equipped with a full complement of didactic imported Montessori materials, that encourage the absorption of concepts while playing. Music, Foreign Language, Musical Theatre, Swimming, Dance, Yoga, Science, Art, Public Speaking and Chess are part of the program as well. This multi-faceted program inspires curiosity, and instills a lifelong love of learning! Children who attend usually do well academically, and are prepared for admission to gifted and competitive programs. A unique Summer Camp, staffed by the school’s year-round teachers, allows children from other programs to experience a Montessori summer!</p>

The Vincent Smith School

<p>Vincent Smith School is a non-profit, coed, independent school for grades 1-12 that serves students from Nassau, Suffolk, and NYC since 1924. The school is most known for its small classes, supportive staff, and individualized programs for students with learning differences such as Dyslexia/Dyscalculia/<wbr />Dysgraphia, as well as school anxiety, school reluctance, or ADHD. </p> <p>We emphasize academic, college-prep success through differentiated instruction and on-site services as needed for reading, speech, or OT in dedicated classrooms. VSS offers rolling admissions throughout the year at our scenic Port Washington campus.</p> <p><em> </em></p>

Church of The Epiphany Day School (CEDS)

<div> <p>The Church of the Epiphany Day School is a Preschool community of children, families, and educators who are committed to learning and growing in a space where children can be children; where they can explore and delight in their play, and where they can take risks and pursue their creative and intellectual curiosities with freedom and encouragement. It is a joyful and loving community on the Upper East Side of Manhattan that believes in experiential learning and differentiated instruction. The teachers challenge children to master skills they are ready for with perseverance and a dedication to problem-solving. </p> </div> <div> <p> As a values-based school, CEDS emphasizes the importance of compassion, respect, and equity in all creative, academic, and social-emotional endeavors. They serve people of all faiths, backgrounds, and belief systems. CEDS seeks to develop the natural instinct towards mutual respect and kindness in every child. </p> </div> <div> </div> <div> <p> CEDS utilizes a Play-Based, Emergent Curriculum approach to teaching young children. Through this child-centered curriculum, CEDS students develop an active approach to learning that is joyful, enthusiastic, and confidence building. Their cognitive, emotional, and physical development grow as the experienced faculty builds curriculum guided by the children’s interests, keeping school fun and inspiring. By intentionally facilitating the growth of their character and moral integrity, CEDS students use their knowledge, compassion, and intellect to promote health, happiness, peace, and justice for all citizens. </p> </div>

Franklin School

<p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Franklin School is a visionary new high school </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">where students have the freedom to chart their own course through an </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">innovative curriculum where academic excellence meets real-world readiness. Franklin’s innovative hands-on curriculum empowers students to pursue their passions and have agency over their futures. </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">In addition to a rigorous core curriculum, </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">students can choose from a wide range of AP</span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;"> and </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">elective classes, as well as micro-courses </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">taught by industry leaders. </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Franklin emphasizes applied learning — learning by doing both within and beyond the classroom. Much of what students “do” will be driven by their own interests and where they want to go on their educational journey.</span><strong id="docs-internal-guid-20eed8a2-7fff-eb59-fbf0-5008e984af46" style="font-weight: normal;"></strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Franklin’s makerspace houses design and technology courses and serves as an inspiring hub where students can apply their learning and innovate. </span><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">It’s also home to the School’s incubator — Franklin Student Ventures — where students can bring their ideas for new businesses and nonprofits to fruition. During that process, they gain entrepreneurial skills, which are invaluable as technology and the working world continue to change at a furious pace.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">A Franklin four-year journey also includes built-in academic support, skills curriculum, and communication training; built-in SAT/ACT prep; expert college counseling; access to state-of-the-art athletic facilities; personalized internships; and more. Attend an open house to learn more </span></span><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; white-space: pre-wrap;">— </span><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">register </span></span><a style="color: #35a3bf; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-line: none; font-size: 16px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""><span style="font-size: 1.1rem; font-family: 'Brown Light', sans-serif; color: #0563c1; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; text-decoration-line: underline; vertical-align: baseline;">here</span></a><span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-size: 1.1rem; font-family: 'Brown Light', sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline;">.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;"> </span></p>

