-Join us at the New York Baby Show! The family-friendly event for new and expectant parents with infants and toddlers from the Tri-State area and beyond will take place on the weekend of May 18-19, 2013.
-In honor of the New York Baby Show, you can enter our Ultimate Nursery Giveaway, compliments of Bellini, a brand new Stella collection designed by Newport Cottages.
All parents dread the days when their kids come home from school burning up and feeling miserable. When this happens, we usually have to settle in for a long and uncomfortable night at their bedside. But first, we have to take their temperature to know exactly how high their core body temp has soared.
Though we don’t blame them, their squirming and complaining can make it difficult to gauge their temperature with a traditional thermometer. But new technology is on our side: The Vera Temp Non-Contact Thermometer makes temperature taking faster and less invasive. This useful tool allows parents to get a read on their child’s body temperature without ever touching the skin.
With three different light patterns that indicate the intensity of your kid’s temperature, the Vera Temp gives an accurate and efficient read. Even more impressive is the thermometer’s ability to evaluate surface and room temperatures, ensuring that your family is comfortable at home. What’s more, the next time you go to make a bath for your little ones, simply check the water’s temperature to see if it’s between 90 and 100 degrees F–the suggested heat level for young children.
So the next time your son or daughter is feeling feverish, the multi-purpose Vera Temp can help make things a little bit easier on you both.
$49.99, amazon.com