The Great Debate

girl-or-boyWhen you tell someone you are expecting, typically right after they say: “Congrats,” and within a nano-second they’re asking you if you know the gender of the baby. When you say “no” and that you want to be surprised on the big day, the reactions seem to be very passionate and very interesting.

For my husband and I, we decided that there are so few genuine surprises in life that when we have the opportunity to be completely in a surprise, as we will be in the delivery room, why not take it? Lots of responses have been: “No matter what day you find out it’s a surprise!” Or: “The only reason people were surprised back in the day is because they didn’t have a choice!” Or: “This is NYC, space is limited! You need only what you need, don’t you want to prepare?”

In general I would say we are in the minority of wanting to wait it out. Even at our ultra-sound, I swear the technician gave me a sideways glance when I told her no we weren’t finding out the gender. That same day at Destination Maternity a fellow prego-ego talked to me about how she felt that I was missing an opportunity for my husband and I to really bond with the baby before birth by not finding out if it was a little boy or girl.

The few people who were surprised or agree with waiting, are also very passionate about it and share the rational that I have. I heard from a mother and father of four who were surprised each time. They said that each of those four moments were some of the most life changing and amazing in their lives. That it is euphoric and blissful after the intensity of labor to find out at the end just who is joining your family. I have also heard from other mothers that they believe that it helped them through labor not knowing, that their curiously of finding out the sex made them only want to push harder! Being a wuss and quite nervous about the actual birth process myself, I found this another positive towards waiting! Hey, I’ll take any extra edge I can get on delivery day!

If I have come to any conclusion it is that just like many issues dealing with pregnancy and parenting there is no wrong way. Both finding out the gender during pregnancy and waiting until your little one’s birthday are great choices for the individual parents. No way it more magical or means you are going to be a more prepared parent. I think that whatever steps you need to take to become a mommy or a daddy are personal and perfect for each individual. In the meantime, I’m taking bets from friends on my own baby-to-be’s gender!

Lindsey Peer’s in the owner of the Craft Studio.

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The Park Slope Day Camp - Traditional Camp

<p dir="ltr">Since ‘92, Park Slope Day Camp has provided an environment and staff that empowers Brooklyn kids to be social, active, and engaged! Campers will make friends and have kick-butt-fun! Sign-up for an info session and learn about what makes Park Slope Day Camp so special. From camp activities to swimming and trips, PSDC delivers a one-of-a-kind experience. Flexible schedules, extended hours, and transportation from most Brooklyn neighborhoods. Options to mix and match with Take the Stage and Sports Academy available for most ages.</p> <p dir="ltr">For campers ages 3.5 - 14. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Register while discounts are at their highest. </strong></p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-c27e63bd-7fff-3517-e734-4313bbb65766"></span></p>

Launch Math+Science Camp

<h1>Launch Math + Science Centers</h1> <p>For more than 15 years, Launch Math + Science Centers have provided toddlers to tweens with inspiring math instruction and STEM-based camps and classes. Launch offers a true educational experience for students with small group sizes and big opportunities for learning. For Summer 2024, Launch Math + Science Centers offers exciting and educational one-week STEM summer camps for kids from kindergarten to 7th grade (5-12 years old). With a 4:1 camper-to-staff ratio, children at Launch’s exciting specialty summer programs explore the adventures of archaeology, discover the details of robotics, reveal the wonders of chemical reactions – and that’s just the beginning. Each week is jam-packed with hands-on STEM projects and fun camp activities.</p> <h2>The Camp Day</h2> <p>Each camp day kicks-off at 9:00 am and consists of designated educational segments that are designed to inspire.</p> <p>-STEM Projects (core lessons and builds tied to the theme of the week)</p> <p>-STEM Discoveries (challenge-based learning through problem-solving activities)</p> <p>-Active Adventures (a blend of tech and camp games in Central Park)</p> <p>-Math Mania! (engaging mathematics-based projects and activities)</p> <p>Standard dismissal is at 3:30 pm, with the option to extend to 5:00 pm.</p> <h2>Weekly Camp Themes</h2> <p><strong>Juniors (K+1st Grade)</strong></p> <p>I Wanna Be… A Marine Biologist!</p> <p>I Wanna Be… An Archaeologist!</p> <p>I Wanna Be… A Sports Doctor!</p> <p>I Wanna Be… A Techie!</p> <p><strong>Kids (2nd-4th Grade)</strong></p> <p>Coding + Animation</p> <p>Remarkable Robots + Marvelous Machines</p> <p>Potent Potions + Fizzing Formulas</p> <p>Rocket Science: Destination Mars</p> <p><strong>Tweens (5th-7th Grade)</strong></p> <p>Coding + Game Development</p> <p>Rockin' + Robotics</p> <p>Chaotic Chemical Reactions</p> <p>Architecture + Engineering</p> <h2>Register Early, Save Big!</h2> <p>Huge discounts for Early Bird enrollments. Register by March 31st and receive $200 off EVERY camp after the first.</p> <p>For well over a decade, Launch has delivered engaging STEM programs for children throughout New York City. Real-life rocket scientist, Scott Heifetz, founded Launch with one mission in mind: Inspire children to love and learn math and science!</p>

Buckley Day Camp

<p><span style="caret-color: #202020; color: #202020; font-family: 'Lucida Sans Unicode', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: #ffffff;">At Buckley Day Camp your children will experience a program designed to meet their individual needs.  Nursery through kindergarten have a traditional day camp program, while 1st – 7th graders have an elective based program.8th & 9th graders participate in a camp/travel program and 10th graders can join their CIT program. Swim instruction daily in 4 outdoor heated pools. Door to door transportation provided on air conditioned mini buses. Lunch & snacks provided daily.</span></p>