Lefferts Gardens Montessori

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Serving our community since 1986 and a member of the American Montessori Society. We offer a hands-on learning environment for Toddlers through Grade 6, with a mission to help each individual child reach his or her potential and to prepare students to be independent thinkers, lifelong learners and responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.</span></p>

Kenny Tan Test Prep: SHSAT, ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, SAT, ACT Tutor

<p>A graduate of Stuyvesant High School (Class of 2010) and Vanderbilt University (Class of 2014), Kenny Tan has over 10,000 hours of test prep experience on both sides of the table, as tutor and as student. As a result, he knows which tutoring strategies work and which just create busywork.</p> <p>Since Kenny began teaching in 2010, he has worked with hundreds of students ranging from the elementary through high school level. Many of his students have gone on to attend New York’s most selective public and private schools, as well as Ivy League and other highly competitive universities.</p> <p>Kenny has a patient and creative approach to tutoring. He helps students identify their weaknesses and works to help them improve their knowledge and skills while making each lesson dynamic, engaging, and enjoyable. Committed to helping his students improve, he is always easy to reach by phone call, text message, or email with any questions that pop up in between lessons.</p> <p>By applying the latest research in educational psychology, Kenny teaches his students the study habits they need to excel in any subject. Kenny is always working to refine his teaching methods in order to empower his students with the grit, resilience, and curiosity necessary for successful academic and professional careers.</p> <p>Kenny’s students describe him as a very kind (but demanding), sharp, and super-responsive tutor who loves to help students reach their full potential.</p>

ABC Infant & Toddler Center & ABC Child Center

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Since 1993, ABC's goal is to provide safe, age-appropriate, and stimulating programs for children from ages 3 months to 4 years, while fulfilling their need to laugh, learn, play, make new friends, and discover new things. Open year-round, Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm with rolling admission.</span></p>

Xaverian High School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A private, co-educational Catholic college preparatory school for grades 6–12 located in Bay Ridge. Giving students the opportunity to grow in their faith, intellect, leadership skills, musical passions, athletic talents, and much more, in the long standing tradition of the Xaverian Brothers.</span></p>

The École

<p>At The École, we believe that the goal of education is to develop well-informed, well-rounded, responsible, and compassionate students who can create and connect to a world filled with possibilities. This belief is at the heart of our uniquely designed bilingual program, in which students learn not just to speak, read, and write in two languages but also to think, feel, and act in ways informed by two cultures. To always see, explore, and understand the world around them from two perspectives is the gift of the deeply bi-literate, bi-cultural student.<br /><br />Artfully blending the curriculum requirements and pedagogical approaches of the French and American systems, our native-speaking faculty create rich academic environments for a diverse, international student body. From Maternelle through Middle School, students at The École are guided through the core language arts, social studies, math, and sciences content, as well as character and cultural enrichment in both French and English for all subjects. In our intimate classroom settings or out and about in New York City’s many artistic and historical institutions, using traditional and technology-based techniques, our teachers aspire to provide individual and group bilingual learning opportunities that engage, challenge, and inspire.</p>

Manhattan Mandarin

<p>Manhattan Mandarin runs the Mandarin after-school programs at over 40 schools</p> <p>nationwide, including St. Bernard's, Chapin, Allen-Stevenson, and Buckley. Whether</p> <p>in schools, students' homes, in the office, online, or on our beloved China trips, our</p> <p>teachers and tutors have helped hundreds of students of all ages master the Mandarin</p> <p>language on their own unique paths to fluency. Our philosophy has always been to</p> <p>make private lessons and classes perfectly tailored for each individual student. We</p> <p>look forward to working with you.</p> <p>- Jamie Keyte, Founder</p>

