Public School vs. Private School

Elena poses with some great debaters

As she begins grade 9 and high school, my daughter, Elena, has been sampling a variety of extracurricular activities, including debate club.  At dinner on Monday, she described her first meeting (which sounded pretty social); and my son, Adam, a fifth grader, took her enthusiasm as his cue to be irksome and start bragging about how he was the better debater. But the mood was light, so with their respective permission, I decided to hold the first Messinger-Messinger public debate. The Proposition: Public School is Better than Private School. Adam argued for it; Elena, against.

Adam: Okay, so public school is free!

Me:  Anything else?

Adam: Hmm….it has a longer school year so you learn more.

Me (genuinely surprised): Not bad. Two good points.

In fairness to Elena, the situation was kind of stacked against her. If she wins, that’s expected, because she’s older and a very good student. Plus, Adam typically revels in being silly, so if he loses it’s par for the course.

Elena: Given that I go to public school, this is a bit a counter-intuitive. Hmmmm. Why is private school better? Ummm. Because you don’t have to worry about what to wear [because of the uniforms].

Me: Anything else?

Elena: Hmmm. I hear they have good lunches?

Me: That’s it?

Elena: For now (laughs).

Ok, so maybe this wasn’t the most vigorous or discerning debate that could have been had on this topic. But a good time was had by all, and to everyone’s amusement, I declared Adam the winner (the ideas of cost-less and learn-more trumping clothes and lunch). I suggested to Elena that her answers maybe had more to do with her own preoccupations than anything else—and that debate club might actually be very useful! Hopefully, she’ll enjoy it.

Eric Messinger is the editor of  New York Family. He can be reached at



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Kids Country Day Camp

<p dir="ltr">Kids Country Day Camp is a sports, adventure, and recreational day camp for children 5 - 12 years of age. They  are located on 10 beautiful acres in the heart of Suffolk County, Mount Sinai. The campus is comprised of  indoor and outdoor recreation areas, athletic fields, sports courts, playgrounds, and water activity areas. The  summer camp session runs for 8 weeks excluding the 4th of July holiday. Various combinations of weeks and  days provides complete scheduling flexibility. Activity hours are from 9:00am to 4:00pm with additional before and after care available for your convenience. Before care hours are from 7:00-8:30am and after care hours  are from 4:30-6:00pm. Rates include lunch, snacks, refreshments, arts & crafts and activity materials, sports equipment, and 2 camp shirts.</p>

YMCA of Greater New York

<ul> <li>WHY FUN RULES AT Y SUMMER CAMP:</li> <ul> <li>A place where every kid belongs</li> <li>Where friends & memories are made every day</li> <li>100+ years of awesomeness</li> <li>The Y’s caring, trained staff make for happy parents</li> </ul> </ul> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Early Bird & Sibling Discounts Available – Save Up to 10%!</li> <li>Camp Open Houses at Every Y Branch in NYC from 10AM – 12PM on 2/8, 3/8, 4/5, 4/26, and 5/10.</li> </ul>


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