Shopping: Best Diaper Pails

We love our little ones, but we definitely don’t love the pile of diapers they leave behind. Finding the perfect way to dispose of dirty diapers is must, or else you may not make it to your child’s potty training days. From self-sealing systems to powder-coated steel, you want the best of the best, so we’ve complied a list of seven of the most effective diaper pails!

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Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research

<h1><strong>Summer Science Camps for Tomorrow’s Medical Professionals</strong></h1> <p>We offer a variety of workshops on molecular medicine for high-achieving high school<br />and middle school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related<br />fields, such as biomedical research, drug development, pharmacy, bioengineering, or nursing.  Workshops are taught by PhD-level instructors with years of research and teaching experience. Camps are offered in summer and winter and there are online and in-person options available.  </p> <p>Through engaging lectures and hands-on laboratory classes, students learn normal molecular and cellular biology, and then learn how these normal processes are disrupted or distorted during the development of disease. There is a heavy emphasis on experimental design, modern drug development, and the emergence of the era of personalized medicine. To conclude the workshop, students use what they have learned to create an original research project. More broadly, workshop attendees strengthen their academic skills, build their college portfolio, and explore potential career options while making friends from around the world and experiencing college dorm life in a safe environment.</p> <p>Our university-based workshops are held at Columbia University, Imperial College London, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego, and both residential and commuter options are available.   University-based workshops include Molecular Neuroscience, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Astrobiology, AI-Enhanced Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology of Aging, Neurological Bioinformatics, Molecular Immunology, Bioinformatics of Aging, and Bioinformatics of Cancer.  Biomedical Research – a workshop focused on learning modern molecular biology laboratory techniques - is taught at our lab in the Bay Area, CA.</p> <p>Our online workshops include Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics.  Intro to Cellular and Molecular Medicine is our entry-level workshop that is only two hours/day.  Students in the Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics workshops learn how to use online tools to analyze biochemical data.</p>

Fastrackids Summer STEAM Adventure

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;" role="" data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">Children will explore the weeks’ topic interact with our SmartBoard Learning Station, engage in role play, do arts and crafts, conduct experiments, improve their math and literacy skills and have lots of free play time with their friends! Read more and apply. Academic programs available too!</span></p>

Challenge Camp

<p>Challenge Camp is an ACA accredited day camp focused on STEM and Arts enrichment for creative children ages 4-15 at Iona University in New Rochelle. The Challenge Camp advantage is that parents and campers customize a program based on the child’s interests, and students follow their courses for an entire session.</p> <p>Challenge offers over 140 STEM and Arts project based electives to engage and inspire campers. Courses range from 3D Printing, Art, Chess, Coding, Cooking, Debate, Drones, Dungeons & Dragons, Escape Room, E-Sports, Fashion, Filmmaking, Game Design, Jewelry Making, Lego, Magic, Makerspace, Minecraft, Photography, Podcasting, Robotics, Rocketry, Theater and more! The Discover, Imagine & Create program is for students entering Kindergarten in fall. Active sports options including Basketball, Dance, Fencing, Ninja Warrior, Pickleball, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee and an on-site Swim Program allow campers to challenge their minds and bodies. A Hot lunch and snack are included. Transportation and early drop-off/extended day options are available.</p> <p>The program is unique as there are multiple disciplinary options your child can experience throughout the day from STEM, Art, Theater, Music, Science, Technology, Sports and Swimming. To learn more about this innovative enrichment program visit: <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="">http://challengecamps.<wbr />com</a></p>