Cathedral High School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A Catholic College Preparatory school in the heart of Manhattan, welcoming young woman of all faiths and cultures. The school is a community of students, teachers, staff, parents and alumnae committed to achieving excellence in education.</span></p>

Little Thinkers Montessori

<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-9a98e501-7fff-fad4-efd7-d3e426e785a9"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">During the school year, LTM  preschool curriculum is individualized, multi-aged, and thoughtfully guided to match each student’s needs.  </span><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #222222; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Children learn through the academic and experiential process, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, and influenced by the culturally diverse atmosphere of Brooklyn.  The primary goal of LTM’s Montessori program is to use the “whole-child” approach to help each child reach their full potential in all areas of life. </span><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">LTM also offers an after school program for students in preK through 5th grade.  </span><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #222222; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Please contact the school to learn more about the programs offered.</span></span></p> <p><span style="color: #222222; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14.6667px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Offering a Summer Program with full or half day sessions running for 7 weeks.  Activities include, Gardening, Science, Art, Yoga, Music, Dance and outside play with extended care available. </span></p>

Speyer School

<p>Process over product. Empathy and analysis over memorized facts. These are what we emphasize at Speyer. Speyer was founded to provide an environment specifically designed for gifted students to foster their natural talents, to build a strong educational foundation through differentiated instruction, and to provide a limitless ceiling for growth and exploration. <br /><br />Yes, Speyer is a school for gifted learners — however the word "gifted" is not the most important part of that statement. Our focus is on the word "learners." We are passionate about challenging our students every day in their insatiable quest for learning and help them discover who they are as people. <br /><br />Speyer students cover more than geometry, chemistry, and history — they also learn how to collaborate, listen, and be a friend. Because of our intentional K-8 model, Speyer graduates attend and thrive at the top high schools in NYC and across the country and we send them there braver, kinder, and more prepared for the opportunities that lie ahead. <br /><br />Unlock your child's potential at Speyer, the only independent school in NYC designed for gifted learners. Speyer’s main Admissions entry points are Kindergarten, Fifth Grade, and Sixth Grade, though we review applications for all grades (space permitting).</p>

The Williamsburg Neighborhood Nursery School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Founded on the belief that a good early childhood program should provide children and their families with a bridge between the worlds of home and school, WNNS provides a school experience that is carefully structured, yet also allows the children to explore the school world at their own pace and in their own way.</span></p>

Corlears School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Corlears students learn, play and grow together in a school designed for who they are at ages 2 through 10. During these crucial formative years, we build a foundation of compassion, critical thinking, imagination and leadership, and cultivate a joy and confidence in learning that serves our graduates throughout their lives. <br /></span></p>

Brooklyn Waldorf School

<p><span style="font-family: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: #ffffff;">The Brooklyn Waldorf School engages students in learning with their whole selves - “hands, hearts and heads” – from preschool through 8th grade. BWS is serving the future through critical thinking, emotional intelligence and practical arts with a hands-on curriculum that takes a developmentally appropriate approach to technology. Take a tour and see how Brooklyn Waldorf School cultivates a new generation of independent thinkers as vibrant and diverse as our surrounding city.</span></p>

C'E Montessori

<p><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">C'E Montessori is an independent, coeducational Spanish/English dual-language Montessori school for Toddlers through Fourth Grade.  </span><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #050505;">The school's philosophy is an evolved take on the Montessori method, and they provide an advanced curriculum that is adapted to the needs of children in NYC today. </span><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px;">C'E Montessori is a vibrant community of parents, teachers and children. C'E defines its vision and staff as</span><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px;"> </span><u style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px; box-sizing: border-box;">Modern Montessori Purists</u><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px;">- Traditional Montessori in the classroom for their students, transparent accountability and metrics online for their staff and parents.  </span><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px;">C'E Montessori enrolls children for its three different school programs. Toddlers, Primary and Lower Elementary. Children applying for our Toddler program must be two years old upon enrollment, our Primary (3-6), Lower Elementary (1st-3rd grade), and Upper Elementary (4th-6th grade) programs are mixed aged classrooms.</span><span style="font-size: 20.075px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #262626; letter-spacing: 0.16px;">  Visit the website for information on virtual tours and admissions information as well as summer camp details.</span></p>

