“The Perfect Monster” is invading the stage at TADA Youth Theater, Jan. 19 to Feb. 19.
TADA! Youth Theater presents “The Perfect Monster,” the tale of Sybil, a young science nerd who compares herself to so-called “perfect” people. A perfect friend is what she needs, or so she thinks. To solve this issue, Sybil sets out on a mission to create the perfect friend in the basement of her castle. With a few bumps along the way, Sybil is left with a room full of marvelous, yet mischievous monsters.
This original production is a book by Janine Nina Trevens with music and lyrics by Deirdre Broderick.
“The Perfect Monster,” Jan. 19 to Feb. 19; Fri, 7 pm, Sat. and Sun. 2 pm; tickets are $15 and $25; reservations not required.
TADA! Youth Theater [15 W. 28th St., in Midtown; www.tadat