Mandell Cubs, a program for children ages 16 – 24 months, offers toddlers a gentle introduction to preschool. During the fall months, children explore the wonders of the classroom with their grownup close by, in this non-separation portion of the year. Then, in January, after the children are fully acclimated to school and have bonded with their teachers, Cubs becomes a gentle separation program. During separation, parents or caregivers will remain in the building.
Through use of art and playtime, music and movement, science and story-time, we build on a child’s natural sense of curiosity to enrich their emotional, physical and intellectual development. By providing a nurturing, well-rounded, experiential environment, children will develop independence and expand their social skills as they make new friends.
– Registration for the 2017-18 program is now open
– Ages: For children 16- 24 months
– Dates: October 3rd – June 7th
– Classes: MWF or T/TH
Please visit our website for more details!
775 Columbus/150 Amsterdam/160 Christopher
Tel. 212 222-2925