The Weekday School at Riverside Church

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A progressive, play-based, independent early childhood school serving families with children ages two through five. A diverse community fostering sharing, understanding, and respect while focusing on the social, emotional and physical development of each child.</span></p>

Nord Anglia

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">International Private School following the English National Curriculum paired with International Primary Curriculum for students ages 2–14.</span></p>

Garden School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A coed, fully-accredited, independent school in Jackson Heights offering an excellent and affordable Nursery–Grade 12 education. Small classes allow for a personalized approach.</span></p>

Great Oaks Charter School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A tuition-free charter middle school on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. We prepare our students for success in college through excellent teaching and tutoring. <br /></span></p>

The Cathedral School

<p>The Cathedral School is a Nursery School, Pre-K 4, and Kindergarten through 5th grade co- educational day school that offers a nurturing environment while preparing young minds for a rigorous academic education rooted in the principles of Hellenism. The curriculum integrates the most up to date educational methods while adhering to the ancient Greek tradition of paideia which views education as character formation, responsibility and the pursuit of excellence in all forms.</p>

Montessori Day School of Brooklyn

<p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Montessori Day School of Brooklyn is a</span><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-position: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space-collapse: preserve;"> warm and welcoming community serving children ages two to five. At MDS, they encourage every child’s natural curiosity and readiness to learn and create a nurturing and fun atmosphere that promotes independence and self-esteem, and creates life-long learners. They work to ensure that our school community is as richly diverse as the city we live in. Their tuition assistance program provides access to an MDS education for all children. Applications open up each year on September 1st. The deadline to apply for the next school year is December 31st. Please reach out with any questions about admissions for the coming school year.</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #500050; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> </p>

Mott Hall Charter School

<p>Located in the Morrisania neighborhood of the South Bronx, the Mott Hall Charter School is a middle school for grades 6, 7 and 8. In its 12 th year, Mott Hall continues to live by its motto “RISE to the Challenge”; and through these RISE core values - Responsibility, Integrity, Scholarship, and Excellence - scholars are taught the character skills to overcome obstacles and are introduced to these attributes from the moment they walk through the door and reinforced throughout their time at Mott Hall.</p> <p>The Mott Hall Charter School teaches for the 21st Century through its unique approach to learning, providing a holistic educational experience grounded in evidence-based research on how students learn best. Mott Hall accomplishes this through a whole child approach, not merely addressing content but focusing on the key elements of mind, body, character, and social emotional health. Its distinctive mission prepares scholars to succeed in top high schools, colleges, and careers, becoming inquisitive, open-minded, and compassionate citizens of the world.</p> <p>Mott Hall Charter School offers a rigorous academic program grounded in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. Scholars are required to take three years of foreign language, coursework in the arts, and have the opportunity for Regents level classes in mathematics and science in 8th grade. All classes integrate technology and utilize elements of the AVID College and Career Readiness program to provide scholars with the organizational, time management, and study skills they need to succeed.</p> <p>Mott Hall Charter School’s programs include access to community-based organizations focused on mentoring, adult civics classes, adult ESL classes, computer science classes, engaging online platforms to increase student learning, after school and Saturday tutoring, art, music, softball, basketball, and much more! Mott Hall is now offering a 6/7 Bridge 12:1:1 self-contained classroom: 1 classroom, 12 scholars, 1 educational teacher, and 1 full-time Special Education teacher.</p>

