Scoop: Time for Some Mom Self-Care

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Time for Some Mom Self-Care

I need to relax. When I ‘say’ relax, it’s not going off to a spa vacation or even getting my nails done. Although this would be lovely. By relaxing, I mean, I need to calm down. And hey, this is no pity party. I, like other parents, are stressed out. More than ever, we have many balls up in the air, and while skating by has been exceptional and even necessary these last few months, I like for my kids to have a good impression of their mother. Many of us either thought or hoped that the COVID-19 pandemic would last only a few months. And while most of us have become teachers, special needs therapists, school nurses, and all-around cheerleaders for our restless kids, we have also become burnt out. While I believe that kids can handle seeing a parent not always seemingly together, there comes a time, and now, at least for myself, is the time to snap out of this frazzled mood. Yes, life is in a state of limbo historically like never before, but it also is this way for our kids, so let’s learn to live this ‘new normal’ and enjoy it step by step.

Here are a few of the steps I am taking:

I am working out

While I have always had very legitimate reasons to not find the time, remote works outs that can now be found 24/7 and are the new way to self-care. And while I wake up some mornings cursing the computer screen, I work my way through it and feel a nice boost of energy that carries me through the day.

Eating Healthier

Now that I have gotten the binge quarantine eating out if the way, I am eating better. I am taking the time to make restaurant-worthy salads and dishes that are delicious as well as hearty. I will miss those cheese fries, but I feel and look better.

Stress Management

The piece de resistance? I am taking CBD. And since these changes are not temporary but a life plan, I am using a Lab tested and trusted CBD Product, 500mg Full Spectrum Melon Tincture by HUDSON VALLEY CBD. Hudson Valley CBD Tinctures consist of “raw” whole-plant extract, which means this Colorado-grown Industrial hemp extract is of high quality. I take one mil a day, and it takes the edge off. And oh what an edge it has been. I feel like myself again, minus a load of stress.

And yes, there are still many challenges these days, yet I feel like I am on the road to handling it better, and dare I say maybe even achieving balance in every aspect of my life. I’m kidding. I’m not! But most days, I’m pretty darn close – something I could not share just two months ago.

Psst..check out our The Ultimate NYC Summer Bucket List for 2020 !

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