On Monday and Tuesday this week, the sunset will align perfectly with the Manhattan grid for the second time this year, creating a wonderful view and illuminating both the north and south sides of the streets during “Manhattanhenge.” It’s a beautiful sight to enjoy with the kids–and a great way introduce them to the wonders of our solar system.
The main event will happen on Monday, July 11 at 8:20pm, when the entire sun will be visible, framed by the city’s streets. However, on Tuesday you’ll still be able to get a pretty good view as the the top half of the sun will be visible (with the bottom half below the horizon). Either night makes for a great photograph, but you might want to arrive to your chosen location 30 minutes early to secure a good vantage point.
You can see it on any straight, east-to-west street, but the bigger the street, the better the view. Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson, who coined the solar event’s name, recommends 14th, 23rd , 34th, 42nd and 72nd Streets. Additionally, the high-rise skyscrapers on the East Side will offer a wonderful view from above. So if you ever wanted to head to the top of the Empire State Building or Chrysler Building, now is the time, especially because they are on two of the aforementioned streets! The further east you are on the island, the better you’ll be able to see the effect.
According to Tyson, Manhattan is one of the few places in the world where the phenomenon is so striking, due to the streets’ almost east-west alignment, the wide avenues with large buildings that create a canyon-like visage, and the open horizon to the west over the Hudson River.
Get out and take in this spectacular summer phenomenon!