Ivy Prep

<p>Located in Forest Hills, Queens, Ivy Prep New York (Ivy Prep) is a 30-year well established private tutoring school, which focuses on top scores for standardized tests and academic excellence in school work. Ivy Prep prepares motivated students for admissions to top high schools, Ivy league universities and other top universities, and gifted and talented programs.</p> <p>Ivy Prep offers elementary and junior high school students SHSAT, SSAT, ISEE, Hunter High School Exam, and other entrance exams for admissions to top high schools, SAT, PSAT, ACT, APs for high school students, and GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, GRE for college students. Ivy Prep also offers uniquely effective college application consulting to make sure its students reach top universities and right majors.</p> <p>For elementary and junior high school students, Ivy Prep teaches math, reading, and writing to build up students’ solid basic knowledge foundation; for high school students, besides standardized test training, Ivy Prep also teaches school math, English, science, history, literature, writing, etc. to maintain students’ school high GPA. Ivy Prep offers college level basic courses tutoring as well.</p> <p>All teachers at Ivy Prep are professionals, either college professors or licensed high school teachers. They are graduates from Ivy League colleges or other top universities and with at least fifteen years teaching experience.</p> <p>Ivy Prep flexibly arranges all programs. Students can take classes in small groups or individual private lessons; lessons can be in person or online.</p>

George Jackson Academy

<p dir="ltr">GJA fosters a love for learning, instills resilience, and encourages curiosity, making it an ideal environment for boys to thrive academically and personally. </p> <p dir="ltr">GJA’s comprehensive curriculum includes not only the sciences, humanities, math, and Spanish, but also classes that expand students’ horizons, such as Fencing, Muay Thai, and Percussion. Their strong emphasis on social-emotional programming provides students with the necessary tools and resources to navigate challenges and maintain a positive outlook. With small class sizes and individualized attention, students feel valued and supported. GJA’s is a close-knit community and fosters a sense of brotherhood that lasts a lifetime.</p> <p dir="ltr">High School placement is an integral part of GJA’s program. The process begins in seventh grade with initial school visits, test prep, mock interviews, and a preview of the high school admissions process. The guidance and support provided by the Director of High School Placement and the dedicated faculty ensure that each student finds the right match school. Graduates attend elite day and boarding schools and top parochial and selective public schools throughout the tri-state area.</p> <p dir="ltr">GJA is NYC's only independent school for bright boys in grades 6-8 from all financial backgrounds. All families receive financial aid, with some paying as little as $50 per month. Apply now for grade 6 or 7 at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer noreferrer" data-saferedirecturl=""></a>. </p>

The French American Academy

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">We believe that learning a second language at an early age is a life-long advantage which will benefit our children both academically and cognitively. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive, nurturing, international learning environment where students can develop fully in both French and English.</span></p>

BASIS Independent Manhattan

<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-3efd1f32-7fff-5574-fa5c-a97ff98147c6"></span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 15.499999999999998pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">BASIS Independent Manhattan, a PreK–12 private school, fuels creativity, ingenuity, and independence in curious learners. The nationally recognized BASIS Curriculum is built from global best practices and designed to inspire students to learn at the highest international levels in a supportive environment. From their very first day, students engage in a spiraling liberal arts program with advanced STEM offerings—including Mandarin, engineering, humanities, the sciences, and more. Led by Learning and Subject Expert Teachers, our students gain the critical inquiry and problem-solving skills needed to be successful in their education and beyond.</span></p>

Buckley Country Day School

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Founded in 1923, Buckley Country Day School is a co-educational independent day school serving 350 children in grades Toddler through Eight. We focus on developing a rigorous curriculum and teaching evolving skills required for the students’ future, while remaining committed to a liberal arts, classical education dedicated to nurturing the “whole child.”</span></p>

Lyceum Kennedy International School

<p> </p> <div> <blockquote> <p>Lyceum Kennedy International School is an independent institution located in the heart of Manhattan, offering an exceptional bilingual and multicultural education. Our approach is rooted in self-expression and differentiated pedagogy, designed to empower students from early childhood through 12th grade. We provide a rigorous, bilingual education that fosters global thinking and intercultural respect, helping to shape future leaders who embody empathy, integrity, and the skills needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.</p> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>At Lyceum Kennedy, we nurture curiosity and creativity, celebrate the diversity of our community, and embrace differences. Together, we cultivate an inclusive environment that champions education, personal growth, and global citizenship.</p> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>Our students are fully immersed in their selected languages, not merely studying them as second languages. We offer bilingual instruction in English-French or English-Japanese, including subject-specific classes taught in these languages. Preschool students applying for Nursery (3 years old), Pre-K, and Kindergarten, do not need prior knowledge of French nor Japanese. The students will learn and develop their language skills in class with the guidance of our highly trained teachers.</p> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>In grades 11 and 12, we offer the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. This globally recognized diploma can be pursued in English, French, or a combination of both, opening doors to top-ranked universities in the US and internationally. Students opting for the bilingual track can earn an advanced bilingual diploma, a distinction offered at only three schools in North America. To prepare for the demands of the IB program, our 10th-grade students follow a pre-IB track designed to ease their transition into this rigorous curriculum. </p> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>Lyceum Kennedy French American School is accredited by the French Ministry of Education and is part of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) network. We are also accredited by the New York State Education Department, and our early childhood programs are regulated by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Additionally, our high school is an International Baccalaureate (IB) School offering the Diploma Programme.</p> <p>We would be thrilled to welcome you to our school and share further information with you. To schedule a tour or to request for more information, please contact us <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="">here</a> for the French school and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="">here</a> for the Japanese school.</p> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>We look forward to connecting with you! </p> </blockquote> </div>


<p>Our mission is to provide an engaging learning experience in a supportive environment where students are free to explore their passions, embrace their challenges and find a community of teachers and friends who understand and accept them as they are.</p> <p>Academics:</p> <p>To meet the unique needs of gifted and 2e learners – students who may have co-occurring learning challenges along with their gifts – we provide a gifted-level curriculum with built-in scaffolding, developed by credentialed experts in both gifted education and special education, as well as subject-area experts. Small, discussion-based classes ensure our students can engage in stimulating conversation with intellectual peers while receiving individualized attention and support.</p> <p>Talent Development and Experiential Learning:</p> <p>Central to our program is our strengths-based, interest-based approach to learning. All FlexSchool students pursue personal passion projects and choose from a diverse menu of enrichment activities and electives designed to support exploration and talent development. Our signature FlexFriday experiential learning program provides essential connections between classroom learning and the real world.</p> <p>Executive Functioning and Learning Support:</p> <p>All FlexSchool students have access to an extensive range of accommodations, including breaks as needed, daily executive functioning support, flexible seating, extended time, assistive technology and more. Learning Specialist support is available on every FlexSchool campus.</p> <p>Social-Emotional Learning and School Counseling:</p> <p>Our caring team of certified school counselors, under the guidance of a consulting psychologist, provide robust social-emotional learning and social pragmatics programming. Students are welcome to visit the school counselor at any time – no appointment necessary. FlexSchool counselors also maintain a collaborative relationship with parents and outside providers.</p> <p>Rolling admissions:</p> <p>We understand that student needs don’t always neatly align with the academic calendar, so FlexSchool admits students on a rolling basis. To learn more, join FlexSchool founder Jacqui Byrne live via Zoom for a Virtual Open House. To receive a call from our admissions team, inquire online, email us at or call 908-279-0787.</p>

Brilla Public Charter Schools

<p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;"><strong>Brilla Public Charter Schools</strong></span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla College Prep Elementary 413 E 144th St., Bronx</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla College Prep Middle School </span><span style="background-color: transparent; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">230 Alexander Ave, </span><span style="background-color: transparent; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Bronx</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla Veritas 600 E 156th St., Bronx</span></p> <p style="font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla Veritas Middle </span><span style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">500 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla Caritas </span><span style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">2336 Andrews Ave, Bronx</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla Pax 2336 Andrews Ave, Bronx</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> </p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">929-422-0128</span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;"><a style="color: #1155cc;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""></a></span></p> <p dir="ltr" style="color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> </p> <p dir="ltr" style="line-height: 1.44; margin-top: 9pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> </p> <p dir="ltr" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.2; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; vertical-align: baseline;">Brilla Public Charter Schools, K-8 schools in the classical tradition, help students to grow intellectually, socially, and physically into young men and women of good character and spirit and to be prepared for excellence in high school, college, and beyond. Still accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year. Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now available. Families can apply for seats in grades K-8 in Mott Haven, K-6 in Melrose, and K-3 in University Heights.</span></p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-003dd10b-7fff-8e08-cd7c-d8f1a88d4690"></span></p>

The Knox School

<p>The Knox School is Long Island’s oldest established private school. An inclusive environment provides students with a broad world perspective and a wide range of skills to prepare them for success after high school.  A Knox education unlocks every student’s potential.</p>

Sora Schools

<p dir="ltr">Sora Schools is the virtual, private middle and high school turning today’s students into tomorrow’s change-makers. Our approach is founded on inquiry-based and interdisciplinary learning. This gives students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects, based on real-world challenges and problems. Students choose from over 400 interest-based learning experiences like “Create Your Own Civilization!,” “Food Science,” “ToMAYto ToMAHto: Intro to Language in Society,” and “Making Your Own Cell: Principles of Cellular Biology,” just to name a few.</p> <div> </div> <div>Sora families have the flexibility to learn from practically anywhere and enjoy a dynamic community. Student-life experiences include clubs, meetings with their “house,” filled with students in their geographical region, daily checkpoints with academic advisors, and fun events. Learn more about Sora, the future of school, at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-saferedirecturl=""></a>.</div>

The Mary Louis Academy

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">A High School for young women valuing faith and service with dedicated teachers, challenging academics, outstanding facilities, and friends for life. The TMLA experience produces stellar college acceptances and confident graduates who know how to lead.</span></p>

Twin Parks Montessori Schools

<p>TwIn Parks Montessori Schools nurtures a child’s natural tendency to learn.  Our three campuses on the Upper West Side of Manhattan serve children from 3 months to 5 years of age.  We are called Twin Parks because each of our campuses are across from Central Park or Riverside Park.  Being close to nature is just one of many things that make Twin Parks a wonderful school.  Twin Parks is well known for its warm stimulating environment, joyful, active, independent learners, and welcoming community.  At Twin Parks, each child is regarded with profound respect and care. Our nurturing teachers foster a beautiful learning environment designed to help each child reach their full potential.  </p> <p>All of our students, even our youngest children, have enriched experiences in math, language, science, cultural arts, music, art and movement.  The Montessori approach is internationally renowned for the development of each child’s creativity, individual resourcefulness, and potential.</p> <p>All of our classrooms share a deep commitment to the Montessori Method and at each level our program is carefully constructed around the developmental stages of the child.</p> <p>The Montessori curriculum varies at the levels of our school, but the goals are consistent throughout the programs:</p> <p>- To partner with parents in the education of their children</p> <p>- To foster a love and joy of learning</p> <p>- To help children develop a positive self-image </p> <p>- To foster open minds, compassion, and respect for others</p> <p>- To develop independence and confidence.</p> <p>- To instill in each child a sense of responsibility for the world in which we live</p> <p>- To maintain the highest standards for a safe and clean program.</p>

Dillon Child Study Center @ St Joseph’s College

<p><span style="font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">The laboratory preschool of St. Joseph’s College offers</span><span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{"><span style="white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: #ffffff;"> half- and full-day, mixed-age programming for 2-5 year olds. Classes are in an atmosphere where children are free to express their feelings and ideas. Children learn through play, developing confidence, competence and dispositions for future learning. All programs offered are led by NYS certified teachers, and assisting in the classroom are students from SJC’s Department of Child Study. The laboratory preschool is composed of modern, spacious classrooms, each of which have an observation booth, and all classes share a beautiful outdoor space. </span></span>When you visit, you won’t want to leave!</span></p> <p style="margin: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; font-size-adjust: none; font-kerning: auto; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal; color: #0f57ca;"><strong><span style="color: #000000; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">Join an Upcoming Open House for the 2025-26 school year</span></strong></p> <p style="margin: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; font-size-adjust: none; font-kerning: auto; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal; color: #0f57ca;"><span style="color: #000000; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">(Open House dates held September 2024-March 2025 will be announced in August, 2024)</span></p> <p style="margin: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; font-size-adjust: none; font-kerning: auto; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal; color: #0f57ca;"> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; font-size-adjust: none; font-kerning: auto; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;"> </p> <p style="margin: 0px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; font-size-adjust: none; font-kerning: auto; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;"> </p>

The Co-op School

<p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: #fefefe; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The Co-op School </span><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">is a student-centered and parent-aided cooperative school serving preschool through 8th grade at their new building located in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.</span></p> <p><span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The Co-op School provides a safe and stimulating micro-environment in which students experiment and learn.</span><span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;"> Their approach to teaching kindergarten through eighth grade is firmly rooted in our philosophy that students learn best when they are invested in finding answers to their own questions. Their teachers use the Responsive Classroom approach to facilitate this process and provide meaningful learning experiences for each student, preparing them for the grades ahead. </span><span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; background-color: #fefefe; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">As students learn to work together, preparing for a global environment, families also work in committees and on the board to support the school and its core values: compassion, uniqueness, innovation, community action, and joy. Families interested in joining our community are welcome to reach out for a one-on-one meeting by emailing </span><span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; color: #1a73e8; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;"><a style="color: #1155cc;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></span><span style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; background-color: #fefefe; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;"> to learn more about their approach to learning; their newly built facility, which is optimized for airflow and safety; and their cooperative commitment.</span></p>

The Parkside School

<p><strong>Empowering Students with Language-Based Learning Differences Through Comprehensive Education and Support</strong></p> <p>The Parkside School offers a comprehensive and nurturing educational experience for students with language-based learning differences and disabilities. Our program is designed to support the unique academic, social, and emotional needs of each child, empowering them to thrive in a structured yet flexible learning environment.</p> <p>At the heart of Parkside’s approach is a robust curriculum that integrates literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts, all tailored to accommodate diverse learning styles. Our team of dedicated teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, and counselors collaborate closely to provide individualized instruction and therapeutic support, ensuring that each student receives a holistic education. Small class sizes enable our staff to build strong relationships with students, fostering a deep understanding of their strengths and challenges.</p> <p>Parkside’s multi-disciplinary team utilizes evidence-based interventions such as The Zones of Regulation and executive functioning strategies to promote self-regulation and problem-solving skills. Our occupational therapy program supports sensory integration and fine motor development, while speech and language services target communication skills, helping students express themselves more effectively and build stronger connections with peers.</p> <p>Beyond academics, Parkside emphasizes social-emotional learning through a community-centered approach. We provide students with a safe, supportive space to build self-confidence, social skills, and independence. Our inclusive community is further strengthened through partnerships with families, who are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s educational journey.</p> <p>At Parkside, we are committed to helping children discover their potential, preparing them not only for academic success but also for meaningful, fulfilling lives.</p>

Bay Ridge Prep

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">An Independent K-12 College Preparatory School. With a student-centered environment and fresh approach to education, the school provides an enriching academic experience in a socially mature environment.</span></p>